6- Infirmary and Heart Break

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You tossed and turned in your sleep, the infirmary bed incredibly uncomfortable and a cold sensation stinging threw her left ring finger. You groaned and woke up. Head slightly spinning and a sharp pain in the center of your face.

"Uhg... what happened?" You moaned and sat up, someone helping you sit up against the backboard of the bed.

"Thanks..." You sighed and rubbed your head. 'this always happens after I see the past or future and I tell someone...'

Your eyes shot up and looked over at the head of crimson next to you.

"ah! what the fuck!-" You saw the ring on your finger then looked over at him, eyes wider than before.


"Calm down. my dead fiance tried to save us from my mother's small fit, and since my mother believes you are a different species and you are now my fiance until the wedding later this year." Katakuri explained as you grew pale.

'God how messed up was with family!' you thought only to have your head spin and your stomach twist into knots.

"how long have I been out?" You asked.

"about 3 weeks." He answered calmly.

You nodded then leaned over the side of the bed and threw up the bile since you had absolutely nothing to throw up. He quickly pulled your hair back and rubbed your back with his other hand.


Big Mom took a deep breath and looked at her children who lined all sides of the large table. Awkward silence set in quickly. No one spoke up until Big mom chose to explain why they were there and what you had told her. They knew more or less the gist of her past but it was painful and gut-wrenching to hear what had really transpired. Tears were slipping from Big Mom's eyes to her hands as tears filled her children's eyes. Once she was done Compote was the first to speak up.

"we're sorry Mama... but it has to feel good knowing what you didn't know" She smiled sadly as Big Mom nodded sadly.

It was silent from then on. No one daring to say a word about what happened and got Big Mom to focus on the fact we were possibly going to have a demigod in law and possibly a demi-god grandchild. Which only pissed Cracker off. That was going to be his child yet his own mother was making her marry Katakuri. He knew you two were just friends with benefits but losing once again to his older brother was annoying. And to a woman HE found. HE chose to save. But hey if she was pregnant he would get to be there for his child, which was good, he guessed. But the thought still pissed him off to no end.


"you okay?" Katakuri asked, waiting as you washed out your mouth and the nurses cleaned up your mess.

You nodded and groaned.

"Thank you Katakuri-sama..."

"Drop the sama... we're going to be married..."


"Now... I'll leave you with the doctors so they can run some tests and see if you are okay..." He said and ruffled your hair and left without another word. 

You nodded hesitantly and let the doctors and nurses work on you. They took everything they need, seeing as if they were doing pregnancy tests they assumed with your DNA a normal one wouldn't work but it would.


Katakuri slammed his door shut, what you said to Big mom and his feelings crushing him under the weight. He flopped onto his bed like a teenage girl and whined in annoyance, kicking his legs back and forth. Once he was done he rolled over with a pillow hugged close to his chest, his two brothers looking at him with stares that said 'really dude? what the fuck is going on...'. he shot them a sharp glare and they froze, looking away and not bothering him.

"what the hell happened with you and that (y/n) chick?" Daifuku was the first to ask.

"I feel like I like her," Katakuri mumbled quietly into his scarf.

Oven and Daifuku had to try and not laugh as they heard the words escape his mouth. What demon stole their brother and replaced him with this angle. But they sat with him and pat him on the back when he sat up to give them space.

"Well, that's good. you're marrying her. even if she maybe carrying Cracker's child-"

"and her tits are going to get huge while she's pregnant... and they already are but even bigger~ and they'll stay that way for A LONG LONG LONG time" Daifuku smirked, his pale cheeks growing pink, Oven's and Katakuri's faces exploding with color and hit their other triplet upside the head.

"Shove it. and Tits, asses, thighs or god knows what are not the only good feature of a woman." They hissed.

He just rolled his eyes and began to yell at his brothers, which soon turned into a full-on pillow war. They may be 19 and warriors but if they had the chance to hang out and play around they took full control of the moment.

The door opened a few hours after the triplets started their war, a doctor stepped in only to get hit in the face with a pillow.

"sires... Miss (y/n)... she is indeed pregnant... and with Lord Cracker's child." He bowed.

The room grew cold. The words stung and dug deep. Their 16-year-old brother was now a father basically and Katakuri was going to be its stepfather.

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