7- Vision

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Who listened to Killer Queen by Queen and thought of Big Mom? XD

After the news had spread threw out the entire Charlotte family, by now it felt as if you had everyone's eyes on you 24/7, You were now restricted to never leave the Whole Cake Chaeto, at least, not without one or two of the Charlotte family members were around you. Also having Linlin harping on you and on your ass like a hawk. You sighed and sat in your's and Katakuri's shared room, slightly adjusting the black and blue over the shoulder dress. you didn't know how to feel about your whole situation. You never in your life expected to be in this kinda situation. And you were well aware things will be more complicated, you were to marry the man who was your child's father's older brother, and you being a demi-god was never easy. With one wrong move your powers could be extremely deadly, especially if your emotions got out of control. You could quiet easily create natural disaster. You sighed and fell back onto the large bed.

"what's wrong (y/n)" He asked, his face lacking emotion, seeming to not care.

"well, what do you think idiot." You growled and looked over at the tall male.

He sighed and gently sat down next to you. He didn't make a move to say anything or do anything for a while. Katakuri cleared his throat and pulled his scarf up slightly.

"Well... anything I can do to make this better?" He asked, adjusting slightly.

You sat up, propped up on your elbows and looked up at him.

"well... it's kinda hard when your mother is all over my ass about this baby and what I am." You sighed and curled up into a ball while you still could, you rested your head on your knees.

"yes... but I feel as if there is something more..." He mumbled.

'please don't let it be....'

"I don't want to force you to raise your brother's child... you should be allowed to have your own children and not have to take care of someone else's" You said, his heart sank slightly but after a moment grew light.

You actually cared about what he thought. And that unborn child. When you didn't even know who he was and most likely just barely knew Cracker also.


Something lit inside of Cracker, anger grew inside himself like weeds. He hated having his "toy" taken away from him and given to Katakuri. Yes, he loves the older man but, the thought of you marrying him just didn't sit well with him. Out of rage, he hacked up the trees in the seducing woods. Not caring in the slightest if he got caught and go in trouble. All he could hear was the screams. He wanted for them to be your pleasured screams so bad. He knew that this didn't love at this point, It was pure lust. But seeing his brother so happy when he was around you, made him loosen his grip on his sword and let it fall to the dirty and grass below him. Randolph, Kingbam and the others watched in worry over the young man.

"this isn't him..." Brûlée mumbled as she too watched from afar.


Katakuri took your small hand in his, not noticing the slight blush growing on your cheeks. He opened the door to the carriage, he had somehow convinced his mother to let you travel around Wheat island with him. He was to be a minister so it only made sense that you two go check out the island. The only reason Cracker was "minister" was because Linlin saw potential and let him wear the title, already knowing full well she wanted to give him the title. While Katakuri, on the other hand, asked to wait until he was older and more mature, and since he was going to marry you and raise Cracker's child, it would only make sense that the wedding would also be a ceremony to commemorate him gaining this new title.

"Please. sit down and once we're on the ship i will have the cooks get whatever you crave ready." He huffed, once more, pulling the long fluffy piece of fabric over his face.

You nodded and watched as the world passed by you, You may have hated the shades of pastel colors, Majority being pink, it looked peaceful and lovely as the sun set behind the chaeto. A smile crept onto your lips, something you rarely ever did, the colors reflecting off your skin.

Katakuri couldn't get his mind off your beauty, Your (e/c) eyes blending with the pinks and yellows, the pinks and yellows dancing across your face, your full lip tugged into an enchanting smile... He didn't know what this feeling was, but he was sure it was somehow linked to love. And not the love he felt for his siblings. It was as if, no matter how hard he had recently tried to deny, you were his missing piece. And knowing you were there with him, happy, healthy, and now loved, made his heart swell with joy and pride, seeing as it was him how you were getting your love from now. Be there once again, no way he was going to express it until he was sure it was just you and him.


The night was amazing, the dinner was wonderful, and Katakuri was just... god... you couldn't put into words. The night was so great that you couldn't sleep, so as you loved to do back at home, even though you were very much weakened thanks to the sea, you sat on the deck and watched the stars twinkle. This night couldn't get better, and there was nothing that could ruin it. Until images of a faceless man standing above your fiancee, and Katakuri on the ground, beaten, bruised and bloody. Images of the Chaeto crumbling and more blood mixed with a flash of purple. And what scared you most... was Linlin's treasured picture was shattered. On the ground, the image blacked out. But from what you saw was three silhouettes in the shape of Minks, one silhouette of a Fishman, one skeletal silhouette, and two human silhouettes. One more specifically wearing an oddly colored straw hat with a red band around it, The only thing that you could clearly identify. But within seconds of seeing it, your mind when black and you passed out. Everything you saw turned into a faint and forgotten memory. The last thing you heard was the workers beginning to panic.

Sorry, I finally got into town and I got wifi finally, but sadly(for you guys) I won't be back until this Friday so please forgive me.

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