Best Night Of My Life-Meanie

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What even is the meaning of life? What is there to a life made up of only routine? No excitement, no fun, the same thing every day.




And so then how does one get by with only themselves to depend on? How does one live almost robotic without losing their minds? What's the point of living a life of repetition, with no interruptions? Why live if we all just die anyway?

But then I'm not living, am I? Merely existing, no real purpose. To live is to experience life at it's fullest. To enjoy this life's amenities. This whole planet at my disposal and I use the same mile and a half And for what?

This is Wonwoo's train of thought as he walks home from school. He often times thinks things of this nature, never really finding an answer. He walks slowly, not really in too much of a rush, he has no where in particular to be. Home and school, the only two places he ever goes. He doesn't have an established group of friends. He isn't the type to mesh well with most people, due to his quiet, introverted personality. He'd like to have friends, but he never made an effort to make friends. He would have conversations with people, pretty decent ones, but they usually never went any further than classroom banter. No one really minded his presence and he usually sat where ever he wanted at lunch. Sometimes whoever sat at the table would invite him to engage in conversation. And he usually does. Despite being quiet and shy, he does like to talk. Again, those conversations never went past lunch time conspiracies and jokes. But somehow, everyone is always okay with it. Again, no one ever really minds his presence. He doesn't do anything to anyone, there aren't any rumors around him and he's always nice to everyone. No one has any reasons to pick on him. So he's just there. And despite how he thinks his life has no meaning, he always tries to smile and be warm hearted to everyone. But that definitely isn't saying he's suicidal, he just wishes something would happen.

But in a sense, since he has no enemies, he's friends with everyone. If someone were to survey the school and ask about him, some people had stories about something he'd said once, but most people would just say that he's 'pretty chill. He doesn't bother anyone really, kinda nice.' But really that's all there is to him. You know how people always 'borrow' pencils and pens? People actually return his because they'll feel bad about stealing his belongings, even though he always insists that he has plenty and they can keep them.

But still. He doesn't have an established friend group. He's not sure if he's okay with that or not. Occasional conversation is okay with him, but he kinda wants someone that he can have deeper conversations with, and hang out with outside of school, and even stay over their house. He wants something different, something new. But he doesn't make an effort to change it. Still the shy boy that won't speak unless spoken to. He imagines that it could be worse, and thanks any higher presence there may be, that he doesn't get bullied.

He continues his walk quietly with his head lowered, just as he does everyday. But a minor change is brought about. His usually lonely walk is halted when someone accidentally bumps into him and knocks him over. The person had been walking rather hastily until Wonwoo fell, at which point he stopped to help him up. Wonwoo stares at him for a second, mouth agape as he deeply examines his features.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. Are you okay? You're not injured are you?" He doesn't bother offering his hand and instead just lifts Wonwoo from the ground. He speaks fast, obviously rushing, in a hurry to get where ever it his he's headed. Not wanting to hold him up, Wonwoo rushes out a response and watches as he all but runs away. Wonwoo just continued his journey home, still as slow and quietly as before.

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