Ch:9. The Engagement

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[Saera's Pov]

"You Look magnificent Saera, I bet Mr. kashif going to be head over heels for you...... " Farrah was teasing me dragging the head over heels for me part to which i only rolled my eyes. And before you could wonder what it is yes, today is that fateful day they named it my engagement day, I've already tried all the stuff in my power to stop this stupidity but all went towards failure, and to my worst nightmare they're going to announce it to the media so that it reaches to their bussiness world, as if unless or otherwise they wouldn't know.

  "Don't roll your already swollen eyes saera, as is it is you made the make up artist  work quite difficult"  said my mom with a huff when i rolled my eyes for the second time thinking about my fate. And guess what,  i had a really rough night yesterday not in the sense that i had a hangover but still a listlessness in the situation and I cried my eyes out to my pillow wondering what if Allah sends any miracle to stop this function. But to my utter distress nothing will happen according to my wish, i sighed to myself. 

you see,  that was the cause why my eyes looks what it is now, all swollen due to all the crying i did to my pillow. And on top of that the threat given by Mr. Kashif a few days back to which, still i don't get what does he meant by to watch my back, is he warning me of something that is  already laid on my path or talking about himself in general, it's not like i'm really into this marriage, i was equally pushed into this pit as much as he thinks that he is punished for his play boyism.

I was pulled out of my reverie when i heard a loud voice calling my name from downstairs "Saera! stop your day dreaming and come downstairs, you can't be late for your own engagement party!" 

"Coming Mom!!!!!" Urghhhhhhh as if i'm ecstatic about this engagement stuff, i rolled my eyes for the Nth time today.

When i reached the stair case the whole crowed  included only my family gasped at me, and now don't wonder how i look because my make up was done naturally with smokey eyes and natural lip color for lipstick, light blush to my cheeks and i wanted a shawl to be draped around my head as my hijab to complete my look.

"you look beautiful dear" said my dad giving a kiss on my forehead

"Thank you papa" i know, i only gave him a timid smile which couldn't reach my eyes, how could i smile,  when i'm not even interested with this arrangement myself.  

"Shall we leave now?" farrah huffed. 

"Yeah Farrah, no need to get all hot on your heels we have ample time for our selves." i don't know what came over Farrah because after I started complaining about this arrangement to her she acted quite weirdly towards me, and i don't even know the cause for her behavior.  

By the time they wrapped up everything and got the stuff ready our ride to the banquet hall already arrived which was of course arranged by Mrs. Feroza. As she was the one who is happier about this arrangement. I guess in my case at least my mother-in-law will be by my side. I sighed to myself entering the Mercedes.

We reached the hall and i was immediately whisked away to the changing room to give me my final touch up. I do not know what is so important that we needed to make this event this extravagant. Farrah was the one to give me my final touch up, and the questions i wanted to ask her was at the tip of my tongue though i couldn't  able to put it in the right phrase which will pull out the answers which i needed from her, I'm so hurt by her recent behavior towards me because i thought she understood me well enough to help me with my plans but her behavior clearly states that she doesn't want anything to do with me and it hurt me so much.

"Don't cry saera this engagement is not so bad your just over thinking every thinking" she said dabbing my cheeks with the compact sponge.

"Stop Farrah!! don't act like you care about me, your attitude towards me clearly shows that you don't even care of what happens in my life." 

"It's not like that saera i really care about you, that's why i'm asking you to go with the flow....."

"What it is then farrah, and what do you mean by going with the flow??"

"It's not important right now saera we're getting late. come it's time to entertain the guest by your presence"

"It is important farrah, and No i'm not leaving this place until you stop all your nonsense cryptic talks."

"Don't be selfish saera!! and stop with your childishness"

"Oh! now i'm being childish, farrah i thought your were my trust worthy person, but now i understand that i was a fool to really trust you from the beginning, your also like the rest of them going behind the worldly things a gold digging maniac!!"

"I'm not the gold digging maniac your parents are, now saera common it's getting late and your selfish mother will blame this also on me"

"What are you talking about farrah?? why would my mother be blaming every thing on you?"

"Oh saera, your mother thought i was the one to manipulate you out of this marriage, so one day she came to my house and complained it to my parents and my parents were like disappointed in me and asked to stop my act or else i will be facing consequences."

"Oh! that's the reason behind your weird behavior?? and look at the irony who's the one to claim me selfish, while she is the one who acted selfish so long so that she won't get caught in the act of helping her own cousin."

"oh yes saera, i'm the selfish one here now happy? now common we're getting late"

"Why?  farrah why are you forcing me to going through with this, it's not even like you please tell me the truth farrah...."

I just pleaded her so that at least now she would tell me the truth but, being her stubborn self she didn't even heeded to my plead and shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll tell you everything in due time saera but, right now go with the flow trust me" She gave me some hope, i know she is hiding something from me, but i cannot pin point what it is, i just hope it's not a major issue.

"Okay, i cannot say that i trust after all this time but it's just giving me some hope." i was wiping my eyes furiously in the end messing with my make up. Farrah sighed and started redoing my make up for the second time after our little chat. I know this is a major incident of my life, and it wont be the same after this engagement though, i hope that my decision now will not be regretted by me later, if Allah wills......

Farrah took me to the stage were the cushion for the couples were placed at the center and the whole stage was beautifully decorated, but my eyes drifted to the person whom they arranged me to get engaged, he was wearing a tux and had a bored expression in his face. When i neared the chairs  a strong hint of awful smell entered my nose, and being my naive self didn't realize that it was the smell of alcohol until he staggered on his walk when i was beside him, only then i realized what bull shit my parents have gotten me into       


So, readers..... the story will start to heat up from here, here's a hint the engagement part is not over yet.....!!!!!  

and what do you think that farrah is hiding? your positive critics are welcomed...

and Your also welcomed to share my stories.......




Happy reading!!!

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