ch:3. The Promise

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[Shamshad's Pov]

"hey man! Common it's high time that we should get wasted tonight" said Samuel reed from the crowd he is one of my best friend from college. As for the introduction, my name is Shamshad kashif I'm studying master's in business at the university in UK, and yes, me and my three friends Samuel Reed, Shoeb Ali, and zarang khan are at the night club for our graduation celebration party.

Today we're partying hard with all those girls around us. Shoeb doesn't like to involve with girls or after party one night stands as he always says that it's haram (it's a sin) but common drinking and getting wasted is so common now adays. And its great fun when girls are flaunting around us.

After graduation I'm be going back to my home land chennai. My grandad wants me back to get to know about family business and stuff like that and also because I'm the sole heir and will getting the business when I reach twenty-five years so I've got to know about the business world exactly my grandad's words. Off course I'll be missing this place and my friends. Though shoeb is also from same country as me and has his own family business to handle same as me.

There's this girl in the crowd from our college checking me out for quiet sometime now..."sham your lucky bastard that hot chick is checking you out" said zarang. "don't be jealous every time I get laid zarang, I've got more charms than you" I said winking at him and went towards the chick. Little did I know that my life will turn upside down from my past.

In chennai...
My mom and grand dad was standing in the waiting area waiting for me with wide grin on their faces. I waved my hand towards them grinning myself. Reaching them I hugged my mom and my granddad. A chauffer was waiting for us as we entered our Mercedes to get to our home.

"how was your journey son??" asked my mom little worried about me. She worries about me a lot since her husband left her. She lost most of her charisma and her character changed after that incident. Yeah I call him her husband and not dad because I've not seen him since my birth, he divorced my mom right after her child birth and I hate him for that. Now, who in the world ignores his own son? Definitely he is no longer my dad. Yea, from then on I see my granddad as my dad figure.

"it was fine mom, though I'm a little tired after my long flight travel" I replied for her question. "oh, son you can take rest after we reach our home" she said. After reaching home I went straight to my old room to take little rest because after this day I've loads to handle and my grandfather won't leave me till I learn every knack of the business world. My room was same as when I left two years back, nothing changed much.

So basically my grandad introduced me to every department in the company. As usual I got every female population of the company at the back of me. We reach my grandad's office "hello sir, I'm Jennifer I'm the personal secretary of Mr.Adil" a female voice said seductively. Jennifer introduced herself. I smirked to myself and nodded my head towards her. She looked quite my type. After my grandad left me to get used to work Jennifer explained clearly about what will be my work and about my schedule.

"mom! What are you talking about!!???" I asked her angrily. On one side my grandad torturing me with the company and the other side mom sincerely looking for a bride for me. Oh common I'm only twenty-three now for fuck sake!! I thought. And told her to drop this bullshit immediately and that I'm not ready for a commitment yet. But my mom made me promise that I should marry a girl of her choice off course I had no problem in that. I can enjoy my life till then. On the other note promises are made to break right...

After a tiring day I called shoeb and we went to a club in ECR. But it was not like the one we went to in England. Here in Chennai everything is different, though I needed some refreshment after a hectic day of work, so I called shoeb here. And we started our round of shots. After some couple of shots, I got a bit drunk and I heard the seductive voice of my secretary. She is trying to seduce me for a long time now. What, I can't let a chance to get laid slip out of my hand so I accepted her invitation right away.

Shoeb rolled his eyes at me and left the place after scolding me for my sloppy state of mind and my weak deen, that I'm not going to regret it someday. I don't care every time he talks like that because it's my life so it's my own choice of how I lead life I scoffed at him and lead my way to the dance floor to enjoy the long night and ahead...

Anyways i'm going to be handling a big company after two years everything will be in my control and no one there to control my life then.......(EVIL LAUGHTER) let me enjoy my life till then .......

[After 2 years.....]

It's been two years after my training in the company finally my granddad has decided that I've learnt enough from him to handle the company. I've been waiting to hear those words from him all these years, alas the day came when he said "shamshad you've been a good man and worked so hard for our company these past few years, our shareholders look upon your decisions, and you've also earned great respect from our employers, so I've finally decided to hand over the company to you, son." he said patting my shoulder. I've been flying on cloud nine from the moment those words left from his mouth, I've been so patiently waiting and suppressed all my playboy attitude for this purpose alone.

But when I thought everything was in control there comes my mom, she's always been irritating me these past few years about this bloody marriage which I'm not at all interested in. seriously, didn't I've already promised her to marry whomever fucking girl she chooses for me? because all in the end she'll only be a puppet in my hand. so, who cares which ever girl is going to be my wife, she'll be my personal maid and legal wife in front of my investors. My mom is in keen search of the perfect bride according to her words. I personally wish she never finds such a girl.

There's this huge party arranged by my mom for my acquirement of the company as the CEO, but i already know it's kind of search parade for the perfect bride. She's never going to get tired of this, and its no wonder I'm going to enjoy all those female crowed there. I was getting ready with my Armani suite when she entered my room God not again! "son, aren't you ready yet? you're the CEO you shouldn't be late for your own party!!" she said bragging about the party how she can't wait to see who's going to be that girl. All this was her plan she invited all the elites and the Top heads of the company.

After I got ready our Maserati Quattro Porte was waiting for us in our portico i dismissed our chauffeur because today I've decided to drive the car myself. When reaching our destination hotel Taj Coromandel my mom went straight to greet all the elites she's been accustomed to, I went to greet some business partners I've come to know during my training. On the way I got Loads of congratulations which I've just nodded in reply. I was quite busy talking to the business associates when i saw Jennifer my secretary she looked quite hot today to say the least, though I'm not interested in her flirting anymore because i got bored after our hook up a couple of time before. But she is really persistent to gain my mother's approval but i doubt my mom will approve of her for, one, she is a non-Muslim and two, she dresses like a slut, according to my mom that is.

I saw Ahad Quaisar head of our Accounts and finance department i went towards him to know more about the company financial status, when i saw my mom talking to the woman beside him who was having quite the time of her life with her. when reaching there i indicated Mr.Quaisar to talk privately because i don't wanna talk about business in front of my family which my mother hates, she usually says "Do not bring your business inside family". After the talk i left them to talk as i was about to leave my mom stopped me and introduced to this girl who might be younger than me by couple of years she looked to be a shy and timid girl, totally not my type. It was quite formal introduction and my mother was talking animatedly to that girl as though encouraging her to be sociable, I bet she cannot be that sociable because she looks to be a quiet and shy type. Though the introduction was quite awkward, i left them be and moved on to my friend's gang.


It's the short chapter I've written so far and it's in the male's pov and it also explains his character.

I know what he's doing is so wrong islamically but please bare with me, I need his character like that according to my story.

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