pt. 5: now your... reward..?

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next morning progressed as usual, only after yesterday's incident, he has you under his hypnosis spell for almost the whole day. this is so you can't run off with the other students and try to find an antidote for your curse. so pretty much half the day, you waited on kuma paw and foot, against your will. all day, you were forced to compliment, cook and get him things, all the while he treated you like more of a pet than "wife".

when you were finally able to distance yourself from teddy two-tone and regain your wits, you were able to sneak off and try to clear your mind and think of a way to get back to normal. some of the students were still trying to figure out how to do so as well. in the end the students all resided to just try and find clues and work in spurts in order not to alert kuma, while you played along with his little games.

it was like this for weeks on end. and boy did it SUCK. but, you had to remind yourself that each day made you come closer and closer to becoming human again and possibly escaping this hellhole.

that night, kuma had you off his submission spell and had a meeting with you in his room. "soooo, my lovely little honey pot! do you know WHY you're in here?" he asked, in a sickeningly sweet tone, making you repress a small retch. "tooo.. lick my face against my will again?" you guessed flatly. of course he laughed hysterically at your dryness and shook his head. "oh no, that only happens on weekends at 8 pm! my silly sweet sugar bun!" he coos, swaying his nonexistent hips with each "sweet" word. "it's because, I couldn't help but notice you're fantastic behavior these past few weeks! so I've decided to give you a reward!" he leans over the side of the bed and you repress the urge to kick him over the side. can't soil this mood... could end pretty badly. that was when he came back up and holds up something in his paw, with a cheeky air in his eyes. "Oh, god no."

in his paw was a thick black... collar. a freaking COLLAR. and on it was a big silver tag, with the words "property of headmaster monokuma" engraved in the metal. you reeled back in disgust."you've GOT to be-"

with any vital warning, he slings the thing around your neck and fastens it snuggly around your neck, nearly strangling you for a moment. after that he jumped back and marveled at you. you look down at the silver tag, tapping it gently, feeling a chill run down your back at hearing the metal jingling. "this is my gift, kuma?" you asked, displeasured. he let out another chuckle. "oh no, my dear! that's only part one of my gift!" he elaborated. "there's much more to it, let me tell ya. and I'm gonna say..."

"it'll benefit the both of us!"
you had trouble falling asleep that night. what the hell did he mean by benefit the both of us? you sigh. "whatever. I just need to sleep in order to keep kuma at bay."

you curl up and try to sleep best you can.

Who knows what that bear has in store?

Mine, now! {Yandere-ish Monokuma x reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora