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(A few days later)

"Stevie~" Kayla cooed as soon as the blond stepped off the elevator on the common floor. "Steve and Bucky, my loves."

"Why do you sound like we should be scared for our lives?" Steve said suspiciously, looking at Kayla who just smiled innocently at the two men.

"She has that look on her face that says you probably won't like the news." Bucky made his way past Steve to hug Kayla but was stopped by a small voice screeching the word no and a dull impact on his shin. "The hell?"

"Tony, I told you to wait with Bruce." Kayla scooped up a tiny toddler, cuddling him close as the boy glared at Bucky. "Be nice to Daddy Bucky. And say hello to Daddy Steve too."

"Mine!" Tiny Tony scowled, hugging Kayla's neck as best he could. "No Daddies!"

"Yes, Daddies. You have so many Daddies that it's not even funny." Kayla snorted, gesturing for Steve and Bucky to follow them to the living room and giving Tony back to Bruce. "He needs a change and it's your turn."

"We'll be back." Bruce laughed slightly, looking relaxed as he took Tony to the nursery they had set up.

"So... Explain. When did we all get a kid?" Bucky blinked as Steve sat down in the chair nearest Kayla.

"Remember that laser Tony found that he couldn't figure out what it did?" Kayla grinned slightly. "Well... He shot himself with it and this is what it does."

"He shot himself with it?!" Steve shouted, looking like he'd have a heart attack. "What did he go and do a dumb thing like that for?!"

"To quote Sir "For Science, Old Friend"." JARVIS broke into the conversation.

"For science." Steve growled, looking extremely angry.

"Shh... They'll be coming back soon and I won't have you scare him." Kayla scolded, moving and sitting in Steve's lap. "You need to be a good daddy."

"How did we end up as Daddy?" Bucky sat on the arm of the chair, stroking her hair gently.

"Well... Bruce is Papa, you two are Daddy and he's yet to meet anyone else except Aunt Pepper." The young woman smirked. "I alone am Mama or Mommy depending on the day."

"Still didn't answer the question." Steve noted, cuddling her close. The entire team and she were really close and comfortable with each other.

"Tony actually started it. He called Bruce Papa and he called me Mama and well, it made sense for you guys to be Daddy." Kayla blushed slightly, hiding her face in Steve's neck. "Missed you both."

"We missed you too, right Stevie?" Bucky was glad to be home with the ones he considered family.

"Yeah, we did." Steve was also happy to be home. "It's good to be home. Where's everyone else?"

"Missions and Sam's visiting his mother. Rhodey's in DC." The brunette woman was buried against Steve, soaking up his radiant body heat. "They'll be home next week.

"So then they'll meet Tiny Tony?" Bucky questioned, sliding down and leaning against Steve and Kayla's legs. His hair was immediately attacked by Kayla's slim fingers weaving into it, tugging lightly and scratching his scalp. He groaned happily, tilting his head back and practically purring at the pleasure from his hair being played with.

"Ma, No!" Tony screamed, toddling in ahead of Bruce and looking adorably pouty.

"Mama, Yes. You have to share Mama's attention, Baby." Kayla spoke calmly, continuing to play with Bucky's hair. "Why don't you sit in Daddy Bucky's lap and say hello?"

"Hi." Tony plopped on Bucky's lap and glared at Bruce, sulking because Bruce had put his pants back on him rather than letting him run around without them.

"How's it going, Baby Doll?" Bucky smiled at the toddler, holding him with his flesh arm and feeling how the small boy cuddled back into him.

"No Pans, Daddy?" Tony smiled sweetly up at Bucky, seeing if this Daddy would let him lose his pants.

"What did Papa say?" Steve interrupted before Bucky could answer.

"Pans off!" Tony wriggled his pants off and ran away in his diaper and a shirt, giggling madly.

"He is so odd." Kayla murmured while Bucky and Bruce chased after Tony.

"Have you been disciplining him?" Steve questioned.

"I have swatted his hands when he hit Bruce and put him in the corner for being naughty." The brunette huffed. "He's still young and learning. He's testing the boundaries is all."

"If we let him get away with things like this, he'll not understand why he can't get away with other things." Steve explained his logic.

"I know. I know. It's just hard to hear him cry." Kayla sighed, leaning more into Steve and letting him hold her up. "But you guys are here now too and we'll give him a better childhood than he had with Howard."

"Damn right." Bucky swore, carrying Tony in his arms and put the small boy in the corner. "You stay there until Papa Bruce says you can come out."

"No, Daddy! Ou'!" Tony reached up for Bucky. "Pease! Ou', Daddy!"

"I'm sorry, Baby Doll. But you were naughty." Bucky sat back by Kayla and Steve, leaning his head back for more petting. The adults talked quietly for two and a half minutes and by the end of it, Tony was sobbing quietly in the corner.

"Tony, you can come out now." Bruce called and Tony crawled across the floor, using Bucky as a stepping stool into Kayla's lap from where she was perched in Steve's lap.

"Ma." Tony said pitifully, teary brown eyes looking at sympathetic hazel ones and the woman cuddled him before nudging Bucky to get up. She stood and took Tony off to the nursery to calm down, doing their little bonding thing.

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