Part 3

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I hope yall enjoy this and please lemme know ur thoughts!! I love hearing them and they make me wanna post sadly lol! Any suggestions or things ud like to see please comment! Or even questions! Love u all i appreciate it!!

{June 25th 2018, 4:37pm}

~Veronica Merrell is typing..~

Roni: Hey Nessa, u active?

Nessa: uh yes..?

Roni: Where u at?

Nessa: upstairs..

Roni: oh

Roni: im just gonna text u cuz im lazy

Nessa: okay

Roni: Ive been noticing that youve been distant lately

Roni: r u good?

Nessa: Yeah

Roni: r u sure?

Nessa: yes i am

Nessa: y r u asking me this all of a sudden?

Roni: idk ur just not talking much

Nessa: maybe i dont wanna talk.

Roni: fine, i just miss u sis


Nessa: How can u miss me?? Just because ur older doesn't mean you can act like my mom.

Roni: geez sry

Roni: ur just acting different

Roni: i didnt mean to push it on u

Roni: r u ignoring me now??

Roni: really nessa??

Roni: fine, fine i'll play the ignoring game..

~Veronica Merrell is offline~


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