Ch: 10. The Engagement (Part-2)

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[Saera'1 Pov]

I really felt agitated standing there all alone, yes i'm standing on this god damned stage all alone. my to be said would be was fully drunk and was pulled away from the stage by his friends. leaving me in the brink of crying.


"Farrah, why can't you stay beside me on the stage itself we have enough  space to make whole crowed to stand here" hoping some how she'll agree to my idea.

"Oh, saera no i can't be standing here and ruin this party for you then the guests will think i'm the bride to be, we don't want that to happen do we? " she just sniggered at me.

"I'm serious here farrah, really be with me here, i feel a bit agitated every scornful eyes are towards me" i whined to her so that at least now she can change her mind and be with me.

"Sorry saera I've got some guest to receive and greet so I've got to go now" saying that she left me beside the drunkard of a would be.

After she left me to be alone with the drunkard i just plastered a smile on my face for my parent's sake, so that no one finds out my true feelings towards this whole lot of arrangement. We were both standing on the stage when a couple of old people came up and congratulated us for the engagement. I smiled at them politely and thanked them on behalf of my fiance because he was not in the right mind to do anything. Now common who in the right mind comes drinking to their own engagement party, definitely it's Mr. Shamshad Kashif. i controlled the urge to roll my eyes in front of this enormous crowded hall filled with all rich and sophisticated guests.

for quite some time now, some how i managed to save both me and him from the embarrassment, that the guests knowing that the groom to be is drunk out of his wits. i held his hands from the back so that he won't stagger even more than he already is and just plastered my own smile, to others it will look like we were couple in love but in reality i'm trying to save some of us from the embarrassment.

On top of all this i saw some men approaching the stage plastered with huge grin on their faces, those faces seem some what familiar but i couldn't pin point what it is. so i just continued with my act and that's when i felt the drunkard beside me move a bit away from me, Oh Allah if he moves some more steps then his face will definitely meet the carpeted floor, why can't he listen to me at least this once. Those men finally reached us grabbing him for a guy hug each of them teasing him about something around the lines that he is lucky retard to get a beautiful fiance and the guy among their gang to get married first. their words not mine.

They all congratulated me with a hand shake but i cannot shake the gut feeling when the last of those guys neared me and his scrutinizing gaze before he tried to reach my hand key word tried Mr. drunkard beside me reacted somehow and pushed him away from me in the process he himself fell face first on the floor.

Flashback end.........

That's how i came to be standing alone on this stage and plastered a timid smile to my face, but the fact is i can't manage this alone anymore that's when Mrs. Feroza reached me and took me away to the dining hall. I felt quite relieved but i cannot shake away all the embarrassment i felt and the scrutinizing gaze of those guests. 

"Don't be worried dear, everything is taken care of Shamshad was quite stressed out lately that's why he behaved like that" she said like giving justice for his act.

"Oh even if he's stressed can't he come without drinking for his own engagement party? answer Mrs. Feroza"

"Oh dear call me mom, anyways now your going to be my daughter-in-law."

I know she just don't want to answer my question, and she also knows i'm damn right about this issue but i can't understand why she wanted me to be her daughter-in-law. Allah just guide me from what is wrong to what is right and give me some patience to handle the worst situation. With that as my prayer we entered into the dining hall. After dining everyone will be leaving to their home so that's what gives me some relief right now.

When i saw farrah and jurhad at a long corner, jurhad giving me a longing gaze and farrah a look of  apology towards me. i just furrowed my eye brows at them not knowing what's with the look of the siblings. And here i'm the bride to be so they treated with extra care, this is the only out come i like among this whole lot of arrangement.  

[Shamshad's Pov]

Today is that dreaded day, my engagement party i'm just thinking of ways in which i could top this stupidity but like every time come with the empty hands. The threat which i gave a few days back was not to be considered as a joke, i was really serious when i said her to watch her back.

"Shamshad are you ready beta.... we're getting late, your tux arrived long time back your grandpa has already left for the event now only you're slagging back."

urrrghhhh i don't know why my mother making fuss of the situation, to start with i don't even like the girl. "Yeah mom, i know just give me few moments for myself to get ready" i answered her anyhow.

While i was getting ready an idea popped in my head which i was so thankful for. And that is why can't i substitute my irritation towards her with alcohol. I know right what girl in the world will like her would be being drunk on their own engagement party, and i'm going to do right that.

So when i came down stairs i just convinced my mother to leave to the party without me and i'll join them later, of course she threw her own tantrum saying i shouldn't go late to my own engagement but i convinced her in such a way that she agreed to my idea and left without me.

Now it's the right time to execute my plan, so i went to my cabinet in my house took a bottle of whiskey and gulped the whole bottle. when i'm satisfied that i'm drunk out of my wits then i finally called my driver to drive me to the venue.

I was escorted to the stage by my grand father where he gave me a quizzical look saying that he knows something which i can't even decipher in my current state. He just patted at my back and left me by the stage congratulating and leaving  me staggering a bit.

I was standing there putting  stoic face when i saw her arrive with her cousin of course she look breath taking but  a bit shy and timid. she reached the stage clutching the hand of her cousin talking with her about god knows what. Finally she reached beside me and i gave her a smirk which says with this day forward she should expect  these kind of punishments, if she thought marrying a billionaire will suffice all her earthly needs then she is totally wrong i will make sure to make her life a living hell. 

some time later when one of my board member and his wife reached the stage to congratulate us, while she just held my hand from behind in the sense to stop me from staggering which made it look like we're loving couple. though i appreciate her idea of making it seem real when sh knows its just the act we're pulling for the public eye.

suddenly i heard my idiotic friends calling for me from down the stage "Hey man, Congratulations your getting tied up so soon, from now on you should hold your tail from your play boyish behavior" said Samuel grinning and laughing at my expense.

"Your a lucky bastard, marrying a beautiful young lady" smirked zarang smiling towards her which made me irritated. she is my fiance for god sake . All of them shook their hands with her while she smiled politely at them, why is she smiling at them weren't she the shy and timid type or is she like that only towards me.

My patience got thinned when zarang neared her with a grin plastered on his face i just pushed him away from her and that was my undoing because i pulled away from her hold and fell face first on the floor blacking out.


So, readers..... the story will start to heat up from here, here the engagement part is over.....!!!!!

and what do you think about zarang khan? please convey your views on the story so far by your comments....

your positive critics are welcomed...

and Your also welcomed to share my stories.......




Happy reading!!!

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