Part 10

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Look up at the photo up top to get instruction so you'll understand how the story is going to be set up :) Hope you enjoy and lemme know your thoughts!

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Look up at the photo up top to get instruction so you'll understand how the story is going to be set up :) Hope you enjoy and lemme know your thoughts!

THIS IS ALSO A DEVNESSA STORY! There may be hints to other ships but devnessa is the main focus! Okay now lets continue with the story!

{July 4th 2018, 7:59pm}

4th of July Party PART 2

The Key Bros and the Merrell Twins had finally met up at Collins and Devan's family Fourth of July party, but things were feeling a bit off. Nessa was barely making eye contact and Collins would glance up then back down to his hands. Devan knew he had to help Roni fix this, but how?

Devan: (clearing his throat) "Soo, do you guys want to do some sparklers?"

The other three just continued in silence.

Roni: "Uh..maybe later Devan, okay?"

Collins continued to glance at Veronica and his heart shattered everytime. It reminded him when he expressed his feelings for her through text and she had no idea what to say. What is there not to say? Was he really just some goofball? He had to get out of there.

Collins: (stood up quickly) "I-I'm gonna go see if there's games in the garage that my dad wants me to set up."

He soon began to walk away, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Nessa: (mumbled) "I'm gonna grab a drink."

She left as well, quietly as she came in. Roni and Devan turned to each other with a deep sigh.

Roni: (pats his shoulder) "I need to go talk to Collins."

Devan: (nods) "Okay, I'll be here."

Veronica headed off for Collins, immediately knowing this was her own fault.

She soon came around the house and found an open garage but no noise came out of it except a sound of breathing. Curious, Roni stepped in and walked towards the back of the garage. Yard tools was spilled around as well as gardening equipment, with two vehicles parked inside. It was also mildly dark, a great place for someone to hide from the world.

Roni maneuvered the corner and saw Collins sitting on the concrete floor with his head in his hands. She felt bad and crossed her arms over her chest.

Roni: (quietly) "Hey.."

Collins: (looked up to see her and turned his head) "What do you want?"

Roni: (stepping over some wood and sat down by him) "I think I owe you an apology."

Collins: "For what? You made it perfectly clear what you thought of me when we last spoke."

Roni: "But that was through a phone, we need to talk this out face to face."

She waited for him to look at her to continue. Acknowledging that, Collins turned his head to look at her.

Roni: "Collins, you are an amazing guy and so talented—you're one of my best friends! We used to talk all the time and have fun memories when our families hung out.. nothing is ever going to change that."

Collins: "But...I really like you Roni. More than just friends. And when I told you, you completely—"

Roni: (cutting him off) "—I didn't know what I say Collins! Because..I don't 100% know how I feel."

Collins: " don't like Aaron?"

Roni: (paused then shrugged) "I..I don't know yet, but that shouldn't change my friendship with you. I hope I didn't ruin it.."

Collins: (beginning to smile) "Don't worry, you didn't. I'm sorry."

Roni: (smiling back) "Me too."

The two friends began to hug and they both felt better now that they solved things. They soon pulled apart and let out a sigh, then a laugh.

Roni: "At least I fixed one issue in my life.."

Collins: (now frowning) "Yeah, I hope we can help Nessa..."

Roni nodded and rubbed her head. Could they?

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