Should i really be here? (Chapter 1)

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Feyre walk through the door to her apartment. Shutting the door with a slam, she huffed a sigh of annoyance. 'Just 2 months to go and then I can leave.' She thought to herself. Walking over to the kitchen on the other side of the small apartment that she rents, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge. Opening a cupboard she starred at the wine glasses before shutting the door and opening the wine with gusto. Taking a healthy swig straight from the bottle, she flopped down onto the worn out sofa and kicked of her shoes. After taking another big chug from the wine she thought back to the earlier events that had gotten her so frustrated.

Walking through the door to her office she already regretted waking up this morning. Lucien was looking at her with a malicious glint in his eye. "Decided to put in an effort today?" He asked with a smirk tugging at his lips. He was talking about the mascara and red lipstick she had put on in the hopes of looking prettier. She didn't think it worked. When Feyre ignored him and carried on walking to her desk, he stood up from the chair he was sitting in and followed behind her, walking to his desk. That was, frustratingly, right next to hers. "You're already fucking the boss," He drawls, "who else are you trying to impress?" She snorts at this and then turns around. "Certainly not you, if that's what you are implying."  Glaring at him to get the point across. He glares straight back. Challenging her to look away. Finally she does, as she turns to her computer, she notices a bunch of flowers on her desk. Starring at them for a few seconds she hears a footsteps coming down the corridor. As the door to her and Lucien's office opens, she puts on a fake smile and turns around.

There stood the culprit of the flowers.

Tamlin. Her boss and 'fiancé'. She cringed inwardly at the word.

"Hi sweety" She said in a, obviously forced, chipper voice. He walked over to her giving her a quick kiss before turning to Lucien. "I need the first mock up of the building on my desk by the end of the day." He said curtly not allowing Lucien or Feyre to reply, before marching out.

"He does know that that's your job, right?" Lucien snapped as soon as the door closed. "Yes" she glared at him. 'But he just doesn't trust me' she thought to herself. She was working on a project with Lucien, where she was the head architect designing an office for one of Tamlin's clients. Lucien was the accountant making sure that Feyre stayed within budget. But the problem was as soon as Tamlin and Feyre started to date, Tamlin no longer saw her as a talented artist. She was simply there so he could keep an eye on her. And she hated it.

Thinking back on the encounter made her even angrier. It was days like these where she was glad that she had her own apartment. It was easy to persuade Tamlin that it was the proper thing to do. Considering all he cared about was how the public would view him. It only took a few pleas and a promise to move in together once they were married to get him to agree. Though she still went round his everyday and slept over most nights. But she still had a slight sense of freedom in her otherwise dictated world.

She woke up the next day to her phone ringing. Without looking at the screen she answered the call.

"FEYRE!" It was Tamlin. "Why didn't you come over last night?" She could feel his anger radiating through the phone. "I'm sorry babe." She said trying not to groan. "No! I am done with your stupid excuses! Either you are moving in with me or you can kiss your job goodbye." Tamlin almost yelled down the phone. "Tam-" she tried to protest. "No! Either you move into my flat or I move into yours. And you know how much I hate that filthy place" He said, disgust clear in his tone. She wanted neither of those scenarios to happen. "Fine. I'll move in this weekend." He hung up. 'That's all I am to him. A possession to be bossed around' Feyre thought to herself. After the distraction of Tamlin's phone call being over she realised that she was in fact still in the living room, on the sofa, in yesterdays work clothes. Quickly checking the time she cursed and rushed around to get ready. Forgetting to eat breakfast, as usual.

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