Part 15

483 17 11

I hope you enjoy and please share your thoughts cause I love reading them!  This is where you'll find out this is happening!

{July 8th 2018, 8:32pm}

~Veronica Merrell sent a message to Collins Key and Devan Key~

Roni: Nessa quit the Merrell Twins.

Devan: She what??

Collins: Huh??

Roni: I wanted her to come to dinner and I guess I blew up at her. She said she doesnt want to be my ugly sidekick anymore that I can handle the channel alone.

Devan: Why would she say that?? You two are a team! Not one is better over the other!

Roni: I know. She said that people liked me better with my personality and my relationship with Aaron.. but that isn't true.

Collins: Im so sorry! Are you okay?

Roni: No.

Roni: I've been crying non stop, I'm crying right now.

Roni: I knew she was upset but not enough to quit Youtube!😭💔

Devan: This is just spiraling out of control..

Collins: What can we do?

Collins: We can't really talk to her..she wont let us unless we say something to get a rise out of her.

Roni: Guys, I don't know how I can fight this battle I'm exhausted.

Roni: I had that Anime Expo yesterday and I'm just not in a good place.

Devan: Ugh, i don't even know what to say.

Collins: Has anyone on instagram noticed her weird behavior?

Roni: Idk, I was too depressed to look at the comments on our new post.

Devan: I'll go have a look..

~Devan Key searches up the Merrell Twins's Instagram Account~

~Devan Key goes to the Merrell Twins's recent post~

Ready to take on @animeexpo with a little bit of yellow💛

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Ready to take on @animeexpo with a little bit of yellow💛

~Devan Key liked the Merrell Twin's photo~


@twinner.power : Whoa my girlies look beautiful in yellow!!😍

@merrzell : Danggg💗💗💗

@bunniesgirly: Perfect!! Wish I was there to see you guys!!

@RoniMStanxx: Roni wore her pikachu outfit better hands down, Nessa looks tired..she shouldn't be in the pic

~Devan Key took a screenshot~

~Devan Key sent a message to Veronica Merrell and Collins Key~

Devan: Most people I saw were being very supportive, except this weirdo.

Roni: What the heck?? Why would this person say this??

Roni: If they really stanned me, they'd stan my sister too!

Collins: Stan..? What does that even mean?

Roni: Not now Collins..

Devan: Maybe I should message this creep.

Devan: brb...

~Devan Key sent a message to RoniMStanxx~

Devan: If you know what best for your account, dont treat Vanessa Merrell as if she isn't as equal as Veronica.

RoniMStanxx: Listen Key, idc what you have to say

RoniMStanxx: While your here trying to defend your girlfriend, I still have many other accounts. You don't scare me.

RoniMStanxx: You cant tell me what to favor and what to not. I just don't like Nessa.

RoniMStanxx: What are you going to do about it?

~Devan Key reported RoniMStanxx for harassment~

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