The final concert, but not the end.

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After catching up with Jon on the way to the venue. When they arrived. Arin stepped out of the car, but no one else did. "Ross, I thought you were coming in?" Jon got out just to move to the front seat.

"I was actually thinking you can go in alone, Jon and I are going to do something, we will be back to pick you up, though" Ross explained, Arin was a bit upset at this comment. "Well, what do I do with the extra ticket? You could've said beforehand."

"You can do this, mate." Ross explained, "I think that you'll do just fine." Without further explanation, Ross drove off, leaving Hanson alone in front of the venue. Even more people than at the New York show shuffled around as an older man took tickets and let the people in. "Here we go."

After the exchange of tickets and the struggle to get to the seating area, Arin plopped into the seat. The concert didn't officially start for another twenty minutes so he browsed the news on his phone. Nothing exciting.

As the lights Dimmed, a middle-aged man in a formal suit walked out on stage and explained rules and the exits. After he left, the start seemed similar to the last one.

This time Arin was super pumped the whole time, cheering and clapping, smiling and laughing until it physically hurt. Not a single thought of doubt crossed his mind.

During the intermission, Arin walked around in the foyer, bought a water bottle, chugged that down since it wasn't allowed in the Concert Hall. The same man in the suit, who Arin assumed was the owner or a worker of the building, walked onto the stage. The hall went almost silent. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Hello, I have been asked that ticket 195 go over to the ticket booth after the concert. We here at the building wish to speak to you." He announced and walked off. People around Arin started checking tickets, Arin held 195. Panic set in. He tried to shake it off and enjoy the music.

Dan and Ninja Brian walked back out and finished up the show. Arin had texted Ross to wait a bit more to come to pick him up, not explaining why. Ross agreed.

After people started leaving, Arin sat on the steps of the entrance near the ticket booth, waiting. After 10-20 minutes the suit guy walked towards Arin. "Ticket?" He asked and Arin dug it out of his wallet. The man nodded and stated his name was Liam. He and Arin shook hands. "Mr.Hanson. I had strings pulled to get you in particular. I am not sure why I was to get you here," Liam started. "Uh, am I getting mugged?" Arin asked quickly tensing up.

"No, sir. I was asked by Mr.Avidan to get you here, he should get to us soon, I am merely an escort." Liam explained and showed his work ID, "Oh. But how did you get my name? Dan gave me the ticket." Arin inquired. "He must have put it in your name, sir." Arin nodded and fell silent. After a long silence. Two people emerged from around a corner, Arin could not make out who it was, with it being an hour to midnight.

"Mr.Wecht, Mr. Avidan." Liam greeted as the two figures approached. There they were, The man who had given Ross and Arin the card in New York, and Danny, already changed from his colorful stage costume.

Arin froze. The entire week and a half flashed before his eyes. The party, both concerts, and the faces. Danny stood in front of Arin. "Haven't seen you in a minute." He smiled.

Arin had no idea how to react to a simple comment, "Fuck! I'm Arin." He yelled out. Liam and Brian stifled a laugh, while Dan chuckled. "I know, dude," Dan moved further with his speech, "I'm so sorry that you had to go to New York and back. I realize that it probably sucked. A lot. But here I am now."

"Trust me, he put the entire team through hell trying to get you here. He even broke a rule or two." Brian turned to Arin and Dan, as Liam walked off. "When do you have to leave? I kinda want to chat." Dan explained and motioned for Arin to follow him behind the venue. "Uh, My buddy Ross is coming to get me sometime. I told him to wait a bit Since I was asked to meet that Liam guy. I don't own my own car." Arin explained as they walked to what seemed to be their travel bus. Dan, Arin, and Brian all walked onto the bus. "I have to go do stuff." Brian excused himself and left Dan and Arin in the main area.

Dan walked to a booth like-thing and sat down. Arin followed. As Arin sat down, Dan looked at him, "Dont think I forgot, Boyfriend material." "You ever get that band-aid?" Arin joked.

The two went on and on, about classic games, music, and much more. Arin's phone chimed, yet he didn't even notice. He was so entranced in the conversation, watching every move he made, every syllable he spoke. Listened to each word and sound. Smiling and replying, the two so sunken into the dimension they made of their words, they hardly noticed a single thing around them. Then Arin sneezed.

"Woah. Bless you. That was violent." Danny laughed and looked around. Arin directed his attention to his seizure-having phone. Ross and Jon were sending messages at the speed of light, alerting him that they were waiting. "Dang, dude, my friend is here. I gotta go." Arin informed Danny as he slid out of the booth and stood up. "Damn. It was great talking to you. Here." Dan stood, scribbled down a phone number and handed it to Arin, who stared at the paper for a good thirty seconds before grabbing it and shoving it in his pocket.

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