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It's already seven o'clock
The time we used to talk
Now I'm staring at the ceiling
Trying to figure out what I'm feeling

I never thought what we used to be
Can make a poet out of me
Hundred words were written
Feelings that can't be forgotten

I was alive again when you came
I assume that we feel's the same
You always made me laugh
And yeah, A "tss" is enough

We exchanged senseless messages
And I'm still keeping the pages
I can't throw them away
All I ever wanted is you to stay

Remember when I confessed to you?
That was the moment I knew
What I feel for you is true

You told me that I am not pretty
And even said that you don't like me
But I still love that story
I'll always treasure those memories

I traded many hours of my sleep
Waiting for my messenger app to beep
I asked for the songs you like
And I played it every night

You served as my inspiration
My smile? You're the reason
But you weren't there when I fell
And that hurt me like hell

How I wish I don't have to miss you
'Cause it kills me everytime I do
But you are always in my dream
My should've and could've been

Now It's already 10 o'clock
The time I used to say goodnight
But I already figured it out
For the last time, just let me say
I love you and goodbye.

Obscure AnthologyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora