2- Totto Land

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Warning kinda weird and maybe a bit sexual? idk I'm bad at writing Lemons or smut

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Warning kinda weird and maybe a bit sexual? idk I'm bad at writing Lemons or smut. Btw that's basically what your house looks like but more, CANDY, like.

All you had done was really sleep. Even just the scent of the sea weakened you severely. So the only way around it was sleep. Enjoying the dreams that played out through your mind as you laid in a puddle of drool that causing your hair to stick to your face. Cracker watched you as you absentmindedly called out the names of all sorts of sweets. His eyebrows furrowing and sighing in amusement.

"Cute~" He mumbled, soon letting his gloved hand graze over the curled horns on your head.

You flinched away from his touch and your face scrunched, they were more sensitive than a horrible fresh wound. His hand jerked back at your sudden movement. He sat still for a moment as you soon relaxed again, his curiosity boiling over, he removed this glove and began to stroke your horns. Your face growing red and your breathing growing unsteady. He smirked and reached for the base of your horns causing you to gasp and flinch. Your body growing more sensitive by the second.

"Cracker!" Daifuku roared as he walked in, his usual sneer growing worse.

Cracker flinched away from you as his older brother stomped over, hopefully not seeing Cracker mess with you while you slept. The purple hair male glared at the blonde and much taller male.

"What the hell do you want Daifuku-Nii-san" He pouted, annoyed that his fun was taken away rudely.

"We're home. Now take this woman and ditch her somewhere in town. she's lucky we're saving her." Daifuku ordered then left the room, leaving you and Cracker alone.

After the blonde left Cracker was lone since interested in your oddly sensitive horns. Picking you up like a bride, he hauled you off to a small house on the outskirts of whole cake, one where you'd stay safe but not be easy to find.


He opened the door to your narrow two-story house. There was plenty of things in here since the last people who lived here had been in town and were killed from Mama's last hunger pang. He threw you onto the bed and clapped his hands as if he had been carrying a large dusty box.

"Done. now, this weirdo can stay here and live a normal life. She looks enough like a part goat mink so she could say she's half.." He sighed as he finally realized that you bounce off the bed and flopped on the floor.

He cringed at his mistake and wandered off out of the house. Trying to ignore the fact he just tossed you around like a rag doll.


You sat up after a while and rubbed your eyes. A strong warm feeling in your body, only making the cold feel of your horns and the hardwood floor all the better.

"agh... what the hell happened... where am I?" You mumbled the feeling of someone rubbing your horns tingling threw out your body.

You stood up, your legs oddly shaky, and moved the curtains. People of all kinds wandered the streets far away from you were your supposed house was. Groaning in annoyance, annoyed at yourself for sleeping through your whole journey, you walked around the room you were in. Looking at all the clothes that were too colorful for your taste but the best you could do currently. grabbing the large frilly dress and walking to the equally as colorful bathroom. The scent of sweet and sugary bath bombs, shampoos, conditioners, and body washes filled your nose.

"God I swear I'll get diabetes before I get used to this place" You groaned and stripped out of your sweaty and gross outfit.

Stepping into the hot water that was there before you walked in your body slowly relaxed as the events that led up to where you were now playing in your head. She ditched you. They threw you away like trash. Anger boiled in the pit of your stomach as the memory of Harukichi having her men throw you into the boat made you growl.

"Fucking wish you suffer in hell Harukichi, you whore." You growled out loud, flicking you're (h/c) behind you.

You stayed quiet for a while longer and sunk into the sweet water. Soaking your body in the cotton candy scented water. It somehow made you feel at ease. Apart from your body acting weird and being in a strange area. You soon stood up and washed yourself of the sweat and grime. With a sigh you dried yourself and threw on the dress, taking the smartest course of actions and going to buy some use full items. You dug through your old clothes and took what amount of berries that you had on you. Soon searching "your" house for some extra cash, and finding quite a bit. Shoving it in between your large breast you ran out and towards the town.

"Man this is so weird" You sneered and walked through the entrance of the main shopping district, seeing nothing but sweets and candy items everywhere. Only every-so-often finding normal food stands.


It took you a while and a lot of swindling, you got what you needed and made your way back to your home. With people staring and pointing at your large and sharp horns. Holding your bags tighter to your body, you sped up.


Katakuri sat talking with Big Mom about their recent discovery.

"and while we were out mother we had found a woman with large horns. which I assume was a half breed. of a human and sheep or ram mink. and instead of attacking her, we took her here and will now stay a resident of Totto Land." He explained, Linlin sat thinking for a while then nodded.

"Fine." She hummed then turned to her sweets.

Completely ignoring and putting her faith in the crimson haired Charlotte. Katakuri turned to leave but froze when Linlin spoke up once again.

"Oh! and Katakuri, next year on Christmas Eve you will marry Princess Rosa from the harvest kingdom. so you have a year to get to know her. She'll make lovely and strong children now won't she~ MAMA MAMA MAMAAAAHAHAHA!" Big Mom laughed happily as she showed the 28-year-old a photo of a frail and small young woman with vivid red hair and mint green eyes, not Katakuri's type at all.

"and she is sick so sadly she won't live that long but because of her medical issues and doctor appointments, the wedding will be postponed until we get her medical records and such. and we agreed that Christmas would be the best~ Just look forward to seeing her!" She smiled and handed the photo of the neither feminine nor masculine figured woman.

Rosa had a beautiful face but her body was one that wasn't all too interesting. And her so-called 'beautiful features' were extremely average. Nothing struck Katakuri's interest. But since it was a political marriage and one to further his mother's power and their ingredients for his mother's cravings, He couldn't say no.

"yes, mother. I will." He sighed and walked off.

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