Ch: 6. The Interview

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"Can my life get any better??" i sighed sarcastically to myself. As I was thinking about the events of the past week. Even my friends couldn't able to come up with a better plan to stop this awful engagement party, all our plan went down in the drain, It was as if my mom and dad knew what we're about to do and ruined my short lived fantasy of stopping the engagement. Actually our stupid plan was to going for the interview to a reputed company on the same day as my engagement was fixed, you will not believe me if i tell you that dad was also convinced that my education was more important than the marriage so he agreed to postponed the event which was to be held, I was on top of the world until Mrs. Feroza came into the picture. It was like she was determined to crash my life into spec of little dusts.

Her exact words were "Oh, don't worry about the interview darling we can arrange your internship at our company if you like." i was about to counter her saying that I'm a computer science student and i cannot work in a garment firm. can you imagine what was her next reply, "uhmm saera your mistaken, we do have a technical department and in need of a good web developer, who will be suitable for the position if not my daughter- in-law" she was chirping as though she took away half of my burden from my shoulders in fact acting like an angel who came to save the world from destruction. Only I know how much did she ruined my future.

My dad on the other hand was so happy about the information and they confirmed the dates for the engagement party. After that awful situation i even tried if farrah could help me but, All she said was "Saera, your engagement is in two weeks how can you talk about stopping it now, Look at your parents how happy they are, Are you going to spoil your parent's happiness because of your selfish reasons.."

"Since when did you start to care for my parent's happiness, if you're not willing to help me, say that to my face" i spat at her, i can't believe she could transform from my Best Cousin Forever to Mean Cousin Forever. Though her behavior was a little skeptical, I hope she is not doing this to get even with me for her brother or else i'll hate her even more.

"Saera, Are you alright??" I heard my name being called from a distance i guess pulling me out of my reverie and i sihed sadly to myself. Coming out of my room it was only my mother, asking me whether sick or what because these few days after the dates finalized for the engagement i was feeling down and not myself. "Yeah.... Mom, don't worry tomorrow is my last exam and I'm exhausted from weeks long studying and preparations for my exams" but only i know that was a total lie. I got fed up looking at the same page for quite some time now, tomorrow is my last exam and just imagine how much i would have prepared. Its not like i did the other subjects very well, Its just that I'm a little guilty that i pulled my friends into my mess of a life and spoiled their exams also.

Since Rufina was the one that came with the idea of the interview in a top most company. We all went through a lot of hustle and bustle in these past few weeks to get a call letter in a good reputed company, of course we pulled a string here and there to get through without facing the whole lot of rounds of interview. It sucked that our hard work all got wasted from the one single word from Mrs. Feroza. because we were into the process of preparing for the interview and all those stuff we didn't get to prepare for our own exams. At least they don't have to go through all ramblings of my mother, she was at my neck from the time the dates finalized saying "Saera, get to learn all the basic cooking and house courses, what will Mrs. Feroza will think of us if you are not a good daughter-in-law" she says like I was the one who is the most interested one in this stupid marriage. I closed my book sighing and went to sleep as it was late at night. And I know i will not able to study even if i willed myself, as i can see nothing is getting into my head.

I received a message from Isha in our whats app group after a long hours of twisting and turning and not able to get a wink of sleep.

Isha: Saera, Preparing for the final exam??

Saera: Nope! I'm fed up nothing is entering my head.

Rufina: Its our last exam we must do at least this exam very well.

Saera: Hope so....

Hiral: Don't be vexed saera, its not the end of the world, May be he can change after marriage.

Saera: Hiral!! don't talk like farrah, he is a man whore even if he changes his past definitely will haunt him. InShaaAllah(If Allah Wills).(With Complete hatred)

Isha: Guys stop provoking poor saera, already she is in a big trouble.

Rufina: Now, what shall we do. she should accept her fate its not like we didn't do anything to try and stop it, her mother-in-law is way more enthusiastic in this marriage.

Saera: Oh guys stop it will you!! i don't want to talk about it already i have head ache thinking about it.

Isha: okay saera, stop wining and prepare well for your exam, try to do at least this exam well.

Saera: Okay, thanks guys.

By the time the chatting with my friends ended it was dawn so i decided to pray thahajjud to open my heart to my saviour. Mind you I'm not even worried about my results even if I've done all my exams at my worst.


So,'s chap 8

what do you think of this chap?

will Saera be able to stop her engagement?

Your welcomed to share my stories.......




Happy reading!!!

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