Chapter 2: crime scene

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"Oh my god."

Your beady black eye locked on the still form sprawled out before you, trembling as you fought back the urge to vomit at the grotesque image that'll likely be burned forever into your mind.

Laying sprawled out across the ground wasn't someone you knew fully well, but from what you remember, he didn't remember his ultimate talent, and he was a bit mysterious, but he was quite good a nail painter and was a good-natured boy that had a bit of a big brother complex.

But now, here he lays crumpled on the ground, his blood matting his light greenish hair and pooling around his head with some of it on his hand, like he was trying to cover himself from the blow. A few inches away from him was the cause of trauma: a heavy shot-put ball, covered in the substance.

Death by shot-put ball...

Haven't really heard of that, but I could only hope it was quick...

You felt (kub) shaking against you as he buried his face into your thigh, whimpering softly, as the others didn't appear to have much of a concern for the poor boy, as it only fueled their excitement to find the blackened. ...Well and monodam who just stood silently to himself like he usually did. Aside from monophanie that actually vomited a smelly green substance at the grotesque sight which was the only understandable reaction of the whole damn situation. And as expected, kuma was sickeningly ecstatic at the scene. "About time we had something exciting happen in this joint! Right, honeypot?" he chortled, clapping a paw to your shoulder. "Er... s-sure, kuma." You replied weakly to which he chuckles in a disgustingly light-hearted manner and patted your shoulder. "Now all's that's left is to discover who the blackened is, ey? Let's get to investigating!" He chuckled, bounding off, leaving you with your dismal thoughts. As if life couldn't get anymore painful as of now... Without knowing what else to do, you just stood in a dismal silence, looking down at your feet as you fiddled with your paws. However, as you stared and thought, an unidentifiable emotion ran through you as the bear's words rang dully in your head. As... much as I hate to admit it... the bi-colored build-a-bear reject's got a point.

You thought, looking the corpse over again, your jagged (colored) eye giving an eerie flash as a sudden jolt of excitement made itself known in your chest that, for once, wasn't caused by kuma's control.

...Things are... starting to... kinda... get going in this place.

The game have now officially started to move forward..


With a start, you look up at the source of voice, who happened to be kaede, who was looking more skittish and nervous than usual. "Are.. you alright?" her voice was quite shaky and small, sounding more mouse-like if anything, which was understandable, given that there was a literal dead body right in front of her, but somewhere in your subconscious, you found the pitch to be oddly amusing, such a meek sounding voice coming from a tall human girl like herself. You stared up at the girl for a moment more, noting her fidgety body language and the unwitting wringing of her hands. In this moment, you're glad you had no visible pupils, because they're be looking her up and down and you don't want her knowing you're suspicious. Besides, it couldn't have been her. She and him were so close, and she's your friend you've known for quite some time. It would be wrong to just point paws at the moment.

After all, you can't make a clear decision without a solid vote on who the culprit could be!

Where would the fun in that be?

"...(Name)?" you blinked and shook your head, looking back up at the girl, to find shuichi standing by her, a thin veil of suspicion on his own face. since you couldn't smile, you shook your paw in a dismissive manner. "I-I'm fine. just... shocked is all." Your voice must have been was calmer than it should of been, because now they both lifted their eyebrows at you. Oh god... I hope this is just shock... After exchanging worried glances between each other they both just nodded, and continued on with their investigation. You huffed inwardly and turned around, setting a paw on your head.

I hope I'll be okay...

Sorry for the wait, but I had no idea how to write this part out properly. 😅

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