Chapter 9

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"Checkmate." He whispered.

Two Double Team Greninja clones came from behind Electrivire and had used Cut and Aerial Ace on the Electrivire's back, knocking him down in defeat.

Greninja struggled to get up, the sound of small debris hitting the ground echoed through the stadium. He eventually did so and walked towards the fainted Absol and injured Braixen. He held out his hand for Braixen which she took gladly. "You almost got yourself killed!" Braixen exclaimed wrapping her arms around Greninja's neck and pulling him into a hug. "But I made it out alive." Greninja responded. Braixen let go and searched through her bag that she had brought with her.

She pulled out 3 Hyper Potions and 2 Revives. "Here. I brought it for you and Absol since you guys would've been fighting...but I've never thought that this would happen!" Braixen explained. Greninja chuckled, thanked her for the potion and healed himself up. Braixen healed herself too. Afterwards, she walked over to the fainted Absol, crouched down and placed a Revive in her hand. The gem/crystal immediately disappeared, turning into glowing yellow dust, slowly falling around and on Absol. She opened her eyes a few moments later and sat up. "W-what happened?" Absol asked. "Long story." Greninja and Braixen said in unison. "Here. You might want to take this." Braixen added, giving Absol a Hyper Potion. Absol thanked Braixen and healed herself up and got up. "I do remember something though. Gengar and Electivire were picking on me and bringing me down before hurting me and fainting..." Absol recalled. "I don't know what happened after that..." Greninja looked down. "You didn't hear what Gengar said?" Absol stared at the ninja frog curiously. "No, what did he say?" "Well he said some very harsh words to you right before you fainted. But I'm not saying what he said." Greninja sighed. Absol nodded, "Understood, I guess."  Braixen looked behind her. "Uh, guys? You might want to see this..." Greninja and Absol turned to see Electrivire and Gengar standing up.

"You're damn lucky Braixen came in to save the day. We would've killed both of you with enough time." Gengar sneered. "Plus, I'm not surprised you came Braixen." Gengar said in a fake friendly voice. Gengar snapped his fingers, a small and quick dark aura emitting and disappearing. "I guess you sensed that Greninja was cheating on you for two days with Absol..." 

"What?!" Greninja, Absol and Braixen gelled in unison. Greninja and Absol by surprise and Braixen by shock and anger. "Wow. You didn't know that? Well, the more you learn!" Gengar laughed before him and Electrivire faded away and disappeared. Greninja and Absol turned to look at Braixen in shock. She was shaking and crying uncontrollably...

Greninja could feel his heart pounding in his chest, he was sweating, and his mind was going insane. She didn't believe it, did she? Absol just gave Greninja a look saying "What should we do?"

"Braixen." Greninja whispered, trying to hold her into a hug. Braixen slapped his hand away hard. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled. "I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME!" Greninja could feel his world crumble right in front of him. "B-Braixen it isn't-" He was cut of by Braixen. "I DON'T CARE." Braixen said firmly, tears flowing through her eyes. "I TRUSTED YOU. I-I Loved you. I-I really cared about you and, and...WE'RE OVER!" Was the last thing she said before running off out of the stadium. Greninja felt his heart break.

This was the first time he had cried. Cried hard. Life was already hard as soon as he was born...Braixen made everything better in his life. She meant everything to him. "I can't lose her now! This all my fault." Greninja yelled to himself through tears. He had fallen to his knees in defeat. "She means everything to me..." Greninja was starting to sob on the floor. Absol couldn't do anything or say anything. She just simply put her hand on his shoulder and tried to calm him down. Absol was in tears too. "It's not your fault Greninja. Both me and you know it's not true. We're only friends. I'll help you get back together again." Greninja stopped crying, sniffed and got up. He hugged Absol in sadness, while Absol hugged him back.

"We'll get through this."

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