Chapter 1: The "execution"

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"P-Please... I... I promise you... I didn't do it..!" you begged, trembling in fright as you sat bound tightly to a chair, your arms tied to the arms of the chair, and your legs to the chair legs.

"puhuhuhuhu! well that's not what your classmates said!" laughed the small half white, half black plush bear. he danced in front of you in a cute, childish manner, which made you all the more uneasy. "and besides! this is my chance to get you all alone! aaaall to myself!~" he said in a slight singsong voice. you struggled intensely, trying to at least loosen the ropes or something. but of course, it was useless. tears threatened to spill out of your eyes as monokuma pranced in front of you. you realize he had both paws were behind his back. "now, I get to try a little something something on you! my FAVORITE student!" he announced, raising his voice on "favorite" for emphasis. "f-favorite..?" you stuttered, taken back by this proclamation.

"yyyup!" he piped up jumping. "see, when I first laid eyes on you, I initially thought of you to be just another toy for my games." he stated. "but.. after a while, I saw that you actually had a care for your fellow classmates, despite how they were to you! and the thrill and fear on your pretty face!" he exclaimed, his white side visibly sweating and blushing. "not to mention, your voice! your voice is sooooo hot! especially when riddled in fear!" he nearly moaned, fidgeting in place. you stared, mouth opened, not knowing what to say. "I can't let someone like you go! no way, no how!" he growled, stomping his feet in an angry manner. regaining his composure, he stood on his tippy toes and got nose to nose with you. "sooooo, I'm gonna make you'll NEVER get taken from me." he purred.

as you found your voice to protest, he reveals a large syringe filled with a pink liquid that he had hidden behind his back. your eyes widen as you jerked back and struggled furiously. "No! No! Nononono! Please!" You yelled and begged. This only seemed to please monokuma further more. "puhuhuuu! there you go again, acting all cute and scared! but don't worry, this won't be as bad as ya think." he giggled innocently as he skipped cheerfully to your left side. "this might pinch a little!~" he said, as he jabbed the needle into your left arm and injected the mysterious liquid into your arm. you instinctively cried out at the sharp prick. monokuma giggles giddily as he yanked out the needle and tossed it over his shoulder. he totters in front of you and sits down, not taking his eyes off you. "and now we wait." you blink in confusion. as you opened your mouth to say something, but you suddenly get a ticklish, tingly feeling.

"wh-wha..what..?" you muttered as you squirmed and shook in your bonds. he fidgeted, as if waiting for something exciting. then it started to happen. your left hand started to loose feeling in you fingers. you turned to examine what the cause was, and to your shock, your fingers were retracting into your palms! pretty soon it was just a rounded paw, with a small, stubby thumb. it then grew fuzzy white fur, that went all the way up your arm to your shoulder. your arm shrank and lost its shape, becoming stumpy and flipper-like. at this point, you were able to yank it out of its bind with relative ease. you gapped in horror at your new, stubby appendage and winced at the fur working its way up your body, as the fur reached your head, your ears shrank into the side of your head and your once (length) (color) hair retracted into your head. next was your left leg. it grew into the same state as your arm, only with a rounded foot. "oooohh!" monokuma piped up, clapping his paws excitedly. "what did you do to me!?" you shouted to him. no answer. just a giggle.

the white fur had stopped suddenly halfway. (favorite color) fur started down your right side, repeating the same process to your other limbs. your body then grew chubby and rounded. as your belly distended and became white, your belly button popped out, showing an "X" marking on it. finally your face stretched into a small white muzzle, your mouth shrinking to accompate the size your new muzzle. your nose shrank a hard (color) nose. and finally, the right side of your mouth stretches into a wide, toothy smile, your eye taking a (color) glow to it, while your left eye became a small black dot with 2 long eyelashes. pretty soon, the left side of your face was a vacant stuffed animal's stare, save for the tension in the small black eye, matching the white side. and the right side an unshakable, twisted smile, complete with a wicked glowing (color) eye, matching the (favorite color) side. "Ooooohhh! you look so good in that color!!~" exclaimed monokuma, jumping in his seat. you then started to shrink.

you shrank down until your clothes had covered you completely. by this time, you were out of your binds. you struggled and shifted in the darkness. you felt pushing and pulling at your head and backside, and you flailed helplessly at the enlarged clothing to find a light source to see what was going on now. at this point, monokuma scampered to your chair and yanked a piece of your clothing forcibly. this dislodged you from this position and you plop onto the floor in front of him. you staggered to your feet and looked at monokuma. you were shocked to see that you were now an inch shorter than him. yet he looked very pleased with himself and you. "well well! aren't you just cute!! I've never seen this type of kuma!" he squealed. he then looked you up and down. "hm... one more thing." he said. he abruptly smacked something onto the top of your head, causing you to stagger in a temporary daze. "PERFECT!" he shouted as he pulled out a mirror out of nowhere and held it up to you. once you regained yourself, you looked into your reflection. you shrieked in shock at what stared back at you.

you were no longer human. you were a (animal) monokuma with a color bow at the right side of your head! "what did you... do.. to.. me..?" you couldn't speak as you raised a paw to your glowing (color) eye. monokuma wrapped his stubby arms around you. "I made you better than ever, my love!" he said nuzzling your cheek affectionately. you stared at him, paws clasped together over your chest, not sure on what to say. "this worked splendidly! now then, my little cutie." he proposed, taking both your paws into his. "why don't we turn in for tonight? we have a long day of desbearing tomorrow." he said. you slowly nodded. "sounds.. good." you said, an eerie twinge of cheerfulness to your tone. Why do I feel like this all of a sudden...? This isn't right...!

he snickered at your reply, rubbing your cheek. "but before we do, let's give an announcement! everyone MUST know about the cute new you!" he exclaimed, eyes twinkling "just imagine the confused, horrified and angered looks on their faces!" he added.

at the sound of this, a giddy, cheerful feeling washes over you... you.. started to giggle. And as you did.. it started to change... " huhu...!"

"...UPUHUHUHUHUHU!!" you began to laugh at the thought. the look on all of their faces, horrified and thrilled all alike! "sounds great!" You cheered clapping your paws. N-No..! It's not! What the heck am I saying!!? "well come then, my dear! let's spread this joy.. our joy, at least!" monokuma laughed wickedly as he ran towards the door, with you following suit. What am I doing!? I'm not in control of myself!! Help!

the students attention was brought up by a TV turning on, revealing two beings: a black and white bear and a (favorite color) and white (animal)/bear hybrid sitting side by side. "announcement time, everybody!" monokuma announced. then he wrapped his arm around the feminine (animal) look-alike and regarded her with affection. "I want you all to meet the newest member to the kuma family..."


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