The truth comes out (Chapter 5)

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A.N: Hello everyone im sorry i haven't updated. I hadn't checked my wattpad and i thought no one was reading the story so kinda felt stupid uploading. But i see that people are reading my story!! Thank you for that. I promise i will upload more frequently from now on. <3 <3

Slathering on foundation she tried to cover her dark under eyes and red splotchy cheeks. Both of these she had accumulated from crying. She was dreading going into work today. She knew that Lucien would be there. Apparently Tamlin had forgiven him. Not fully but enough to keep his job.

Head hanging low and shoulders slumped; she pushed open the door to her office. She had arrived early hoping to avoid any unnecessary interactions with Lucien. Sitting at her desk she got to work straight away. An hour later Lucien walked through their office door. She didn't lift her head but their eyes met through her thick lashes. Quickly looking away she starred at the computer screen. Feeling his eyes still burning into her, she tried to busy herself with writing an email to Elain asking if she wanted to meet for lunch. Elain replied almost immediately excepting the offer. A couple hours later of working and Lucien's gaze almost permanently on her, she stood up to go meet Elain. Walking out the door, she could hear footsteps behind her. Presuming they were Lucien's she kept walking. "Feyre" A hash voice called. "Oh sorry Tam, I thought you were someone else." She said whilst turning. She couldn't meet his eyes, not without breaking down in tears that is. "Do you want to accompany me for lunch?" She started to panick. "I-I can't" Her voice betrays how nervous she was. "Why not?" Tamlin didn't notice her panic. "I made plans with Elain" Tamlin's eyes narrowed. "Well un-make them." She simply nodded pulling out her phone to text Elain her apologies. Yet again, Elain's reply was almost instantly.

Elain: Okay. I'll see if Nesta is around.

Feyre: Thanks, sorry. Love you xx

Elain: Love you too xx

Feyre loved her sisters but they were both so clueless, well Elain was clueless, Nesta just didn't care. They were both so strong in there own ways, she had always admired them for that, they just didn't understand her so they couldn't see her pain. But she knew that they loved her with all their hearts and she loved them with all hers. "Who you texting?" Tamlin asked already looking over her shoulder. "Elain" She showed him her phone to show she wasn't lying. "Okay, now put your phone away while we have lunch." He had stopped outside a café. Her café. Velaris. Work was only 3 blocks away from her old apartment and Velaris was only a block away from that. Noticing her shock Tamlin explained, "You were so distracted in here I wanted to see what the fuss was about." His smile cunning, he didn't suit this look. "Oh" was all she could manage to say. He pushed open the door allowing her to step through. They walked up to the counter and he ordered for her. "Not the usual?" Nuala asked when Tamlin had asked for two espressos, when she likes her coffee so sweet you can't tell its actual coffee. Tamlin hissed a no at Nuala causing her to scurry away and quickly make the drinks. Once Tamlin had snatched the drinks from Cerridwen, they sat down on one of the sofas. Sipping her drink she cringed at the bitter taste. "You should have said, if you don't like it" Tamlin said clenching his jaw. "No I do like it, just a shock to the system." She rested her hand on his arm in reassurance. "Good" he said patting her knee as if she was a dog that had fetched a ball. They sat in tense silence while they drank their coffee till the bell above the door chimed, signaling a new customer. Feyre thought nothing of it until the hand that was still on her knee began to squeeze tightly. She looked up wanting to know the problem that had cause Tamlin's anger. "Hello Feyre darling." Every muscle in her body went stiff. "Rhysand" Tamlin ground out. "Oh, hello Tamlin" Rhys drawled.

