Ch: 8. The Threat

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[Saera's Pov]

"Oh shit shit shit!!!!" I whisper yelled. Oh Allah This cannot be happening right now, is it so wrong of me trying to enjoy the last day of college by going out with my friends, i crouch down a little like I'm in search of my long lost precious property.

"What happened Saera, don't be so stiff let loose a little your marriage is not the worlds end so stop stressing out too much" huffed rufina like I'm a stupid moron.

"Rufina if you open up your eyes please, just turn towards your right casually and see" i said with a sickeningly sweet voice.

Rufina's eyes bulged out of her socket after turning to the direction which i instructed. I face palmed myself because when i said casually, what i really meant was to look at that side without others noticing that your actually watching that person, but her reaction was not quite subtle to say, that it was casual.

Saera: "Urghhh rufina, Is that your version of looking casually at the person you're not supposed to look at" i hissed at her. She just shrugged at me like

Rufina: "Relax Saera, Now get up and act like you've never even noticed that he is seated in the right corner of the restaurant"

Isha: "Yes now common lets just order already I'm starving"

Hiral: "Ignore him saera, your not married yet so just relax now come let us get inside"

Rufina: "BTW he doesn't seem like a guy who comes to restaurants like these, But we cannot judge a book by its cover, Right...."

Yea you're right, common guys lets move in. with that we just entered into the restaurant, it was a small restaurant not so extravagant for those billionaires to hang out. We chose this day to enjoy our day to the fullest, like a girls day out.

At first we've planned to go to the amusement park in ECR but every one of us were really tired after the exams so, i gave them the idea to go to our favorite restaurant in Anna Nagar. But now i regretted why in the world that i ever gave the idea. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and started talking with my friends animatedly forgetting all about that jerk even existed in the same room as i am. As we were going to our regular table which was luckily not occupied by any. Due to the fact that it was a afternoon that too on a week day.

I felt a hand pull at my elbow towards a hard chest "Ouch, what it is now" I mumbled to myself. When i looked up i was met by a pair of mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes which of course belongs to that jerk, Starring down at me. self consciously i looked around at my surrounding and to the faces of my friends which were all pale out of shock same as mine. I pulled my hand out of his grasp and starred back at him. Because if it is a war \, then I'm not going down with out a fight.

"Mr. Kashif, What a pleasant surprise what are you doing here at a restaurant like this??" I spit out like talking to a long lost buddy. Only i know the inner turmoil that's going inside my head.

He gave me that exact smirk that he gave me back at the theater Oh Allah I should not remind him of that incident i thought to myself, because talking to him is like walking on a area full of land mines, each step that we take should be very careful or else we might get blown up into several pieces. In my case that's exactly what will happen, all my secrets will be blown up.

"Oh hello Ms. Quaisar, Don't you think that's supposed to be my question future wife!"

Did he just say future wife, what in the hell does he think. But wait is it just me or did he really spat those words out at me. Does he hate this marriage as much i hate this stupid arrangement. though I couldn't able to read his reaction but i can sense the hatred in his voice.

So instead i said "Uhmm.. no Mr. Kashif we've planned to celebrate the last days of my freedom before the engagement"

His smirk faded for a second but he quickly composed himself. "Oh, so freedom it is eh..." he asked snickering at me.

Now what was his problem if he doesn't want this marriage why can't he tell his mother, after all she was the one who suggested this idea to my father. But i cannot tell him that now and risk my current relationship with my parents. Already they're weary of my every moments that they already know i oppose this idea of marrying him with all my might.

"yes Mr. Kashif, now if you please excuse us" i said and about to turn and leave when he said "Not so fast Ms. Quaisar, I need to talk to you about this marriage privately"

The blood in my face all drained down to my feet when particularly when he stressed out the word privately like he about to do something ridiculous.

"U-h Uh.... Mr. Kashif i guess we are talking privately " i said but he motioned his eyes towards my friends "they're just my friends and I'm not planning on hiding this from them, so tell me here itself"

"As you wish Ms. Quaisar, I just wanted to warn you that to watch your back Ms. Quaisar because everything will not happen according to your own will and be ware of your surrounding" with that said he walked away from the place.

Now, what just happened what did he meant by be ware of my surrounding i don't just understand what's his real problem why does his warning ring a bell in my ears, I just don't get it Allah why it should get even more complicated than already it is.

"What does he say now saera??" questioned Isha with concern etched on her face.

"He just warned me to watch my back, i don't know whether it is out of concern for me or that he threatens me because he knows something terrible is coming, Oh Allah he is so confusing" i tell my friends and they nod in return.

[Shamshad's Pov]

"What took you so long man" asked my friends who were waiting for me outside the restaurant

"I just wanted to use the restroom guys, no big issues" i replied to them and we all got into Soeb's Mercedes and left to our regular work not before shoeb starts to question me about the engagement plan, I rolled my eyes at him saying all has been taken care of.

My friends were all talking and laughing teasing me about all the marriage jokes, and i looked out of the window not in the mood to mingle into their conversation as my mind automatically moving back to the conversation i had with Ms. Quaisar. I didn't joke when i said her to watch her back because all i know is much more is waiting for her with this marriage. If she thought marrying a billionaire will solve her current issues i'll show her what a gold digging bitch like herself will get in return. with that thought in my mind we were headed to the night club in ECR...


So, readers..... back to back chaps in a week 

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