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I once trusted a person,
A person I can't imagine would actually break me down.
He promised me his love and loyalty.
I gave him my heart, my heart that was wreaked by countless tragedy.
I loved him more than he deserved, a love that no one can imagine I could actually give to someone, to him.
He is my cure from all the pain I've experienced.
No, scratch that.
He was my cure from all the sorrows, misery and tragedy that was happened in my entire life.
He made me believed that there's a rainbow after the rain,
But my life was full of storm, I've waited for that rainbows to come. I thought he's one of those, but I was wrong.
He became my hurricanes. The tragic part of our story.
I knew that he was seeing someone, I knew that he's with someone else, while me? Waiting for him to come.
'til one day, that day became unexpected, He broke up with me.
I know what the reasons are, I know why did he do that.
Did I chase him? Yes. I chased him. I tried my best to hold on at the times our relationship ain't working.
But at the end, he chose her, he chose to leave me.
My life went black, I feel dark clouds surrounds me.
Now, I can say that I've moved on, but never be mended by anything or anyone, cause nothing was left to mend but an empty void.

-Denny Cole

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