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Part 2 to Paid Off

1 year, 9 months ago

"Hi Mingyu." Mingyu froze, he was at a loss for words. His eyes widen, taking in the view of the boy standing directly in front of him. Xu Minghao, his crush, and he was having a hard time convincing himself that it's real.

"Hey." He regained his composure, leaned against his locker and stared down at the boy. Minghao stayed quiet for a moment, almost forgetting why he'd gone to talk to Mingyu.

"Did you need something? Or did you just come to stare at me?" Mingyu laughed, exposing his fangs and Minghao nearly melted.

"I uh. I came to ask you out, actually. Are you free on Saturday?" Minghao put his hands behind his back and started to fidget a bit.

"Yea sure. Time and place?" Mingyu questioned. He felt more relaxed as he saw how nervous the younger had been. Minghao smiled, a small, timid smile, and they began discussing the time and location of the date they were going have.

That was their very first encounter.

1 year, 8 months ago

"Nah. I don't need your money." Minghao pushed Wonwoo's hand away lightly, rejecting the wad of cash in his palm. Wonwoo saw right then and there, through his eyes what Minghao was trying to convey. He sighed sadly, only knowing that he screwed up.

"Just...keep him happy, yea?" He patted Minghao's shoulder and walked away, sulking a bit.

I've lost him.

1 year, 6 months ago

Minghao opened his door to see Mingyu there on the porch, a big bouquet of flowers covered his face. Minghao smiled at the gesture, a warm feeling crept up inside him.

"Hey Gyu. What brings you, and your flowers, here?" He spoke quietly, his tone accompanied the atmosphere. Mingyu's arm sprang forward to push the flowers to the younger. Minghao smiled at the flowers and looked back up at Mingyu, who still stood on the porch. Minghao stepped aside to let him in.

"Hao. I really, really like you. Like a lot. I have for so long now and I am so happy to have you in my life. But I want you differently. I like being friends but I'd enjoy it a hell of a lot more if you were my boyfriend." Minghao's smile was brighter than ever, it's what he truly wanted.

"Then I'll be your boyfriend." Mingyu almost screamed in joy. He quickly snatched the younger boy into his arms and held on tightly. He finally released him after a minute and hooked his index finger under his chin. He leaned down to Minghao, so it left their faces in close proximity. He stayed there, made no movements. His breath ghosted over Minghao's lips, the air between the two was hot as they were so close. Minghao could smell the subtle fragrance of Mingyu's cologne. He couldn't take it anymore, Mingyu wouldn't move and he felt a strong urge to have his lips against the elders. He leaned up just a bit and their lips finally met. This is how Minghao always imagined his first kiss would go, and the thought that it had been with Mingyu made his entire body heat up immensely. He smiled into the kiss before Mingyu pulled away and stared down at his flushed, bright red face.

I've got him

1 year ago

"Hey Mingyu. You wanna go to the mall with me?" Wonwoo asked, smiling softly at his best friend. His question, though to Mingyu it seemed normal, was laced with hope. Hope that Mingyu wouldn't ditch him again.

"I uh...Sorry. I kinda already have plans with Hao. Sorry Nu, maybe next time." Wonwoo scoffed and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his half finished sandwich, his water, and backpack, and stood up to walk away.

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