Ch:4. The Proposal

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[Saera's Pov]

Today is that big day of the company which my dad works in because, today is the inaugural party of the new CEO and my dad was invited because now he was the head of Accounts and Finance department. Guys can you believe this it is in freaking Taj Coromandel i was really excited to go there because I've heard the parties held there are quite extravagant. But I had second thoughts on going to the party on whether I'll crash into the CEO again, but I might also be over thinking as Aila said "calm down saera there's no need to get panic" i pep talked myself.

My sister and i got ready in a really pretty salwar while my dad booked a cab to reach there. when we reached there my mouth hung open looking at the decor it was quite fascinating, gorgeous. As we entered the hall a lady greeted us talking animated I enjoyed her company though. We were talking and giggling about some random girl when, Mrs.feroza I think her name is called her son. I was shocked will be an understatement because it was HIM the guy whom I crashed into in the food court and the one under who my dad works. Allah please save me why should that jerk be the son of this lovely lady? I thought to myself.

He came towards his mother today he was wearing an Armani suite and his looks were drool worthy, yet because of my stupid situation I cannot admire his face now all because I don't want to get into shit with my mother when she smells anything slight problematic she will literally drag me to hell. And It will be a problem for me if HE finds out about who I am. So, I acted as though I'm a shy little girl and he looked at me as if he did not recognise me. Thank Allah Aila was right he forgot about that in incident. He left us after that awkward moment, but his gaze was towards this girl Mrs.feroza was criticising about. Who cares anyway... He is a total jerk I thought. And with that the rest of the party was fun with my sister and my mom's non-stop nagging about our behaviour....

[fast forward to six months......]

It's almost six months after the party Incident. Now I'm in my final semester our professor let everyone in my class to scattered outside the class room but some are in cafeteria so that they may prepare without any disturbance. Me and my friends are preparing for our final exams we were sitting in a circular format mostly chatting and very slow studying process.

Saera: houff! Guys It's too much to study this semester It's going to be too tough I guess...

Hiral: saera.....usually you won't complain about studies. Now what happened to you??

Rufina: The CEO happened to her....(In a singsong voice).she has a huge crush on him right??(wriggling her eyebrows).

Saera: What??? Are you gone nut rufIna??

Isha: Rufina Is right saera your different after the party incident. (with a frown).

Saera: It's not like that Isha I'm really fine. And I'm not having any crush on that jerk!!

HIral: Then can you explain why Is that It looks like you're not concentrating on your studies??

Saera: Houff!! Guys........It's not what you're thinking. I'm afraid of my mom and what will be my situation after I complete my college....

RufIna: Don't worry saera... we'll be having Internship for at least three months after college Its part of our curriculum. But for that we've to attend some Interviews.

Saera: Oh! okay...then I can have postponed the Inevitable at least for three months I guess....

Isha: what Inevitable saera?? what are you talking about??

HIral: saera, are you hidIng something from us??

"U-uh..Nothing.....guys leave It I-Its alright now" I saId stuttering. "Oh, common saera you can share anything with us and you know that right" said Isha more like a question. " It goes guys...." I started with my story dragging a little bit.

"I was preparing for my seminar last week sitting in my room when my dad called me" I started to narrate my sad past which I wish that never had happened. "And you all know how my parents are right?? they're more into wealth than modesty" I said. "Yeah we know that saera, now what that have to do with your studies??" asked rufina with concern. "That has everything to do with my studies dad called me to talk about the marriage proposal that has come to his concern recently." I said with a sob threatening to escape my mouth. "Marriage proposal for whom saera?? what that have to do with you now??" asked Hiral. "Girl, I guess It's for her, but saera Is that family who brought the proposal is rich?? because If It's not then you need not have to worry know..." said Isha. "No isha my father has accepted the proposal; he has called me to talk about that only" I stated when a sob escaped my mouth which I tried to control so much.

"Now stop bursting me with questions and listen to what I'm about going to tell you guys. "I said annoyed with their Interruption. "Sorry.... Now we stop with the questions but, you'll have to tell everything in detail okay." said rufina more like a question. I sighed they will never change I thought to myself. "So, here It goes again...." I started again with my narration. " As I said my dad called me that day to talk about the marriage proposal that came to his concern for me. they made me sit In between my dad and mom and started to talk about the proposal. He said that Mrs. Feroza has asked my dad about me and my qualifications and also told him that they're looking for a perfect bride for her son Mr. Shamshad kashif" I paused for a moment "What did your dad tell her?" Hiral asked. I glared at her annoyed and told them the rest of the story. "He told me that he also suggested her that he also looking for suitors for me and also that I'm already in my final semester Its high time to search for a suitor. my dad paused a little bit and told me that, Mrs. Feroza looked very happy about what he said and suggested her son for me and then asked him to think about It."

"And you nodded your head just like that??" asked Isha a little bit worried. "I swear saera If you've done any of that sort I will strangle you" said rufina with anger. "No guys... I told my dad that I don't like him or his wealth and that I'm not ready for marriage yet." I paused a little "But my mom Interrupted me saying that It's a good family and that we'll not be able to get such an alliance even If we dream of". "But, I fought with her saying that I don't care about the wealth or family name and that I don't like him and I won't marry that kind of a jerk. I even tried to reason with her that he looked quite drunk at end of the party that she herself noticed and that he was flirting with that girl Mrs. Feroza was talking about earlier. My mom thought about what I said but didn't bother to comment on that" I sighed with frustration. "The worst part Is even Aila said to consider It" I said at the brink of crying my eyes out.

"Oh saera, don't worry we'll somehow try to stop that cruelty" said rufina. "B-but, how guys it's not possible my mom Is so strong and my dad will only listen to my mom's words" I said crying. "just try to postponed everything saying that you've Internship to complete and that you cannot think about anything until then" saId Hiral. "Okay.....that sounds like a plan" I said unsure. Little did they know what happened after that Incident with my parents......Oh! Allah please save me from this terror I thought to myself. 


So,'s chap 6 i know its a cliff hanger! now what will happen to saera that her mom is so strict and stubborn, stay tuned to find out. 




Happy reading!!!

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