Just This-ot4

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Mingyu is in love with Wonwoo. Completely infatuated. He can't help it. He thinks there's something in the way he moves, walks, talks....exists. He can't find a single flaw in him, and just thinking about the older makes his heart swell. Swell with happiness, pride. He's not sure what exactly he's proud of, but he doesn't deny the feeling. He often times finds himself staring at Wonwoo, his eyes tracing every feature. More often than not, it's subconscious staring, but once he realizes it he still doesn't look away. Mingyu can't bring himself to stop looking. Watching the way the olders face contorts in dissatisfaction when he doesn't like something. Or the way he can get completely emersed in a book with a good plot. Mingyu adores Wonwoo's smile, how the corners of his mouth curl up and his teeth flash brightly. Or when his nose scrunches while he laughs, that's probably Mingyu's favorite thing. And although Wonwoo's eyes are only brown, Mingyu stares into the deep, amber orbs, nothing but adoration for the way they still have a certain brightness about them. The way Wonwoo stands awkwardly in a big crowd is the cutest thing to the taller. And though he's his best friend and there's just enough skin ship between the two, Mingyu yearns for much more from him. To kiss him, hold him with a certain power, a certain authority. Not ownership over the male, but a knowing that he's his. But they don't have that, Mingyu doesn't have that, not with Wonwoo. As much as he'd love it.

But that's why he's here, laying down in Wonwoo's bed next to him as the older blabbers on and on and on. Whining, crying, smiling, laughing. Mingyu knows that he could never, ever have Wonwoo to himself. That knowledge is burned into his brain, like a virus on a computer. He's painfully aware that he could not ever call Wonwoo his own.

Boom. His heart pounds as he stares down at Wonwoo, who just won't quit talking about a certain someone. (Who wasn't Mingyu, he'd add.) He still listens, he's okay with just this.

With just knowing

Wonwoo adores Junhui. He loves that they're polar opposites, but that somehow draws him closer. How Junhui is so outgoing and can easily befriend people, whereas he, himself, is shy and awkward around most people. Or the confidence that bounces around Jun, how he knows how handsome and charismatic he is. And his sense of humor. To Wonwoo, Junhui seems naturally goofy, hilarious. And oh how he just LOVES loves loves his voice. The smooth, slick tone when he speaks in Korean, and the more gruff one it takes on when he's speaking in Chinese. Wonwoo's insides burst in the best way possible whenever Junhui smiles. And he can't help but smile along, especially when Junhui laughs, that confident silk that no one else could compare to (In Wonwoo's own opinion.) And how he never really gets angry. He has such a bright, bubbly personality and won't let minor inconveniences slow him down.  Wonwoo preferred to be near Junhui. Sure, he likes to hang out with Mingyu because that's his best friend. But there's a contagious aura in Juns confidence that Wonwoo thinks he needs to be around. He knows that Mingyu has feelings for him- Mingyu never said but he can tell- and he feels bad because he can't reciprocate those feelings. But he respects Mingyu, as he never once tried pushing himself onto Wonwoo, nor did he confess, and yet he still listens whole heartedly when Wonwoo starts to run his mouth about Junhui. He does love Mingyu, but more like a brother than anything else. Junhui just...he's more his type. They're always so comfortable with each other, even when there's silence. But that rarely ever comes because Jun likes to talk. And Wonwoo likes to listen. Just this is completely fine with Wonwoo. The only real problem is one that Wonwoo has no clue about...

Junhui is madly, deeply, infatuated with Minghao, his best friend. The skinny Chinese man who's worth more than anything in the world. The man with the wild, unique, stylish sense of fashion. The man with star studded eyes, hidden behind his half-hooded eyes. The man that has his heart. Jun simply can't get over how Minghao has this cool sense, serious appearance, but is actually a playful person. Full of jokes and laughs. Handsome face and personality. Jun likes how Hao can speak his mind without much care for what anyone else thinks about it. He cherishes every moment that he's with the paler skinned Chinese man. Cherishes the smiles and laughs they have together. The pure amusement they both feel when either of them does something stupid. The way that Minghao will whisper in Chinese if he doesn't want anyone else to know what they're talking about, and more often than not, they're talking about someone. He loves Minghao's intuition, and his eagerness to always learn and experience new things. Junhui can't help but stare at him and take in his features, memorizing every movement, gesture, and expression. He constantly flirts and drops hits, trying to sway the younger but to no avail. He doesn't really blame the younger for ignoring his notions. Minghao constantly tells Junhui that he flirts with everyone, intentionally or not, he just does. Junhui has a suave nature about himself and even a simple gesture of kindness can be taken the wrong way by someone who isn't really familiar with Juns antics. Jun felt like that killed any chance he might have. He isn't even discouraged knowing he's in the same boat as Mingyu. Having to listen to Minghao swoon over another never disheartened Junhui, he felt like he could still sway him. And he is okay with just this. But not when he was constantly reminded that Minghao felt the exact same way...

About Kim Mingyu.

Mingyu had unknowingly stolen Minghao's heart upon meeting him. When Mingyu had been looking for a roommate- because he got lonely by himself, and because working as a barista barely paid rent and bought sufficient amounts of food. And when Minghao had been looking for a place to stay closer to where he works and Mingyu had been offering exactly that. Every fiber of Minghao's being adores every bit of Mingyu. His wonderfully tan skin that glows, even in the moonlight. Mingyu's naturally caring nature that could make anyone's heart flutter. His smile that could melt the strongest of materials. Although Minghao would never admit he actually likes the skin ship from him- because Mingyu all but thrives off of it- he knows that Mingyu's a huge teddy bear that just wants affection. Affectionate scenes aren't really Minghao's cup of tea, but he would actually do anything for Mingyu. Being the bold man he is, he'd actually told Mingyu how he feels. And Mingyu, being the man that Minghao loves, acknowledged it but never discouraged Minghao. The younger decided he didn't want the subject brought back up again and Mingyu complies. Their friendship is still strong, maybe stronger than before. And that only fuels Minghao's love for the tall man even more. He loves the way his stomach bubbles when he's near Mingyu, and how his insides turn in the best of ways. They way his heart stops at the smallest actions Mingyu makes. It's a sickeningly wonderful feeling, but Minghao is okay with just this and wouldn't have it any other way.

Except he would.

He'd rather Mingyu be with him rather than listening to Wonwoo talk about Junhui every second of every day. He knows much Mingyu likes Wonwoo, though Mingyu wouldn't say it aloud to Minghao- out of respect for his feelings. It makes Mingyu a strong man to be able to do such a thing, but it actually pains Minghao to know that he endures such things. Sometimes he cries knowing that the man he thought was actually the love of his life spent time pining after someone who doesn't love him, and even more so that he's doing the same himself.

After sometime it becomes an endless cycle of happiness, sadness, regret, love.

Mingyu loves Jeon Wonwoo
Wonwoo loves Wen Junhui
Junhui loves Xu Minghao
Minghao loves Kim Mingyu

Not one of them returned the feelings. And they each felt the strings of their hearts being pulled, torn right out of their chests. But it's the life they're living and they're all content with just this.





I have like the next four chapters in my drafts so I'll try and have those up at soon as possible.

How are you guys doing today? I genuinely want to know. Whether it's good or bad.

Guys I want more friends, don't hesitate to hmu if you want.

Love you babies 💛💛


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