pt. 2: your new "life"

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later, you are tasked by your self-proclaimed "lover" to make an announcement for the time. you giddily accept the task and trot to his office. as you actually manage to get away from him, you feel your HUMAN side finally regain hold over you. you sigh heavily and stop in your tracks. you take a moment to look at yourself again. I can't believe this... you huff and continue your way down the hall until you reach your destination. you walk in and take your spot on a brightly colored couch swinging your stubby little legs. during this time, your mind is currently waging war on itself. how could this happen..? why did this have to happen to me?? you couldn't help but feel like this was an execution taken to a whole other level. damned to being a wife to a psychotic bi-colored teddy bear? it was just.. more disbearing--.... disPAIRing than you could ever face. to make matters worse, you don't even seem to have control over your own body anymore! when ever HE was around, your other self takes full hold of your body! as if you were under some type of control! on the outside, you were no better than monokuma. you were pretty much just the same as him only with a (personality) flare. But unfortunately, you were submissive and lovable towards the dreaded teddy.

but inside, you were the same soft-spoken human you once were. you felt your disbearing shift into irritation. why!? why you!? how!? how could you, an ultimate Academy student with the ultimate talent of (talent) become enslaved by- "are you ready, my sweet mono(animal)?"

as soon as you heard monokuma's voice, your right (color) eye lit up brightly, flashing red and you feel a surge of unwanted giddiness and enthusiasm. not again..!- "As I'll ever be!" you chirped. No!? I'm not! you watched helplessly as monokuma set everything up. then, he bounced over to you and sat WAY to close to you. "you know how this goes. just tell those imbeciles what time it is! 'Kay, lovey?" you nodded and turned to the camera. Argh! I don't even know how long it's been! I don't know the ti- "This is an announcement from the Ultimate Academy!" you suddenly blurted. your body was once again taken over by your mono self and the words began to pour out of your your mini-mouth effortlessly. "it is now 10 pm! so unless ya wanna carry more dead weight than a morgue tomorrow, I suggest you lot get to bed now!" monokuma laughed heartily at that last part. "good one, my monokutie!" he cooed wrapping his arm around you and nuzzled your cheek. "it was my pleasure, my love!" you reply happily. no! no it wasn't!! "welp! that'll be all! goodnight, dear students!" with that, he turned the camera off. "welly well well! now that we're alone..." he purred turning to you. "here's a little more on what I had to ya." yes! what have you done to me, you psychotic hairball?! "more to what, honey bear?" you asked sweetly.

"right now, your original self is trapped inside you. disbearing and cussing me out, probably!~" he said casually, snickering. "but do you know WHY you can't control yourself, dearest monolovey of mine?" he asked, leaning closer. you shake your head. "upupupupu! well! i have you under my control!" wait, what..?! UNDER CONTROL!?! "oh?" you tip your head cutely to the side. "yup! right now, I have you under my monohypnosis.~ I can have you go from your boring old human side to your cute submissive mono side whenever I please!~ watch." he looks at you intensely, and suddenly, his red eye flashes vividly and brightly in your face. all at once you feel your true self finally regain control.

you shake your head wildly and blink your beady black eye a few times. "aaaAAA..!!?" you involuntary shout as you clasp both paws to your muzzle. monokuma starts laughing as you look around you frantically. "see!? it's so funny to see you so confused and frazzled!" he lets out a few more chuckles as you glare daggers at him. Well. With an adorable plush face, you looked more pouty than furious. "how could you do this to me!?" you shouted. "because I love you, of course! but what fun would it be to have you agree to my every whim? no no, not fun at all. gotta have you fight back a little! keeps things entertaining, ya know?" his white side blushes and sweats. "and I haaaad to keep that sane side of you! it was the cutest part of you after all! so during the day, you're my faithful lover. at night, your MY faithful playtoy.~" you feel your paws tremble in fury and all at once, you blow a gasket. "plAYTOY!? YOU PSYCHOTIC URSINE RAGDOLL! I AM NO ONE'S PLAYTOY! I CERTAINLY AM NOT YOUR DAMN LOVER! I AM A STUDENT! A HUMAN! AND I DEMAND YOU TELL ME HOW TO REVERSE THIS CURSE OR I'LL-"

before you can even finish, monokuma abruptly lunges at you, and started to... Lick you... all over your face! he had you pinned so you couldn't do much but struggle and squirm. "GAAAH!! SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU HAD A TONGUE!!?" after 30 minutes, he finally stopped. he sat down and panted heavily with his tongue out, while you had a pillow over your face, trying to rid yourself of the monoslobber. "ah.. I couldn't hold back much longer. you are so damn cute, I lost control." he said, huffing a puff of steam out. slowly, you turned around to face him, staring a murderous... pout. "you damn, sick perverted--!" his eye flashed vibrantly again, and those unwanted feelings of infatuation towards him came back. "--adorable, cute, strong bear of a husband!~" you suddenly blurted. Aw damnit!

monokuma chuckled and gave you a big lick on the cheek. "puhuhuhu! I know I am!~ now then. I think we should get some sleep for tomorrow." he said, taking your paw, walking into a bed room and leaping into the bed. after getting situated you curl up with monokuma behind you, wrapping an arm around you. "goodnight, my mono(name)...~" he cooed to you, snuggling unnecessarily close to you. "goodnight, my dear monokuma..." you reply.

I hope someone can save me from you fate..

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