Hatred (chapter 4)

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Trigger warning: Eating Disorders

She hated herself. She hated herself so much. She was lying in bed next to Tamlin. He was asleep, naked just like she was. Not being able to stand it anymore she slid out of bed and got in the shower trying to rub off the feeling of his hands. They were everywhere, he had touched her everywhere, all the places she didn't want him too. But he loved her. That was what she repeated to herself as she continued to rub at her skin and finally got out the shower. Starring at herself in the mirror, she looked like a shell. There was no emotion behind those eyes, not even sadness, just nothing. Dragging her hands through her wet hair, she tried to detangle the light brown locks. As her eyes traveled down and she looked at her naked body for the first time in a while, she saw how skinny she had gotten, she could easily see her ribs, that wasn't normal was it? Her hipbones stuck out too much. And her collarbones, they looked like they could snap. Her once full and perky breasts were small and sad. How Tamlin had made love to her she didn't know. She hated herself.

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