ch:2. The Discovery

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[Saera's Pov ]

It was a Sunday morning and usually my favourite day of the week because one, there's no college and two, Aila my cousin is coming to my home today with her brother jurhad. She is my best buddy and when we both get together we shall talk about anything and everything but most of the time teasing each other. As I'm the eldest girl of our family she fantasies my marriage more than I am. All in all, it will be a fun filled day which I am looking forward to.

Already three days have been passed since the movie incident, my sister amira pestered me to tell her about all that had happened during the event, so I had no other go but to tell her everything leaving the part of bumping into that Jerk alone. Yet still I've not told Aila anything about it, so I've planned to tell her about everything today when she comes to my home in detail. Though she'll be coming only by afternoon and still it is early Sunday morning so I've decided to go and help my mother with breakfast.

When I went into the kitchen my mother made me cook breakfast for everyone. For it is useful knowing how to cook for future benefit... Exactly her words guys not mine. So I made spicy pasta (Indian recipe) it was quite good actually for a beginner like me. Only my dad appreciates my cooking whenever I make quick dishes like these because I'm not well versed in cooking though I already have some basic cooking knowledge.

After breakfast I got a little bit bored as I had no other work to do. So I logged in to my Facebook account, you see I'm not an active member on Facebook I'll usually check the notifications only once in a blue moon. When I logged in I had got many tags and message notifications Off course it's all from my class girls from college. They've created a page for a cultural event happening for our department and was going on and on about that. And I've also got some texts from unknown people which I ignored like always after answering the text from my friends and commenting on the tagged pictures I was just scrolling through my news feed.

It was when my eyes bulged out of its socket looking at the post my dad shared on his timeline and my heart started thumping against its ribcage because here in the picture is the exact same guy whom I bumped into in the mall. Though he is looking quite different in the picture but I know for sure that he is the exact same person on whom I spilled the drinks upon though I wish I could have seen him more clearly on that day. And the article was about the young CEO of the Razmil industries which my father works in. The new CEO who has taken over the company after the retirement of his grandfather the article which says "young Mr. Shamshad kashif taking after the footsteps of his grandfather Ubaidur Rehman Adil at an early age of 25 since he is the sole hier of the Adil clan." with his picture

And whole lot of other information about the company

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And whole lot of other information about the company. I'm getting this information because my father is in my friends list!! Oh my Allah now what will I do. what if he says everything to my father! and all kinds of other scenarios where running in my mind.

By one thirty in the afternoon Aila came with jurhad her brother older than her by five years. They exchanged their Salam with my parents as soon as they entered the house. Jurhad started to chat with my dad about God knows what, and he just spared me with a small smile. I know he has a soft corner on me, you see the perks of having his sister as my bcf (best cousin forever).

"Assalamu alaikum dear, you look a bit worried what happened to you??
Did your mother scolded you again for anything?" she asked me with a frown. But I dragged her to the terrace for a little privacy leaving my sister with my mom. "no it's not that, I've bigger issue at hand Aila..."I said with worry evident in my voice. "did my brother finally proposed you..." she asked more like a question dragging the last bit in a teasing manner which made me choke on my own saliva. "what the hell Aila we've been practically grown up together he's like a brother figure to me, though he's my non-mehram, and don't bad mouth your brother behind his back. He is no more than a brother to me" I spat at her.

"okay okay drama queen, anyways I'll be happy if you are the one whose going to be sister in-law" she said and winked at me. "Aila stop your fantasies about my marriage and listen to me now" I said to her. She made an action like to zip her mouth with her fore finger and thumb and looked at me attentively as though listening to a lecture. I bet she won't even be listening to her lectures keenly like this. Rolling my eyes at her behaviour and started to tell her everything.

".......and I might've also bumped into the CEO of Razmil industries and shouted at him in the public" her eyes and bulged out of its socket and she asked "what???you shouted at the old man your father is working for, and your worried about that??" she started to laugh after saying that. Wait what old man?? Ooh yeah... She doesn't know about this information about the new CEO of Razmil industries, wait Aila you won't be laughing at my face when you know about that. "No Aila...I bumped into his grandson who is the current CEO" I sighed. Now, her laughter stopped ubruptly. See, I told ya...

"y-you mean the young Shamshad kashif??" she asked a bit stuttering.
"yup the one and only, but the real issue is my father is also promoted as the company's head accounts and financial manager so he'll be seeing that Jerk often" I said her worried.
"oh saera don't worry he is a busy man he won't remember these kind of little incidents and between he won't even be knowing that your Ahad Quaisar's daughter, so stop worrying about silly things drama queen" she said making me sigh a breath of relief. "your right Aila I hope nothing serious happens" I said with that my sister came in and we were back to normal teasing each other.

[Aila's Pov]

Today my brother jurhad is a little excited because I've asked him to accompany to Saera's house who is his long term crush. But saera sees him only as a brother and she gets angry with me whenever I bring out this topic. As for my brother he never talks about his crush on her to anyone. I myself came to know about it by his changing attitude towards her and acting cupid between them from then on. But there is no improvement with any of them. My brother is a civil engineer working in a small firm. He is strong in his deen and a great brother to me. As for saera's parents they see him as their own son so it's pretty much obvious that they have great respect towards him but to make him as they're son in-law, I don't think so they'll approve it because they're more sophisticated people and looking for a groom who is more wealthier than them. Yea I know it's not fair for my brother, but I love saera too much to ruin my relationship with her. So I left the matter just like that...!


Saera's pic on top!!!

This is chap 3 happy reading!!!

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