Finally apart and finally together (Chapter 6)

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That was the first time she had admitted that to anyone. His lips crash into hers, the kiss soft and full off longing. It only last a few seconds until he pulls away, leaning his forehead against hers. She places the hand that isn't covering his, on his waist. Encouraging him for more. "Let me help you." Feyre looks into his gorgeous eyes; she never noticed how beautiful they truly were. "No" She whispered. Lucien's face fell, he tried to take a step back but she gripped his shirt in her hand. "You would loose your job." She explains, hoping he will understand. "You're worth it." At his words that mean more to her than he will ever know, she finally lets a tear slip down her cheek, her lips trembling. "Why are you crying, Fey?" Brushing his thumb over her high cheekbones. "Because you can't risk everything for me." She whispered. "I'm quite clever, I think I'll manage." He says smirking but sadness still in his eyes. "I don't know what to say to him." Not quite agreeing with him. "I can talk to him." She shakes her head. "Definitely not. The only way I'm agree is if he doesn't know you're helping." Nodding solemnly he agrees. "Is my apartment still available?" Feyre wonders. Finally moving back but still staying close, Lucien was on his heels, sitting in-between her knees. "No, Tamlin sold it" She nodded glumly. "You can move in with me?" Feyre blushes. "Are you sure?" Lucien smiled slightly, knowing he had gotten his way. "Definitely." Unsure, Feyre thinks for a few seconds. "Only for a very short amount of time. Just till I can find a cheap apartment." Feyre finally agrees. Lucien leans in to kiss her again. Just as they were about to kiss they heard footsteps approaching their office door. Jumping back they quickly sat at there desks. Slamming the door open Tamlin stalked into their shared office. "Lucien." He acknowledges with a sharp nod. Lucien's hands ball into a fist, not acknowledging Tamlin. "Feyre, come with me." Lucien looked at her, begging for her to say no. "Why?" Feyre asked. Trying to not upset Tamlin. "Because I said so." Tamlin's voice sharp as a knife. "But I need to work." She knew this excuse wouldn't work considering he was her boss. "Lucien can do it." He said with a shrug. "What? No he can't!" She exclaimed. "Yes he can." He said obviously restraining from grabbing her. "Tamlin, you can't just dump my work on Lucien so you can have a quick fuck!" Feyre covered her mouth. She shouldn't have said that. "What did you just say to me?" Tamlin's voice was deadly calm. Feyre's eyes widened. 'No please, not again' she begged to the universe. She looked at Lucien over Tamlin's shoulder. Their eyes met and she could see the fight in his eyes. He was prepared to fight for her. "Why are you defending him?" Tamlin said slapping her. "You love me! I'm your fiancé! You will respect me." Feyre gasped holding her red cheek. "No." She whispered. "No" she said again louder. Tearing of her ring, she put it on her desk. "I quit." A dry laugh escaped Tamlin's mouth. "No you don't." Feyre tries to step around him to the office door. "Feyre, no." Warning and anger clear in his voice. Lucien stood up quietly; making sure Tamlin didn't hear him. "I-I can't do this anymore." Feyre stuttered. She was glad Lucien hadn't said anything; she needed to do this by herself. "I don't love you anymore." Tamlin was statue still. "Are you seeing someone else?" He growled. "No! Of course not. I would never cheat on you." Feyre said soothingly. "Are you in love with someone else?" Feyre laughed, it was the only way to keep from crying. "Tamlin. I don't have to love someone else to not love you. Do you even realize the damage you have done?" She asks gaining confidence knowing Lucien was slowly opening the door. "What damage?" Tamlin asks genuinely confused. "The only thing I've ever done is help you!" The door was fully open now and just in time. Tamlin was getting angry, very angry. "You gave me an eating disorder!" She yelled. Lucien's head snapped up, his eyes scanning her body. She always wore loose fitting clothes to hide her figure, so she didn't blame him for not noticing. "You look hotter now! Who cares how that happened?" Tamlin yelled back pushing her shoulder, causing her to fall into the wall. Lucien rushed towards her. Gently holding her by the waist, he whispers in her ear. "Are you okay?" Feyre nods her head, still looking at Tamlin who was starring daggers at Lucien. "Lucien, let her go now. If you step away and go back to your desk; I won't fire you" Lucien starred him down. "You won't have to, because I quit. You have ruined enough of my friendships. Not this one." Lucien led Feyre out of the door and down the corridor. They carried on walking as Tamlin called out behind them. As soon as they were out the door, Feyre turned in Lucien's arm, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him close to her petite body. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear. She felt him shiver. "There is a café a couple blocks away. Want to get into the warmth?" She asks letting go of him. "Yeah, lead the way." He says making a flourishing motion with his arm.

