Part 17

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Heres the next chapter yall! I hope you enjoy and lemme know ur thoughts because that helps me know im doing a good job! Love you all and here ya go!!

{July 10th 2018, 7:30am}

~Vanessa Merrell just posted a video on Instagram~

Been thinking and praying alot lately.. I'm feeling alot better :) #oceansbyhillsong

~Devan Key is Online~

~Devan Key liked Vanessa Merrell's post~

~Devan Key commented on Vanessa Merrell's post~


@devankey : Very beautiful...almost as much as you are :)💗

@rawan_15w : @devankey OMG NO WAY!

@tessbegue : @devankey I SHIP SO HARD RN!!!

@cutedevan : @devankey Aweee😍💕

~Vanessa Merrell sent a message to Devan Key~

Nessa: I saw your comment haha

Devan: Good :)

Nessa: Hey, listen I really wanted to thank you for helping me out with everything.

Nessa: It means alot to know you're standing by me 😊

Devan: Of course, you're one of my best friends and I want to make sure that you're okay..

Devan: Are you okay?

Nessa: I mean, I think so. I talked to Roni all night and we were both balling our eyes out saying how much we were sorry to each other.

Nessa: And sure, I'll have more doubts in the future but as long as I have my favorite people, I'm doing fine😊💕

Devan: That makes me so happy😁

Devan: You up for the park later? I kinda wanted to talk with you in person..

Nessa: long as ice cream is involved.

Devan: For sure😉😂 It's a date!

Nessa: It is?

Devan: Well I mean, people say that when they make plans with someone.

Devan: It doesn't mean it has to be a date..

Nessa: Oh okay, I'll see you at 3?

Devan: You bet!

~Vanessa Merrell is Offline~

~Devan Key is Offline~


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