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>Requested by: mysecretfics


At around 6pm, Minghao arrives home where he lives with Jihoon. Jihoon is his roommate that he sometimes has a fling with, but they're really close friends. Friends with benefits but not on a regular basis. Minghao really likes Jihoon, but it's not like he could actually tell him that. He knows that the fact that they sometimes have sex is purely based on the fact that sometimes they needed a fix. Of course, either of them could always go to a bar or something to pick someone up, but they preferred it this way being how close are. They understand each other, even when they don't say anything.

He kicks off his shoes and shoves his jacket off his shoulders and leave both in the foyer. He enters the living room to see Jihoon sitting on the couch looking at his phone. Jihoon looks up and smiles when the younger greets him. There were stacks of blankets and pillows on the floor and a pile of snacks. Lots of their favorites from the looks of it.

"Finally you're home. Are you too tired?" Jihoon jumps from the couch and bounces over to him as he speaks. Minghao slowly shakes his head, still confused by his surroundings, and Jihoon grabs his hand. He stands on his tip-toes to press a light kiss to Minghao's face before getting excited again.

"Okay so. I grabbed everything to make a blanket fort and I bought snacks, drinks in the fridge and some movies. I got Up, Coraline, and Bridge to Terrabithia. Assuming we'll be awake or paying attention through them. But I know they're your favorites so." Minghao smiles down at the smaller, but older male. A knowing smile. He knew that Jihoon was all he needed and more and couldn't help but feel as though he was the same for him. Then again, what's a friend if you aren't close to them?

"Okay babe. I'm gonna take a quick shower and change and I'll be right back down." Jihoon nods and releases his hand as Minghao leans to kiss his forehead before walking away. He plops down on the couch and sighs.

Now of course Jihoon believes that he's completely and utterly in love with Minghao. He's never felt this way about anyone, so he could only guess. At first he'd only agreed to the sex thing because he needed it and Minghao- who is very attractive, he might add- offered it. But soon enough he found himself with butterflies at the mere thought of the man. Of course he was certain that he couldn't say anything about it to Hao. When the younger proposed the idea he'd said that it'd be strictly because they needed it sometimes. And that obviously meant he didn't have deeper feelings for Jihoon, right? Jihoon stared down at the last text that Soonyoung sent him, telling him that he should tell Minghao because 'if there had ever been a perfect time do do anything, it's definitely now'. He sighs, but the then smiles at the fact that he and Minghao are actually going to be able to spend the night together.

When Minghao comes back, dressed in a pair of shorts, he smiles at Jihoon. He notices the way Jihoon's eyes sparkled, glittered with excitement.

"So. Blanket fort?" Jihoon nods and asks the younger to move the coffee table out of the way and grab a couple chairs from the dining room table. While Minghao sauntered off to complete his task, Jihoon began to tie the corners of a couple blankets together. When Minghao comes in with the chairs, he sets them down and watches Jihoon for a bit. He smiles and walks to stand behind him, snaking his arm around his waist and resting his head atop the olders. Jihoon's face burns a bit as he smiles and bites his lip.

"Are you going to help or?"

"Yea in a second." Minghao watched as Jihoons small hands tied the corners of two blankets, and the second he dropped it to move to the next one, Minghao spins him around to face himself. He stared at Jihoon for a bit before leaning towards him and pressing their lips together. Jihoon immediately reciprocated the action, completely melting under Minghao. Jihoon could sense a difference in the way their lips moved together. Not a rushed needy kiss like the ones they'd have before sex, but a slower and more passionate one. He pulls away and looks down. His face flushes a bright pink as he rests his head on the tallers shoulder. He thought to himself it's now or never and he opened his mouth to speak, focusing only on what he needed to say.

"Minghao?" Jihoon's arms find themselves around Minghao's torso as he hums a reply.

"I love you." Minghao chuckles a bit.

"I know that. I love you too Jihoonie."

"No not like that. Like the kind that makes my tummy feel all squirmy when I think about you. Or like, I get overly excited to see you or be around you and I never want to leave your side. I don't want anyone else to have you. I want you to be mines and I want to be yours." Minghao tightens his grip on the former.

"So then that's how it'll be. I'm yours and you're mine." He cups his face to kiss him again, making it more meaningful this time.

"Let's finish." Jihoon speaks as they pull back from each other, but neither made the effort to move as they still stared at each other. After another minute, Jihoon finally pulled away.

"Hurry up and finish." It takes about twenty minutes for the new couple to finish the fort, as Minghao felt the need to touch and kiss Jihoon every chance he got, which proved to be too many chances. A few times Jihoon tried pushing him off because he wanted to hurry up and finish, but the younger wouldn't budge. After popcorn had been made, snacks and drinks gathered, and both males settled into their fort, blankets and cushions surrounding them at every angle with an opening so they could still see the television screen. They decided on Coraline first, lying down against one another as it played. The snacks and the bowl of popcorn sat in front of Jihoon and since he refused to have Minghao remove his arms from his waist, he fed the latter. Minghao, although this is one of his favorites, didn't pay much attention to the movie. He lied there, staring at Jihoons small face, noting the hints of amusement and the smalls smiles that came by cause of the movie plot. Minghao leaned down and kissed the area right under the olders ear. Jihoon giggled and squirmed a bit, turning his body slightly to face the younger and threw a few popcorn kernels at him.

"Oh it's like that? Okay." Minghao grins deviously before moving to tickle Jihoon. Jihoon laughs and kicks his legs, using his hands to try and push the former away. To no avail, as in his current state, not much strength was allotted. He laughs too hard and makes a snort sound which caused Minghao to stop and double over in laughter. They sat a laughing mess before Minghao threw popcorn back at the shorter male and Jihoon sits up, kissing him again. There was just something about it that made him thirst for more, he just couldn't get enough of it. And quite frankly, neither could Minghao. The both of them enjoyed the feeling more than anything else they've ever experienced. Their make-out session lasted five minutes before Minghao pulled back, leaving a few more pecks in place.

"Now watch the movie." Jihoon told, and they both turned to the screen, Jihoon's back pressed against Minghao's chest. Right before Coraline suggested that she and the Other Mother play a game, Jihoon had fallen asleep. Curled up against his new boyfriend and snoring softly. Minghao pulled him closer, if it was at all possible, figuring he'd go to sleep too. He smiles down at Jihoon once more before closing his eyes, that same smile still plastered on his face. This is exactly what he needed and now that he's got it, he doesn't plan on letting go. Ultimately deciding that they'll just clean up the mess tomorrow, he fell asleep.

I bought YMMD and I regret nothing. I bought the set the sun version and I can't wait until it gets here I'm so excited guyss.

So here's this chapter after forever. It was supposed to be up yesterday but then I decided on some changes so I've been changing and editing it. I'm sorry if it's boring.

Hey babies, go read By The Time You're Reading This. Much appreciation.

Love you babies 💛💛


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