Banter between 'friends' (Chapter 7)

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Stepping through the door of Lucien's apartment, Feyre scanned the room. As soon as you stepped through the door you were greeted by a small living room with a kitchen to the left. Two doors leading to what she suspected was a bedroom and bathroom, third door on the other wall leading to another room, a guest bedroom maybe. Even though the apartment was small, not as small as Feyre's but not as big as Rhysand's, it still had a slight luxurious feel to it. The little amount of furniture he had looked expensive and well made. "You kept it?" Rhys whispered, disbelief evident in his voice. He walked slowly to a picture on the coffee table. He gently picked it up; holding it like it would disappear the minute he looked away. Lucien walked over to Rhysand "Of course I did, it was one of the happiest days of my life." They looked at the photo seemingly lost in past memories. Feyre stood awkwardly by the door, not wanting to disturb their peace. Lucien looked up from the photo and noticed Feyre looking slightly uncomfortable. "Sit down Fey, make yourself at home." She does as he says and takes a seat on the sofa. "Did you want a coffee Rhysand? Seeming as we took you away before you ordered." Lucien had a fancy coffee maker in his kitchen. 'No wander he was always so picky on where he drank coffee." Feyre thought smiling to herself. "What you smiling at Archeron?" Lucien smirked, making Rhys' coffee. "Nothing you have to worry about Vanserra" Feyre laughed. She was happy he was teasing her again, but now she knew that it wasn't with malicious intent but friendly banter, she felt at home. Rhys sat down next to her on the sofa, leaning back and putting an arm on the back. She had never seen him like this and she liked it. His face relaxed and not full off worry or the smirk he had worn at the ball a week ago, he looked breathtaking. "You're starring Feyre darling." Rhysand smiled looking at her "No I wasn't" Feyre huffed but a blush coloured her cheeks. Rhys bursts into laughter "I'm only teasing." Putting his arm over her shoulders. Feyre just rolls her eyes. Lucien walks over with a coffee and takes a seat on an armchair opposite them. Passing the coffee over to Rhys, he looks at the arm Rhys has over Feyre's shoulder. "So Feyre, as much as I'm loving hearing you laugh. Do you want to talk about it?" Feyre shakes her head, sadness taking over her. "I'm just glad I'm finally free." Lucien frown's slightly. "Can you tell me what happened?" Rhys asks, squeezing her shoulder in a reassuring manner. "Well you know what happened in my apartment, old apartment," she corrected herself. Rhys nodded encouraging her to continue. "Well the next day I woke up to Tamlin calling me." Feyre began. "Wait, where did you sleep?" Rhys interrupted. Lucien nodded, agreeing with the question. "My old apartment." Rhys and Lucien looked confused. "But the mess-" Lucien questioned. "I just moved around it." Feyre shrugged "Anyway please continue," Rhys said turning more towards her to show he was listening. "Well he said that we could forgetwhat happened if I moved in with him. Don't worry I didn't want to and refused at first" She reassured after seeing the slightly judging gaze from Rhys. "But he said that if I didn't move in he would fire me, which I was suspecting but then he said..." She paused looking at Lucien and quickly looking away. "Then he said I wasn't aloud to talk to you, Lucien. So I agreed." A blush stained her cheeks and she looked up at to see a matching blush covering Lucien's. "Why would you do that Fey?" Lucien questioned. "I didn't want to loose you." Feyre whispered fiddling with Rhys' fingers that still rested on her shoulder. Lucien shook his head, "He could of hurt you, no he DID hurt you, why risk that? Especially for me" With silver lining both their eyes they look at each other in the eyes, searching. "You would have done the same for me." Feyre shrugged, voice raw with emotion. "Wait, he hurt you again?" Rhys said with his voice deadly calm. "It's nothing, he just slapped me. It's fine." Both Lucien and Rhys go stiff. "You shouldn't be used to that." Rhys whispered. "Why did you never tell me?" Lucien asked, "I could of helped." Feyre had a sad smile on her face. "I thought you hated me. You were his best friend, I thought you'd take his side and it would get worse." Lucien lent forward holding her hand. "I never hated you." Feyre smiled. "Well I know that now" She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Anyway I moved into Tamlin's apartment the next day, he had movers move all my stuff and then he asked me to make dinner," Feyre paused, not wanting to disclose what had happened after. "Then we went to bed." Lucien raised an eyebrow, him knowing Tamlin; he knew that wasn't all that happened. "Then the next day went into work, everything was fine, me and Lucien..," Feyre looked at Lucien and blushed once again "Talked. And halfway through the conversation Tamlin stormed in wanting to take me away and said I should just dump all of my work on Lucien. Which he can't do because it was designing a fucking building," Feyre was getting frustrated now, all of her angry towards Tamlin finally pouring out. "So I said no, he can't do that, so then he slapped me, we yelled at each other, I tore of my ring and Lucien helped me storm out and that's when you saw us." They sit in silence, all three of them in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. Feyre looked at the time. They had been talking for a few hours. "Rhys?! Don't you have work?" Feyre said panicked, "Don't worry your cute little face, Feyre darling. I'm in charge I don't really have to report to anyone if I wont be in." He said with a slight laugh. "I can't believe how long we've been talking." Feyre sighed. "That's because you're such a slow talker." Lucien smirked, his eye glinting with humor. "Oh shut up you idiot." Feyre smacked his arm gently giggling. "Ow! You're stronger than you look, you evil women." Rhys laughed at the pout on Lucien's lips "I think your just weak, Luc" Feyre burst out in uncontrollable giggles. The look on Lucien's face was hilarious. "Look what you did to her! You broke our Feyre darling." Rhys said poking Lucien in the ribs. "Would you stop with the violence?! Now my arm and ribs hurt!" Lucien exclaimed holding in his laughter.

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