Back to the house

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"What the actual fuck happened? How did you get my address? How did you get in?" Arin spouted question after question at Brian as they drove to his neighborhood. "Jesus. You're grumpy." Brian retorted.

"Why are you taking me to you guys' house?" Arin jeered.
"You're helping us."

Brian didn't say anything for the short remainder of the drive. When they reached the house, he led Arin to Dan's room. The door was shut tight. "Hey, Dan. I'm back and coming in. Please have pants on." Brian called through the door. After a short silence, Dan's voice called back, "Ok." Brian cracked the door open and gestured for Arin to go in.

When Arin walked in the door, he found Dan starfished on his bed looking at the ceiling. "What the fuck is going on?" Hanson questioned. This caused Dan to jerk from lying on his back to look at Arin. "Arin!"

His eyes seemed to be glazed over, yet red. "Are you high?" He ran over and sat on Dan's bed, who then sat up next to him. He hesitated, "No." Followed by a nod of yes. 
"Why not, it's just a small thing. Not like I'm getting addicted." Dan retorted.
"Because it's not that easy to not get addicted. I have never smoked a day in my life, but I have known people who have. I just met you, but I can tell that you're better than this. Also its kind of illegal." Arin lectured Dan.

"You dont know what you're talking about. I just don't understand why you're even here. I'm fine. I've only smoked, maybe once or," he fell silent for a second, "Maybe four times now. After you seemed to disappear off the face of the earth, Brian was with his fiancee, I had only had a few people to hang out with. I got bored. And my friend and I hung out. I tried some. And I liked it! I can stop at any time!"

"I just don't want you spiraling down. You just started your career, you should not end it so soon." Arin sighed. "Okay. Okay. Calm down. Can you come back later? I'm tired," Dan yawned "I didn't sleep last night."

Arin sighed, patted Dans back as he lay back once again, and left. He was planning on just going to the park until Danny texted him back.

Seeing happy pairs around him, he smiled a bit as he sat on a nearby bench. It was then when Arin hadn't realized how complex the world was around him. Every flower and every blade of grass. With it being midday, many people were around. Children playing in the far playground, Teenagers, couples, the occasional rollerblader walking around the center of the park.

  Families big and small having picnics in the distance. It was a nice day yet lately, Arin didn't really go outside. He hadn't noticed how beautiful the world was. He was busy with work and trying to do some art and animation. Before that, he went across the country and back. His train of thought disappeared when he noticed a little girl with her mother skipping from person to person. Soon the brunette child came up to Arin.

"Hello, here's a flower! You should enjoy the day." She beamed as she held out a few fake orange poppies. Her mother started to speak, "She is giving everyone in the park some flowers, She wants to make people smile." Arin nodded and took the flowers, "You enjoy the day too!" He answered the girl as she skipped away with her mother when Arin noticed the little girl looked like someone he'd seen before, but not.

  Temporally forgetting the world around him, yet absorbed in it, rotating the bunch of poppies in his hand. Seeing so many happy people, he was happy as well. Forgetting responsibilities and worry.

He sat there for a good thirty minutes until a ding came from his phone.

Before no time Arin was back at Danny's house. After Arin knocked on the door, Dan had answered and noticed the Bundle of flowers tied with a hair-band.  He seemed to not be high anymore. Must've slept it off.

"Whats with the flowers?" Dan asked, most of his hair askew to the left, more than likely he slept on the right side of his head. "Oh, Ehm, A little girl was walking around the park giving people flowers. I got fake orange poppies." Arin explained as he was led inside the house.

"Uh, you want the flowers? I don't have anywhere to put them, even if they are fake." Arin shuffled his feet. "Sure, they'll go in my room," Dan answered and took the flowers.  "Dude, I passed out once you left. And I'm still tired.

The two sat on the couch, staring at each other. The silence was broken by Brian walking downstairs and stating, "Hey, I'm going out with Rachel. Don't fuck the house up, don't fuck with the neighbors, or each other." As he walked out the door. Once Sure he left, Danny spoke up, "Wanna fuck shit up?"

My search history is beyond fucked for this story. And this one chapter made it worse because I googled a lot of shit to do with weed and highs. Damn. This is a slightly shorter chapter, but I needed to add these details for later. :)

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