Background Blurb

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Here's a background blurb for how my A-B-O universe works.

Alphas: Protectors, warriors, fighters, business folks, leaders. They are fierce and strong especially if bonded. Alphas have a knot which ensures their seed takes in their mate. They tend to be overprotective of their mate or pack. They usually hold the leadership positions in society and take care of important things. An alpha can go feral if certain conditions occur such as loss of mate (death or intentional bond break), mate is threatened, certain chemicals/medications. A feral alpha relies completely on instincts and cannot be reasoned with but CAN be calmed by their mate. They usually will choose an omega over a beta as a mate, there are exceptions to this sometimes. They produce pheromones that can soothe omegas. An enraged alpha is different from a feral one but is still very dangerous. The anger pheromones can cause a riot if other alphas are in an enclosed space with the enraged one.

Betas: They are the closest to normal people. They make up a third of the population and have pheromones that can calm both alphas and omegas. They tend to gravitate towards positions of leadership at times but more often are teachers, doctors, counselors and chefs. They gravitate towards jobs in which they can assist people or work as a team unite like in sports or the military. They lack knots and no beta can take an alpha knot. It will kill them or severely injure them.

Omega: Mothers of society. They are the homemakers, keepers of the hearth, tenders of children and elderly. They tend to be homebodies (some exceptions). They are made to be bred and go into heat when it is optimal fertilization time in their cycles. Mated omegas cycle syncs up with their alpha's rut cycle. If they do work, they tend to be teachers of younger students, daycare workers, nurses, doctors and social workers. Omegas tend to nest when their heat approaches or when they are pregnant. Omegas may get vicious to potential rivals and tend to stick close to their alphas when unmated omegas are around in an effort to warn them off. Some Omegas can manipulate their scents to draw out desirable reactions from alphas.

Unpresented/pups: They are the children from birth to 17 when most people show signs of their secondary gender. Pups/unpresented tend to gravitate towards omegas, especially pregnant ones.

Bonds: An omega bonds fully (mateship bond) to their alpha(s) by being bitten near their scent glands. They can form bonds to betas but not fully mate to them.

Packs: Packs can occur in an especially close knit group such as people who both live and work close together. Soldiers may form temporary packs in an effort to keep structure. A pack can have multiple alphas bonded to the same omega. The omega is the glue that ensures everything flows smoothly. Betas tend to assist the omega and alphas in any task required of them. New pack members must be approved by the omega, especially if someone wants to bring in another omega.

IronBabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora