Chapter 13

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Greninja walked home all depressed. Braixen didn't even want to talk to her, or even see him. "I know I wasn't cheating on her." Greninja said in his mind. "I still want to be her. I still want to be with her for my whole life. I-I. Love her too much..." Without realizing his surroundings, he had arrived to the house. Walking inside no one was home...or everyone was just asleep.

It was already 9:00 PM, he was still waiting on Braixen to arrive, so he made himself a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch without doing anything. Greninja just stared at the floor.

10:00 PM, 10:30 PM, 11:00 PM, still no Braixen.

Greninja's eye lids were starting to get really heavy. He was insanely tired to do anything after all what happened today. He wanted to stay up hoping to have a moment with Braixen and explain everything to her. But he eventually was knocked out cold by sleep on the couch.

Braixen arrived at 11:25, minutes after the frog Pokémon fell asleep. "Thank Arceus that none of our friends are asking anything..." Braixen told herself. She opened the entrance door trying not to make the door creak. She winced when the door creaked and looked inside to see if anyone had woken up because of her. Luckily no one did.

She looked into the living room to see Greninja asleep on the couch, with a cold cup of coffee on the table counter in front of the couch. He fell asleep with no blanket or pillow.

"I know I'm still mad and upset with him about cheating on me....But I still love and care for him." Braixen thought.

She went to get a blanket for him and covered him up. Then went after a pillow. She gently and slowly lifted his head enough without trying waking him up and sliding the pillow in. Braixen was unsuccessful in trying not wake him up, though.

He opened his eyes and they made eye contact.

Braixen's eyes widen in surprise as they both stared at each other. "Braixen."

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED BOOK 2] [END OF SERIES]Where stories live. Discover now