As they walked into Velaris, the day's events finally hit her. She was finally free. 'Shit, all my stuff is at his apartment.' She set the thought aside for now, enjoying her newfound freedom. "What do you want? I'll go order whilst you sit down." Lucien said searching her face, a silent question in his eyes. "I'm fine Lucien. Great in fact." Feyre said squeezing his hand in reassurance. "Okay...Vanilla latte?" Lucien said with a sad smile. "You know me so well" She let go of his hand to go find a seat. Once Lucien had sat down and handed her, her drink she asked "Why did you do all of this for me?" Lucien took her hand in his, starring into her eyes. "Because I care about you." She squeezed his hand. "I care about you too." They just smiled at each other. After a few seconds her smile faltered and her lips started to tremble. She tried to blink away the tears. "You can cry if you need to. It won't make you weak. Especially after everything you've been through." She collapsed against him, sobbing her heart out. She clung to his shirt like it was her lifeline. Luckily the café was pretty empty at this time of day and the very few customers that were there stopped starring at her after a threating glare was sent their way by Lucien. She didn't hear the bell ring, signally the arrival of a familiar face. As the sofa dipped, she stopped crying with a hiccup. Turning to see who it was, she felt Lucien stiffen. "Rhysand." Lucien said with a voice void of emotion. "Are you okay Feyre darling?" Rhysand says ignoring Lucien. He puts a hand on her leg and moves his thumb in a calming manner. She shakes her head, not trusting her voice. She lets go of Lucien's shirt with one hand and places it on Rhysand's, fiddling with his fingers. "What happened?" She looks at Lucien, begging him to explain. "She officially broke things of with Tamlin." Rhysand held her hand comfortingly but happiness flashed across his face. "I'm sorry, but look on the bright side. You're free now." Feyre smiled a sad smile. "Yeah." She looked down at their joined hands. "Do you still have your apartment?" Rhys inquires. "Tamlin sold it." Lucien explained. "You can sleep at mine for a bit if you want?" Rhys offered. "I have a lot of space and I work all day so I'm hardly home." Lucien went stiff. "She's staying at mine." Rhys huffed. "Do you even have enough room?" Rhysand sneered. "Rhysand!" Lucien and Rhysand stare at each other, ignoring Feyre's disapproval. "Okay that's enough territorial bullshit." They both look at her with raised eyebrows. "I'm sorry Rhysand but I've only know you a week. Even though you know more about me than most people. That isn't a very long time. Thank you for the offer but I have to decline. And Lucien, I'm only going to be there till I get a job. 2 weeks tops." They both nod, accepting her words, even if they did hurt a little. "I can help with getting a job." Rhysand said after a few seconds of silence. "No I don't want a pity job." Rhys shakes his head. "Of course not. I've been needing a new architect and I've seen your work. It is sensational." Feyre blushed resting her head on Lucien's shoulder. "I-I don't know." Feyre still felt like it was a pity job. "I will of course have to interview you first but if your work is good enough, and from what I've seen, it is, the job is yours." At the reassurance that the job wasn't going to be handed to her, she became a lot more interested in the prospect. "Do you need an accountant?" Rhys looked confused, eyes flickering to Lucien. "Yes, I do. Why?" Feyre smiled. "No reason." Lucien looked down at where her head still lay on his shoulder. "Feyre." He said in a slightly agitated tone. "We dated for 3 years, he know what my job is." She just smiled up at Lucien, forgetting about the dried tears on her cheeks. "Wait?" Rhys said confused. "Why don't you have a job?" Rhysand questioned Lucien. "I couldn't let him dictate my life anymore." Lucien replied looking into Rhysand's eyes, holding so much meaning, that Feyre didn't understand, in the single gaze. Rhysand places a hand on Lucien's, which was resting on his leg. They were a tangle of limbs. All trying to comfort one another. "Can we be friends again?" Lucien said just above a whisper, scared of rejection. With silver lining his eyes Rhys nodded his head. "All of us, we are all friends now. I will help both of you however I can." Rhys said looking into both of their eyes, showing the truth in them. All three of them had tears in their eyes now. "Can we go somewhere else? I don't really want to cry in here again." Feyre says with a small laugh that didn't reach her eyes. "Of course Feyre darling." Rhysand replied. All of them standing up, Feyre in the middle. As they walked down the street, Feyre holding Lucien's hand with Rhysand's arm over her shoulders his hand resting on her shoulder occasionally brushing Lucien's arm, sending shiver down Lucien's spine. "My apartment is only a couple blocks away, we could go there?" Lucien asks. Not really paying attention, Feyre nodded. They walked in silence all of them absorbed in their thoughts. It was obvious to her that Rhysand and Lucien still had feeling for each other, both of them to scared to admit it, thinking the other had gotten over them. Feyre didn't know why but the idea of them being together hurt. She wanted them to be happy and it was obvious that they would make each other happy. But she for some reason she just didn't want them together and that confused her. 

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