We'll Be Okay-2seung

254 8 18


;2 years ago;

Seungcheol had a day off of work and rather than spend it inside, he'd decided to go for a quiet stroll. It was a beautiful spring day. Sun high in the sky, a few clouds here and there- the ones you look at and try to compare to other objects. There was a soft breeze running through Seungcheol's hair, cooling his scalp. He could hear the birds whispering and chirping amongst each other. As he walked, he could smell the different aromas from shops, bakeries, and restaurants. The pollen from the many flowers blooming was very much in the air. But amongst all of this, he noticed someone sitting on a bus stop bench crying. He frowned as he walked past and into a small family owned diner, wherein he bought a drink and a few cookies to go. While he waited, he watched through the window at the crying man. Watched as the city bus pulled up and people boarded. Watched as the man waved off the driver and put his head back down.

"Sir. Your order. Sorry it took so long, we were baking a fresh batch." The waitress called his attention, but not completely. He slapped a few bills on the counter- probably much more than needed- and walked out with his drink and cookies in hand. He sighed, a bit nervously if you'd ask, and he sat down on the bench.

"You missed the bus. It'll be a while before the next one." The man spoke, still without looking up.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not here for the bus. I'm here for you." Seungcheol looked down at his lap. He knew that when someone is upset, they could usually don't want to be fucked with. He just hoped his kindness wouldn't go unnoticed. The other guy looked at him, confusion written through his tears.


"I saw that you're upset and I know that it's obviously none of my business but I see you clearly aren't waiting for anyone. You can talk to me if you need. You don't have to if you're uncomfortable, but you look like you need a shoulder to cry on. By the way, are you allergic to chocolate?" The guy's eyebrows furrowed further and he shook his head. Seungcheol lifted the packet of fresh baked cookies from his lap and passed them over.

"No. I can't take your cookies." He tried shoving them back to Seungcheol.

"They aren't mine. I bought them for you and had to hope you didn't hop on the bus while they baked." He finally accepted the cookies, with a soft smile and just looked back down.

"I'm Seungcheol. Choi Seungcheol. Now we aren't completely strangers." Seungcheol stood up, ready to walk away, but felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Is your offer still up? I'd really like to talk. Oh uh...I'm Boo Seungkwan." Seungcheol smiled down at him and grabbed his hand.

"Would you like to stay here or go somewhere? Are you hungry?"

"Could we just walk? Please?" Seungcheol nodded his head and noted that as they walked, Seungkwan never let go of his hand. He vented out everything. Everything that's happened to him recently, everything that had ever upset him, everything that he saw wrong with himself. By the time he's finished, Seungcheol found out two very important things about him.

1) He had no where to stay
2) Our little Seungkwan has abandonment issues.

"You're serious? None of your friends will let you stay?" Seungkwan shook his head.

"Apparently they were only friends with me because of....him." Seungcheol frowned. It was completely astonishing to him that this boy, who just seemed so sweet, had to go through something like that.

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