I Still Love You-Jeongcheol

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Jeonghan had already been having a bad day. He'd been at work all day, having had to go in early because it was time for the monthly customer reviews. So there were more calls than usual today, most of them being to complain about faulty products or poor customer service. While a few had been polite, even if they had complaints, most were rude and snapped at him, taking their anger out on him. He was only a receptionist though. So his job was to answer the phone and redirect a caller if needed, he didn't sell products. So he saw that people were being rude to him without reason and it pissed him off beyond return, but he had to maintain a level head. So he much appreciated the polite callers, that understood that it wasn't his fault but still had to tell him the problem, the ones that stopped and asked how he was and finished off by telling him to have a blessed day.

He was on the verge of getting fired for hitting his co-worker. In his defense he defended his other co-worker who was being sexually harassed by the fore-mentioned. Jeonghan just so happened to walk into the break room as it was happening and he didn't like it at all.

But as he drove home he could think of nothing but how much he just wanted to lie down in bed with his husband, Seungcheol. They've been married for close to four years now, and Jeonghan couldn't be happier. And he definitely couldn't have asked for anyone better. Seungcheol had always there for him no matter what, even before marriage. He's a complete sweetheart, almost never upset because he prefers to see the brighter side of things. He always tries to cook for Jeonghan and though most times it doesn't turn out well, Jeonghan appreciates the effort.

To put it simply, Seungcheol is the love of his life, the first man he'd ever loved.

Upon arriving home, a low grunt could be heard from the bedroom. He could just as easily figure what was happening...

That is until another voice is heard.

Jeonghan frowned. He couldn't help but think that it was just porn. But that same voice then said the name of his beloved. Hesitantly, he made his way to their shared bedroom and slowly pushed the door open. And he was completely mortified by the sight. The second voice belonged to none other than his best friend.

Hong Jisoo.

They're faced away from the door, so they didn't see Jeonghan come into the room. Nor did they see the tears that rushed past the brims of his eyes the second he laid eyes on the pair. He winced at the way his best friend writhed under the touch...of his husband. All he could muster was a quiet 'what the f-' but somehow, they were able to hear it, and snapped their heads around fast as lightning to watch just as Jeonghan's suddenly weak body fell to his knees, one hand gripping the door frame.

"Oh my g- Hannie." Seungcheol rushed out as he and Jisoo scrambled to get covered. Jeonghan leaned down and placed his head in his knees, hating the way his body gave out on him.

"Jeonghan I-" There were no words. There was nothing to fit the situation.

"....how long?" No one moved. Jeonghan didn't want to see their faces, and Seungcheol was still hesitating in telling him, and Joshua was simply at a loss for words.

"How fuckin long?" Now Jeonghan stood up. He needed them the see the burning rage in his eyes, the fury that became by cause of their actions. He needed them to know that this pain is solely on them. Jisoo flinched, he hated the look in Jeonghan's eyes, he hated how Jeonghan glared at the two. But most of all he hated that he didn't regret sleeping with Seungcheol.

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