"What are you doing here?" Tamlin asked as if he owned the place. "Nuala and Cerridwen are my friends so I try to come here everyday." Tamlin stood up and starred down at Feyre. "Is that why you come here?" He asked sounding genuinely upset "To meet with him?" Feyre looked to Rhys in panic, already looking at her, his eyes held questions and hurt. She looked at her lap, hating the fact that she was the reason for his pain. "No of course not." She hated what she was about to say, but she had to "We're not even friends, I barely know him, he's just some guy that is here." She couldn't bear to look at either of them in the face. "Good." Tamlin said once again and grabbed her wrist, dragging her out the café. She quickly glanced back at Rhys, he had a cold expression on his face but she could see the disbelief in his eyes.

When they got back to the office after lunch Tamlin marched straight to his office, slamming the door. Walking into her office, closing the door slowly, Lucien's eyebrows raised in question. "Rhysand" was all the explanation she gave, forgetting she wasn't talking to him. Lucien looked shocked she had replied. "I've know Tamlin and Rhysand for a long time, their hatred towards each other is warranted. I could tell you if you would speak to me." Lucien said not bothering with a spiteful sneer. Ever since the day he realized what was going on he didn't tease or bicker with her. She hated and liked it at the same time. "Oh, I know how well you know Rhys." She said hoping to get a rise out of him. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist. "Exactly how much do you know about my relationship with Rhysand?" He questioned through clenched teeth. She looked down guiltily; she had promised Rhys she wouldn't hold this against Lucien. "Feyre" Lucien half begged half demanded. "I know you were in a relationship and that you guys broke up 2 years ago." He looked relieved. "Is that all?" He was looking directly into her eyes. "Yes" She nodded looking back into his eyes. Hoping he would see the truth in them. "Thank god" He whispered. "Why what else is there to know?" Feyre asks, sitting down at her desk, showing that she is ready to listen for however long he wants. "So you're talking to me now?" He says, dodging the question. "Yes" Her voice broke on the single word that held so much meaning. She tried to say sorry, thank you and please forgive me, all in one word. "Why are you still with Tamlin?" Lucien finally asked the question that had been hanging in the air all day. "I have to. You saw what he did. Can you imagine if I dumped him?" She said, not able to meet Lucien's eye. "I would protect you." Feyre let out a dry laugh. "He's your best friend. Why choose me, a co-worker you've despised since day one. Over Tamlin, your best and oldest friend?" Her voice raw with emotion. Lucien stood up and took a few strides towards her. "You think I hate you?" Suddenly finding the beige wall very interesting, Feyre only nodded. "Please look at me." His tone was so different from Tamlin's when he had said almost those exact words. "Please" He whispered again, when she continued to look at the wall. "Fey" She looked into his eyes, both of them near tears. "Can I touch you?" Feyre's heart swells, nodding. "How can you care about me? All I've caused you is pain." Lucien cups her cheek like she was made of glass. "You have caused me so much joy, not pain." Feyre couldn't help the blush that fluttered over her cheeks. "But the other day-" Lucien's eyes darkened. "The other day was not you fault. That was all Tamlin." Nodding, Feyre explained "No, I mean after. What I said. I didn't mean that you were the bad guy. I was embarrassed. I didn't want you too see me that weak." It was Lucien's turn to nod lightly. "I realize that now, I was just on edge because of... well you know... Rhysand" He said with an adorable blush covering his cheeks. "You know I would never judge you, right?" Feyre said placing her hand over his, the one that was still caressing her cheek. Lucien nods. "Are you, are you gay?" Feyre mumbles unsure if she could ask. "I-I'm Pansexual." Feyre rubs her thumb over his hand. "I'm sorry, I don't know what that is." Feyre admits. "I'm attracted to everyone. I fall in love with their personality, not their gender." Feyre smiles slightly. "Thank you for explaining" She looks into his eyes, they are so full of emotion, none that she could place. His eyes flicker down to her lips. 'Is he going to kiss me?' She wonders to herself, her heart pounding in her chest. He starts to lean in but pauses, trying to gauge her reaction. When she doesn't move away or protest, he continues to lean in, his lips lightly brushing the corner of her mouth. "Do you love him?" His lips brush hers as he speaks. "No" she breathes. 

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