Morning activities (Chapter 14)

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Feyre woke up on Saturday morning, once again wrapped in Rhys and Lucien's arms. 'I could get used to this' She thought to herself, snuggling into Lucien's back, lightly kissing his shoulder. "Good morning to you too, Feyre darling." Rhys mumbled from behind her. Turning around, she looked down at a sleepy Rhys, his eyes still half closed. "I didn't know you were awake, you needy thing." She teased but kissed him gently on the lips. As she pulled away, Rhys bit her lip lightly. Making her gasp in surprise, giving him the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His kiss was as soft and caring as the first time they ever kissed, she could still feel the love translating through each movement of their lips and hoped he could understand all that she was saying through the kiss, that she was to afraid to say out loud. "Well now I regret sleeping in." Shocked Rhys and Feyre pulled apart and turned to look at Lucien who was watching them with desire and hunger in his eyes. "Well we don't want you to be left out." Rhys whispered seductively, as he lent over Feyre and kissed Lucien with the same amount of passion as he had kissed her. Lucien cupped the side of Rhys face with one hand whilst the other rested high on Feyre's thigh. Teasing her. She watched them kiss for a couple minutes, entranced by the sight when a sudden ringing filled the room. Shocking them all and making Rhys and Lucien pull apart. "Fuck! I forgot to switch off my alarm!" Lucien cursed and picked up his phone from his bedside table. "Why have you got an alarm for Saturday morning? Saturdays are for sleeping in!" Feyre questions, humor dancing in her eyes. "I workout every day." Lucien gloats, showing off his bicep. "You didn't work out before!" Rhys pouts, sounding almost offended. "Well you were the hot one in the relationship, I didn't need to look good." Lucien shrugs, winking at Rhys. "Oh shut up." Feyre exclaimed, hitting Lucien's arm. "You are both the hot one, especially in this relationship." Feyre laughs. Looking both of her boys up and down, admiring their physique. "Feyre.." Lucien warned, raising his eyebrows. "Believe me Feyre darling, you are definitely the hottest one." Rhys says looking her up and down then meeting her eye, showing the sincerity behind the humour. For the first time since she met Tamlin, she actually believes him, only a little bit but she feels absolutely amazing. "I want to start working out too." Feyre announces, looking at Lucien with pleading eyes. "Well how could anyone say no to those puppy eyes." Lucien teases, quickly kissing her on the lips, leaving her wanting more. "Can I join in with the workout club?" Rhys pouts, resting his head on Feyre's shoulder. "Poor baby, feeling left out?" Feyre teases, resting her head on his.

They had been in the gym for an hour and Feyre had never felt more powerful. For the first time ever she had seen how strong her body could be and she loved it. "That was amazing!" Feyre wiped sweat from her brow, breathing heavily. "I agree." Rhys pants and takes of his shirt, trying to cool down. Both Feyre and Lucien couldn't stop starring as his muscles moved and flexed with the movement. "You're drooling." Rhys laughs, rolling his eyes at both of them. "Who?!" Lucien says defensively. "Both of you." Rhys slings his arms over both of their shoulders and chuckles. "Ew! Shower before you put your sweaty armpit near my face" Feyre feigns disgust and waves her hand in front of her nose. "You love it really." Rhys bumps his hip into Feyre's in a teasing manner. "Fey's right Rhys" Lucien laughs, "You stink." Rhys looks offended at the accusation. "And I thought we we're friends!" He pretends to wipe away tears. "Sensitive boy." Feyre rolls her eyes, but kisses him on the cheek. Rhys smiles at the action and Feyre can see the love in his eyes. The pure emotion flaws her. No one has ever looked at her like that and she never thought they would. She started to panic; they deserved someone better, someone who wasn't completely broken and someone who wasn't her. "Are you okay?" Lucien looks at her with concern and she can see the love he held for her written all over his face. They both loved her and she loved both of them. She kisses him deeply, letting him guide the kiss, their mouths communicating in an unknown language of love and emotions. As they pull away she kisses Rhys, this time she takes control and slips her tongue inside his mouth. As she pulls away all of her worries vanish. 'How could something that feels this right be wrong?' She thinks to herself. And the answer is it isn't. They belong together, so they stay together

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