8- Wheat Island

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Random image i found and it's your's and Katakuri's home

Katakuri leaned over you, worried to no end, you had been asleep for almost two weeks. almost three, and you and him had already gotten to Wheat Island about 5 days ago. The fact you had passed out once more, the first time being when she saw Linlin's past, for this long made him worry. You were on the cusp of being six weeks pregnant, passing out like this every other chance you got was going to be detrimental to your's and Cracker's Baby's health. Maybe it was the stress of all that had happened not too long ago, but it pained him to think of losing you or that child, and to be honest, he feared losing you more than the baby. Which that feeling, in turn, made him feel horrible and disgusted in himself, but the part of him that held his love at first sight for you was much stronger than the desire to keep his stupid sixteen your old idiot brother's spawn alive. Not that he'd take drastic measures to get rid of it, it was still a child with potential and an unborn child that held what linked him to the purple-ette. Not to mention his mother would lose her shit if this part god-baby die just like that. This was a rare, one-in-a-life time chance baby basically. Mainly since he knew about your infertility.

After meeting Linlin and explaining her powers, you had to explain your weaknesses. Which mainly consisted of, very low chance of conception, Seawater, well any water other then the normal water you bathed or swam in, losing control of your powers and of course, if you had a vision, you'd pass out from who knows how long. But luckily ever since you were little the longest you've passed out has only been three weeks, just barely a month.

As you laid asleep, only one part stuck in your mind, a tall, lean girl with long faded purple hair and horns getting hit by some sort of missile. And a group of people sitting in fear and shock, the most shocked face being an older looking girl who held a blurry resemblance to Big mom, but the woman was holding a crying baby. She was tiny but her face was just barely clear.


Katakuri continued to watch the clock and count the days since the workers had told him you passed out. And count the days from how long your pregnancy was, the family man side of him, not wanting to loose this child.

Your face scrunched up slightly and your eye lids tightened. His eyes went back to you, in hopes that you were about to wake up. He reached over and shook you. Mumbling wake up under his breath. Only to receive a whiny groan and a plea for five more minutes. God, what did he find attractive about you again? He shook his head, choosing to ignore that bitter thought, and choosing to acknowledge that you were now awake and functioning.

"yeah yeah, you already had about three full weeks of sleeping. time to get up and explore the city." He sighed, shaking you a bit rougher.

you cracked an eye open then looked around after opening both.

"where are we?" You asked sitting up, with his help, of course, already finding it a bit difficult to move.

"we're in our room in the Wheat island mansion. if you don't mind me asking. what happened?" Katakuri pried.

You thought for a moment, your mind in a haze. You looked back into his narrow yet big and sweet crimson eyes. It felt as if your heart was doing summer salts, you couldn't bring yourself to lie to him unlike Cracker, where you kinda just played along from his pleasure.

"i-i-i-i... I think I had a vision... and a horrible one... definitely from the future... but... all I remember is a girl getting hit by a missile. at least I think it is a missile." You said into your hands and shook your head.

His eyes hardened. Worry and anger raged through him.

"Let's just get some food for you. you and the baby must be hungry. I... I already ate." He said, a slight blush spreading beyond the coverage of his scarf.

You caught the blush and smiled, you nodded and got out, only to notice you were ever so slightly showing. You shrugged it off and walked off, following him to the dining room.


The room was oddly plain, slightly dark, and the room seemed far too large for just the two of you but far too small for his family. You sat down in a large seat then as soon as Katakuri pushed your chair in the waiters set down a large amount of food that made your mouth water. You looked up at Katakuri as if to ask if you could eat what you were given. He gave you a nod then began to stuff your face, ignoring the fact you were far from ladylike. If not you looked like you were a ravenous animal eating away at the flesh of it's prey.

Part of Katakuri's heart was set a flutter. He smiled behind the scarf and began to walk back to the room. He sighed and sat down on the bed. He let his mind wander but it soon spun around to what you had said...

Another vision. and one so bad even you couldn't remember. Chills ran down his spine. All he hoped was that vision was wrong or not to happen for a LONG time.

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