Uyai (twenty)

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"Honey guess who I saw at the mall?" she didn't wait for him to reply but continued.

"Arit. Can you believe it? I tell you I was shocked. You know it's been ages since I saw her and you won't believe it. She owns that fashion school I told you had just been opened close to my salon. Apparently this was just another branch. Honey are you listening?" Mrs. Ekpenyong paused when she noticed that her husband's attention was still on that boring newspaper.

"Honey?" she nudged him slightly, annoyed.

"Yes, yes I heard you."

"Then what did I say?" she folded her arms and raised a daring eyebrow.

"You saw Arit at the mall and apparently she owns a fashion school next to your salon did I miss anything?" He said still with his eyes on the paper.

Mrs. Ekpenyong smile satisfied.

"Okay, so we talked and I invited her over today but she she said she was quite busy and so I extended my invite till tomorrow. So we'll be expecting her tomorrow. She's here with her son so...honey?"

"I am listening."

"Remember back in secondary school when she used to have a crush on you?" she laughed at the memory.

"Did she?"

"Oh don't be so modest." she hits his arms playfully.

"she even confessed to you kneeling down and all and then you rejected her right in front of everyone. I remember thinking you were so cruel and even hated you."

That got his attention.

"Cruel? I rejected her in the kindness way. Did you know I wiped her tears when she started crying? Do you have an idea how uncomfortable I felt especially knowing I was going to confess to you that day?" he interjected, his newspaper now forgotten.

"Really? You wanted to confess to me?" She blushed, eyes widened due to this surprising information.

"Yeah and she ruined it." he grumbled.

"Awwn honey, I had no idea." She gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Well..." he laughed "I am married to you, so I've gotten over it." he winked and of course Mrs. Ekpenyong gave the natural response. She giggled.

"Ehe that reminds me. I was thinking..."


"The girls, Uyai and Affiong. What do you say about them learning a trade?"

"That's so thoughtful, but what kind of trade?"

"For a start, hair dressing. They could work in my salon." she shrugged.

"That's okay, but what about the eldest girl, her pregnancy?"

"That's not a problem." Mrs. Ekpenyong waved. She was ready to take care of the girl especially when she had received help from her grandmother. Taking care of the girls was her way of repaying the old woman who helped them at a dire period when they had no one. How could she forget?

"Have you discussed it with them?"

"Not yet. In fact I can discuss it now. Affiong?! Uyai! " she yelled.

The girls who had been busy with disposing their clothes in the trash bag, heard her call and immediately answered.

"Aunty, Uncle." they curtseyed when they stood in front of the couple.

"Sit down." Mrs. Ekpenyong motioned to the chair opposite.

When they had sat, Uyai feared they had done something wrong so she was tensed.

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