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(Shout out to: brobi0088 for the idea for this chapter!)~July 8th, about a month and a half since he was de-aged~

A week and a half was how long Tony had been ignoring his Mama. He still refused to have anything to do with her no matter what anyone did.

"And my ginger will be over with her son today." Kayla smiled, telling Steve of her plans for the day. "Bruce and Clint will be here with us and Tony so that's covered."

"I still find it amusing that you call her your ginger." Bucky laughed, ruffling the omega's hair. "Stevie and I will be training (read terrifying) new SHIELD recruits."

"That sounds like fun." Kayla snorted. "Try not to make them pee themselves."

"I won't let him." Steve kissed the omega quickly and ruffled Tony's hair before leaving with Bucky following.

"Alright, guys." Kayla rose to her feet, clapping her hands. "This dump better shine like the top of the Chrysler Building!" Kayla so loved her movie references.

"I'll get Tony dressed." Bruce chuckled, carrying the tiny tot off to the nursery.

"Ready?" Clint smirked, JARVIS starting a countdown and they started cleaning up all the tiny messes that came from having children.

By the time Lizzy arrived, everything had been cleaned up and the playroom prepped for Tony as Lizzy's son was too little to play with most of Tony's toys.

"Lizzy!" Kayla grinned, hugging her best friend who was pretty much a sister. "I missed you! Lemme see the baby!"

"I missed you too. Jack, meet your best Aunt ever. This is Aunty Kayda." Lizzy uncovered the drooling barely one year old, chuckling at her best friend's excitement. "I hear I'm getting another nephew."

"Yep. You are." Kayla smiled sweetly, touching her stomach absentmindedly as she had recently been prone to doing.

"And where's Peter? And my newest nephew?" Lizzy peered around and then yelped as a suction cup arrow stuck to her forehead. "Goddammit, Clint!"

"Clinton!" Kayla scolded, fake glaring at the archer who smirked before sitting next to her.

"Bruce and Tony are doing a puzzle in the playroom. Tony didn't wanna come out." Clint explained, looking at the ginger baby.

"Ah... So he's still sulking?" Lizzy questioned, shifting Jack in her lap.

"Yep. Been almost two weeks." Clint answered for the now sad brunette omega next to him. "He's being a little asshole."

"Clint..." Kayla mumbled, scolding him half heartedly.

"What? He is..." Clint pouted, hugging the omega. "Kid sure can hold a grudge. Worse than Bucky when someone takes his plums."

"This sounds dire..." Lizzy stroked her chin like she had a beard, humming in her throat. "Here. Hold Jack. He's too little to hold grudges." She put her skinny baby in Kayla's lap.

"He's just like you were when you were little." Kayla snorted, holding the baby carefully and breathing in the sweet, milky scent of the pup. "All knees and elbows."

"Yeah and look at me now." Lizzy snorted, poking her belly. "Pudgy."

"You needed the weight." Kayla then startled as the baby let out a cry. "Ah. What do I do?"

"He's just telling you he's awake is all." Lizzy reassured, catching sight of a little brown head of curls peeking in. A huge frown marred the child's cherubic face, tiny arms crossing across his chest as he marched in.

"NO! MAMA MINE!" Tony screeched, running the last few feet and throwing himself at his Mama's legs. He attempted to climb up, sliding down on the soft fabric of Mama's skirt. He laid face down on the floor and sobbed, screaming that Kayla was HIS mama.

"Liz, here." Kayla handed over Jack and scooped Tony off the floor. "Oh, Baby. Shh. Mama has you." She walked off with her screaming child to the nursery.

"You did that on purpose... Had her hold the baby and knew Tony would come see." Clint looked at the amused ginger.

"Yep. Nothing like good old fashion jealousy in a state where there's physically someone else to compete with." Lizzy settled Jack back down. "Worked too."

"Yeah... Thank you." Clint yanked the suction cup off Lizzy's head and started laughing hysterically.

"I have a forehead hickey, don't I?" Lizzy pouted.

"Yep." Clint popped the P. "Not even sorry."

"Dick." Lizzy stuck her tongue out as Kayla and Tony returned. Bruce followed behind them, looking pleased with the turn of events.

"Tony is feeling a bit shy right now." Kayla seated herself with Tony on her lap, the little boy clinging tightly. "He'll probably say hello later."

Tony rubbed his face into Mama's chest, taking in the soothing chocolatey scent that she radiated. He couldn't even remember why it had upset him so much to find out about the baby in her belly, she was all his for the next couple months still.

"Tony, baby? You ready for lunch?" Kayla's gentle voice startled the sleeping toddler, several hours of the adults talking had passed.

"Pease." Tony nodded, looking up at her with sleepy eyes. He stayed in her lap and let her feed him, content. His mama was radiating the happy omega scent that made everyone slightly giddy and euphoric.

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