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"Daddy Ucky!" Tony screeched, toddling around and looking for Bucky. "Daddy Ucky!"

"Yes, Baby Doll?" Bucky stepped out of the kitchen.

"Daddy Ucky!" Tony ran to him, thrusting his arms up in the air to be held. He snuggled into the super-soldier as soon as he was picked up. "Needed you."

"You needed me?" Bucky sounded amused, taking Tony back into the kitchen with him. They were on day three of their little vacation.

"Yes, Daddy Ucky." Tony nodded solemnly. "Needed Daddy Ucky cuddles."

"I will gladly give you cuddles, Baby doll." Bucky sounded amused, kissing Tony's curls. "Weren't you laying down with Da?"

"Da is seepin', Daddy." Tony covered Bucky's mouth with a small hand.

"There's the little monster." Sam leaned in the doorway, looking fondly at the toddler. "He left a nice surprise on Clint's face."

"Oh really?" Bucky turned his head and gave Tony a Look. "Do you need a time out?"

"No?" Tony squirmed, not looking the super-soldier in the eye."

"He drew a penis. On Clint's forehead in sharpie." Sam supplied helpfully. "It even has hair."

"Jesus, Tony..." Bucky sat down, laid Tony over his lap and tugged the toddler's pants down. He laid down five swift smacks on the boy's bottom on the right side and another five on the left before fixing Tony's shorts. He sat Tony on his lap and gave him a disappointed look. "That was very naughty. You'll apologize to Da Clint when he gets up. Understand?"

"Y-yes!" Tony wailed, tears dripping down his cheeks. He reached towards Steve who had just come in from breaking firewood for them.

"What did you do, Tony?" Steve stood next to Bucky, looking at the small boy.

"Drew a very anatomically correct penis on Clint's forehead in sharpie." Sam answered.

"Tony, that was not nice." Steve frowned but took the toddler anyways, rocking him back and forth. "It's quiet time, honey."

"Nooooo." Tony whined, eyes already drooping as Steve rocked him. He fought against sleep for a long while until he finally passed out, face buried in Steve's ample pec.

"Here, I'll go tuck him in." Sam carefully accepted Tony into his arms and brought him upstairs to Clint's room where he had chosen to nap today. Sam laid the toddler down and then slipped his shoes and belt off, laying down on the bed also.

~Back in the kitchen~

Bucky resumed making himself a sandwich, bumping Steve with his shoulder playfully. The blond snorted, stealing one of Bucky's slices of turkey and eating it.

"Rude." Bucky pouted, shoving Steve. "Punk."

"Jerk!" Steve started making his own sandwich, slathering on Hellman's Mayo and not Miracle Whip. He added lettuce and tomatoes and turkey, grinning in happiness at the finished product.

"Eat your food." Bucky snorted, sitting down with a bag of chips and a plate with his sandwiches on it.

Steve sat across from him, putting doritos on the sandwich after a moment of thought. "I am."

"God, Steve. You heathen." Bucky teased, pointing at the doritos. "What's with that?"

"It's good." Steve defended, eating his sandwich slowly and made an obscene noise of pleasure while doing so.

"You stop that right now." Kayla's voice came from the hallway. The two men looked at each other in confusion before peeking in the hallway to see her scolding Bruce.

"I'm not doing anything." Bruce had been disparaging himself and saying he was dangerous and a monster.

"Yes, you were. You were saying things that were absolutely untrue." Kayla scolded, wrapping her arms tightly around Bruce. "You are not a monster nor are you dangerous. You are just Bruce. A sweet man who deserves the world."

Bucky and Steve stopped watching and resumed eating, letting the two have their private moment.

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