9- Snapping

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"Please. ____... ____-kun needs you to save him. even if he is refusing you need to save him. and don't trust aunt ____. The only ones you can trust right now are aunt ____, uncle ____, and uncle ____ pirate crew the ____ ____ pirates. I'll help you get to where they are. ____, ____ and ____ come with me. Mr ____ and Mrs ____ are in the chaeto. Big Mom has Mr ____ and... I'm sorry Aunt Brulee... But I can't stand with what you are doing. ____-san has a right to live and aunt ____ has no right to take what Mr ____-san and his crew hold dear" A faceless woman, no older than 29, said.

A much shorter male figure nodded.

"Don't worry ____-chan. we'll bring Sanji back and... I'll try not attack your father, uncle... step father-person and mother don't get hurt." The figure smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

the woman smiled and hugged him.


"FIRE!" a shorter man with two other male silhouettes, they all launched some sort of gun.

But instead of hitting what was obviously an older version of Linlin, the young woman who was talking to the other male jumped in front of the missiles. The impact of killing the woman automatically, three much younger children and two older kids gasped, their faces blacked out but it was obvious they were wide-eyed in fear and shock.

"____-NEE-SAN!" They screamed as a woman with horns held them back along with a man who looked like a much older version of Katakuri.

"KIDS! STAY BACK! IT'S TO DANGEROUS! ____! TAKE THE KIDS AND RUN! WE LOST ____! WE CAN'T LOOSE THEM TOO! NOR CAN I LOOSE YOU!" He yelled, losing his emotionless facade.

Cracker who was at the top of the chaeto along with the rest of the family stood frozen. His face contorted in shock, fear, anger, and disgrace. He looked down, his shoulders shaking as tears slid down his cheeks and pooled at his feet.

"STRAW HAT! BEGE! I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He yelled, two of the censored names became clear.


You flew up, your heart racing. It was midnight. The only light you could see was the star, it made a scene since Wheat Island was nothing but farmland with some bigger cities along the coast, Your eyes were wide in fear.

"The visions... their getting worse." you mumbled under your breath, quiet enough that you didn't wake your fiancee.

You slipped out of your shared bed and out of the room. You needed water, and air, but you just needed to write those names down.

"Straw hat and Bege. at least I can identify two of the people..." You sighed.

You took a deep breath and placed a hand on your slightly pouting out stomach. The baby was now restless as if it knew what your dream was and the fear it was causing you.

"Heh... you little parasite. you'll really understand what I'm going through won't you... and-" You sniffed and whipped your damp eyes.

"please don't be the woman who is killed in my vision." You choked, your sobs making you stop your grip tighten on your shirt.

The baby seemed to move in agreement, even though you knew it was far too early for any movement, you chuckled and rubbed your stomach and eyes as you walked into the kitchen. You hummed a lullaby you remembered hearing a long time ago and got your glass of water, soon walking back to your room and gazed out at the moon from the balcony.


It had been a few days since you marked down the two names, too scared to mention them to the rest of your soon to be in-laws or your fiance nor the father of your child. You were sitting in the large living room area with the monarch and her daughters. They all gushed over you and the baby, soon starting a kind of half-assed and sudden baby shower, but the men of the family stayed away from you and the females. They didn't want to get dragged into any very early baby talk, they didn't even know the gender either! And oh how you wished to join them and do things you couldn't do right now.


"Oi! Katakuri!" Cracker growled, losing his cool and punching but missing his older brother.

Katakuri dodged with ease, taking notice of his brother's anger.


Katakuri didn't seem fazed in the slightest and held the younger man's wrist.

"This is why mother is not letting you marry (y/n). You are irresponsible and irrational. And once again. you know I like her also, AND! I'm choosing to help you clean up your mistake. and I even convinced the mother to let you see this child and let you name Miss (y/n)'s first child your own. How do you think I feel knowing I'll have to help raise your damned child." He growled back as the two men began to throw punches and attacks at each other.

Neither one letting one of the others hits miss. Their other brothers stood on the sidelines, waiting until one of the two to fall to the ground. This was not their area to but in. This must have been how it felt for their fathers. Knowing another man will have to raise your children or child, this was very much a sore and painful subject. But it had to have been worse for both Cracker and Katakuri, knowing that you both love the same woman and knowing that the elder of the two, who was also your brother, gotten what you wanted and was now to be the main caretaker of your child.

They fought and fought, not stopping until one was on the floor, bloody and barely alive. Which sadly ended with Katakuri as the victor.

"KATAKURI! CRACKER!" Smoothie snapped as Brulee tried to calm you down.

Panic, worry, fear, disgust, and anger flared inside the redhead and lavender haired woman. They were frozen, how long had you been there? Did you just watch the whole thing? But before those questioned could get answered, you were gone, running as fast as your feet would let you.

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