That day.

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Days after days of driving and talking. They reached New York. Just entering the state was a hassle, much less getting to the city. Arin and Ross decided to book a hotel. One night before the concert.

The second that the two friends arrived into the room, Ross ran and jumped on one of the beds. "Aw, this is so comfy." He sighed into the pillows. "Get your ass over here, and get your bags." Arin groaned and sat down on the other bed, it felt amazing to sit down on a soft surface instead of a stiff and leather seat. "Dude, what if this was just a thing to get him more recognition? I mean what if he didn't care?" Arin vented a tiny bit. "Bro he wrote see you there. You told me he winked at you. He used a pickup line." Ross emphasized the last part while throwing his clothes on his bed. "Dude! We can't mess this room up, we haven't even been in it for ten Fucking Minutes."

Later that night they decided to go and bring McDonald's back to the hotel, they for some reason allowed that. While eating, he ended up drawing a bit while Ross was talking to Holly. Arin got a text from his good friend Suzy.

He and Suzy talked a bit and turns out she knew of that band. Suzy was like his sister. He loved her, just not in that way. Arin didn't sleep that night at all, he just stared up at the ceiling for hours on end. Re-read the card over and over.

Soon Arin grew tired and lay back onto the bed. The last thing he saw was the card that would start it all.

Arin was the first to wake up, surprisingly. He had been cautious to not wake-up Ross.

The day dragged on at a snail-like pace. Arin and Ross did almost the same thing they did every day. Until it was time. The concert doors were opened at 4:30. By 3:30 both Arin and Ross were changed into better clothes than what they were before. The two men left the hotel, not checking out, and drove toward the building that held the future.

Being a Friday night in Newyork City, the traffic was a living hell, Curse words sprouted from each car on the highway. Arin tried to stay on his phone, so his voice would not get worn out. As Ross finally found a parking place, he tapped Arin on the shoulder and motioned to the building, not saying a word. Both men were slightly terrified, for reasons neither could conjure up. Arin handed the two tickets to the woman at the ticket booth, she nodded and wished them a good time and handed them their admission proof. Both of our main characters shuffled and squeezed through the crowd of people, "For a band to have this be their first concert, this place is packed!" Ross exclaimed, and Arin silently agreed. Once having found their seats, close to the stage, they settled down and waited. The two men joked and talked about, like many others around them. Suddenly it felt just like that party, only days ago. But instead of Dan being the face in the crowd, he controlled the crowd. Tons of young adults eager for a show they would never forget. The ball of this story. Arin felt slightly overwhelmed, yet he did not let that get to him.

Lights dimmed. Stage lights on. Silence over the crowd. Dramatic smoke filled the stage. Music starts, when a voice from offstage, sounding like it was right in front, started.

"Running really fast. Jumping super high."

The crowd roars and so does Arin. Seeing Dan move across the stage with such... Elegance... So beautifully, stunned Hanson, something welled up inside of him, "FUCK, SHIT, BITCH, DAMN, FUCK-" Arin erupted with curse words as the near top of his lungs. Ross seemed to be the only one to notice and was taken aback. "Mate, calm down!" Ross yelled in his ear. Panting, Arin went mute. He was mostly silent for the rest of the concert. Cheering every once in a while, as expected. After what seemed like a decade: The singing, cheers, the lights, and the laughing, slowly halted. As Ninja Sex Party exited the stage, Arin's prince disappeared with it all. As he stood up, he fumbled and almost fell, feeling light-headed he muttered to Ross "I need to go throw up." O'Donovan led his friend to the bathroom, which was packed with others. Having to wait in line for an hour felt like a century. Being the last two in line, when their turn came, Arin rushed to a stall. "Why are you puking!" Ross yelled at Arin, who couldn't reply.

As Arin regurgitated everything from that day, Ross' phone rang. "Barry. Now is not the time. Arin is puking his guts out after this concert." Ross complained. "Shit. Really? Wow. We should be back soon. Maybe. I have a feeling we got a long way to go." Ross explained. Arin stood up and washed his face and hands, "We're good."

A lady escorted the two out of the building. On the way back to the car, Arin heard a voice. "Arin Hanson?"

As Danny Avidan sat on the bus, waiting for Brian Wetch, he thought about the crowd, trying to remember that face. There it was. He peered out the window, seeing them. Seeing him. He smiled.

"Yes?" Arin around to see a middle-aged man. "Who are you?" "That's not important, I was told to give you this card." He jabbed the card at Arin. Once Arin grabbed it, the mystery man started walking away. Arin was shocked, not able to speak. The man turned a corner. Arin looked at the card, it was a birthday card. A weird one too, 'A sexy french fry wishes you a happy birthday' once he turned it over it read,

'Hey, boyfriend material. I think you know who it is, the second concert is back in L.A. Sorry I couldn't catch you. Here are the tickets for the thing. See you there =D' was written in no other than Leigh Daniel Avidan's handwriting.

As Arin and Ross got into the car, Arin showed Ross the card. "Think we can go?" He asked, feeling like a child asking his father to go to an amusement park. "Yeah, I don't see why not. We have nothing else to do."

With that said, they took off.

I have never been to a concert, so this is what I brought up. (I had to republish this chapter, a glitch happened, I think, sorry!)

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