Ch:5. The Agreement

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The next day after my dad's the talk about the proposal of Mrs. Feroza, I went to my parent's room to do the talk, to explain them to get to stop this stupidity they call marriage. oh, how i hate this marriage and that stupid jerk Allah he himself should not be interested to marry me and call off whatever they're planning i prayed to myself. But reality always slaps on our faces when we want to believe otherwise right, okay that's exactly what happened to me, the blood on my face fully drained hearing what my dad was telling to my mom. "Humaira" he called my mom "Mrs. Feroza is ecstatic about this marriage and asked me to arrange for everything as soon as possible". "That's really a good news Ahad but, did shamshad agreed to this marriage?" my mom asked him "oh, don't worry about that Humaira, it seems that he is okay with whom ever his mom chooses as his wife" my dad answered. "Oh, that's nice he is really smart with good character, i hope saera sees that in him" my mom said with excitement to which my dad only beamed with pride as though big burden on shoulders has been lifted.

But i didn't want to tell this to my friends for i don't want them to get worried because of me. Currently we're all preparing for our exams, i don't want to pull their grades down with mine so i told them of what is necessary to be told. And they gave me the idea of the internship program which is immediately followed by our exams. I really hope this works at least for now, for which I can able to postpone the inevitable. Because like my dad said Mrs. Feroza seems to be really fast forward with this stupid marriage arrangement and i hope my internship brags me little amount of time to think in what ways i can stop this marriage thing. Allah i really don't want to marry that jerk he seems to be a womanizer. I was thinking to myself when i heard someone calling my name "Oh, Saera don't think about it too much we're with you we together can find some loop wholes to stop this marriage" said Isha only then i realised that we're still in college compound. I just sighed and gave her small smile for her encouragement but only i know the reality.

College hours soon came to an end and its already time to leave. I planned to go home immediately to talk about the upcoming internship program before they go any far with this marriage. Isha volunteered to come with me to my house to do the talking with my stubborn mother but i declined, since i don't want pull my friends into my misery. After sending off my friends I quickly got on my waiting cab to get to execute my plan ASAP. By the time i got home it was 3 p.m, luckily my dad was in home too, it was quite odd though my dad usually returns from office by 7, but who cares about it now, i got a little excited to tell them about the internship program. I greeted my parents with salam as soon as i entered my house. After that immediately i went to my room to refresh myself to do all the talk for the upcoming evening. I think these days all the odds are on my side, because when i entered the living room i saw Mrs. Feroza sitting on our couch talking with my dad, if my guess is right it'll be about this marriage misery.

Against all odds, i decided to go over there and talk to them before they decide anything further on my life. And see, my guess was right they were really talking about the stupid marriage. So, i went in greeting Mrs. Feroza with a salam and she returned with a great enthusiasm i gave her half smile in return. "Saera dear, how was college today?" asked my mom giving me the don't-you-dare-start-with-your-nonsense-in front-of-Mrs.Feroza look i understood her warning so instead i turned my attention to my dad. "yes, today classes in college went well" i paused "and dad today we were informed that all the final years will be having internship program for the next three months as soon as our exams gets over" i looked at my mom to see her reaction and as expected she gave me a death glare but my dad looked quite confused and looked at Mrs.Feroza for her opinion on that. She was as usual calm and composed and just gave me a smile.

As expected The next thing my dad asked me was "uh-uh... saera, is the internship program is necessary to complete your degree". "Yes dad it is part of our curriculum" i responded. My dad's face fell at my response and he tried to come up with any other plan to make this proposal work on his favor. So he tried to convince Mrs.Feroza regarding the arrangements . But the next sentence said by Mrs. Feroza gave me the shock of my entire being "oh, don't worry about the arrangements Mr. Ahad we'll have the engagement now and the marriage after saera's internship gets over and all the expenses on the marriage is on groom's side we'll take care of it, we only want your daughter's hand in marriage" she said to my dad. My parents agreed to it immediately, I on the other hand felt like crying at her words though my mom and dad was on cloud nine and i can see that in their faces because they had widest grin and faces as bright as 1000 watts bulb. oh Allah why my fate should be this cruel i thought to myself. "Is that okay with you my future daughter-in-law" asked Mrs.Feroza with the brightest smile she can ever pull. I gave her a small smile nodding and returned to my room. And there goes my plan as a total flop.

I was in the brink of crying, so much to make a plan only for it to get flop i thought to myself i think my fate can't get any worse than this. And started to text my friends

Saera: Guys the plan is a total flop, they're planning on the engagement now

Isha: What!!! Are you serious??

Rufina: saera, did you really talked to your parents?

Hiral: What made it a flop plan in the first place?

Saera: unexpectedly Mrs. Feroza visited us today when i told my parents about the internship.

Hiral: Oh boy......

Saera: yes rufina, i talked with them but, i Didn't expected that Mrs.Feroza was invited to our house today and she was the one to suggest about the engagement.

Isha: They're already planning on the engagement so soon??

Rufina: Then it is official that it is far more serious then we thought.

Saera: yes and I'm totally screwed!!!

Isha: Don't worry we can sort something during our internship.

Saera: they've planned the engagement before the internship, that is immediately after our exams.

Hiral: Then we should probably make plan B.

Rufina: yup....!

Isha: Okay we'll plan when we're in college then....

Saera: Okay...I'll try to talk with Farrah until then, Bye guys....

With that i threw my phone on the bed and started to cry my eyes out for the next three hours. Allah save me from this marriage trauma....i Prayed to my savior on my prayer mat.


So,'s chap 7 now, what do you think of this chap,will Saera be able to stop her engagement, Stay tuned to know more on her story and Please be free to share my stories and comment your suggestions on this chap...




Happy reading!!!

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