Chapter 21 - The Final Showdown (The Hero Returns!)

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Mewtwo launched forward at an incredible speed.

A velocity that was certainly faster than Greninja's. And he was heading straight to him. 

Already being injured, Greninja couldn't possibly react in time. However, Raichu, being the quick and alert electic-mouse he is, used his quick attack to take Greninja away before Mewtwo was able to connect his attack. "R-raichu! What are you doing?! Take me back there!" Greninja pleaded, following by groan in pain as his intense ache came back, "I-I, c-can still fight." Greninja winced. "No.  Let us fight for you for once. You're my best friend and you're already injured enough. The last thing I want is for my best friend to get even more hurt." Raichu gave him a look of sympathy. Before Greninja could even apologize or say something, the electric rodent already made his way back to the fight. 

The frog looked around his surroundings quickly as he tried to get up from the floor, he was in a small home that was left in ruins. Quickly he looked outside to see how the fight progressed.

"Crap he's strong!" Lucario struggled swinging as fast and hitting as hard as he possibly can with his Bone Rush. However even in his mega evolution and him going all out, it didn't even faze Mewtwo. Effortlessly, he was blocking and countering perfectly all of his attacks. His arms were beginning to give out as Mewtwo continued to put pressure on him. Above them, Gardevoir and Sylveon, who had jumped high tried striking from up top with a Fairy Wind and Shadow Ball. Mewtwo, being hyper alert of his surroundings, teleported before the attacks hit, hitting Lucario instead and sending him flying back. Gardevoir and Sylveon looked around frantically trying to look for him but failed to find him. "Behind you!" Arcanine called out. All of a sudden, a wave of dread went over both Gardevoir and Sylveon, as the Mewtwo appeared behind them. "Stop disturbing my fight." Mewtwo growled, hitting them with the blunt of his weapon and sneding them both down crashing intensely into the floor, causing more craters. 

Sylveon and Gardevoir were knocked out, while Lucario had sustained massive damage. 

Greninja felt his heart pumping and beating faster and faster with each passing second. " not my friends. I can't lose them!" Greninja panicked and his adrenaline pumped even more. "Not Braixen!" 

His body began to fill with rage, tears burning his eyes and clenched his fist looking at his friends being hurt by their powerful opponent. 

Two full powered hits and Arcanine and Lucario were knocked out. 

"I have to something! I can't just sit here and watch this!" 

A strong hit to the stomach, and Raichu was launched flying into a concrete wall nearby. He was knocked out. His words replayed in Greninja's head. 

"The last thing I want is for my best friend to get even more hurt."

Mewtwo chuckled, "Just as I suspected, nobody's as per usual. Can't keep up with my movement." He turned around to face a now horrified Braixen. "I know you're the weakest. So I should end this." Mewtwo began to slowly approach Braixen. She had her tail curled up, hoping that it would help protect her, but also knowing well that it wasn't. "What can I do..?" Braixen panicked, thinking to herself. She looked rapidly around herself to see if there was any escape but there wasn't. "Now, now. Don't bother wasting your time." He said in a chilling voice. Mewtwo stood in front of Braixen, looking down upon her. "Accept your demise."

She was frozen. She couldn't speak, yell, scream, move nothing. Braixen felt paralyzed. The feeling of dread didn't go away as she looked into Mewtwo's terrifying eyes. Braixen's eyes widened, and tears flowed in her eyes. Every precious memory she ever had replayed in her head. Spending time with her family. Being with her best friends. Being with Greninja. A memory replayed of their first kiss. Memories of them cuddling and seeing his smile. Replaying his comforting voice in her head saying that everything will be ok. Her tears flowed even more.

"I love you, Greninja."

Braixen closed her eyes and Mewtwo swung full force.

She heard a loud punch right in front of her. Braixen, scared and anxious opened her eyes. The Mewtwo let out a pained cough, a few droplets of blood coming out and was sent flying at a high speed across the street. What she saw brought her a huge smile.

A familiar frog, right in front of her, his fist glowing after using his signature Aerial Ace. 

Greninja. Her beloved Greninja. 

As if it were instinct, she threw herself in Greninja's arms as he caught her and cried happy tears. Greninja played with her fur for a moment in silence. "I'll always protect you." Greninja whispered softly into Braixen's ear, her smile only widening more and her blush getting deeper. 

Greninja let go of her, and that's when she noticed his appearance change. He had a red cross around his forehead, parts of his body had turned to a black color..and on his back a huge water shuriken...Not only that, but his aura felt a lot stronger than Mewtwo's.

He patted Braixen's head. "Move our friends somewhere safe." He ordered.

"I have some business to finish."

 His smile disappeared and turned into a frown. Greninja turned around and faced in the direction the Mewtwo was and gave the psychic a stern and fierce stare. 

Mewtwo stood up from the rubble he was in, turned to his side and spit a drop of blood. "I should've killed you when I had the chance." He growled.

"But you didn't." Greninja responded.

The Mewtwo's expression changed from a confident look, to a furious expression with an evil grin. "Oh but I certainly will end you now. Just like your parents." He teleported in front of the newly changed frog and looked slightly down on him and sneered.

"I've been blessed with an opportunity to take my revenge." Greninja growled. "You'll have to pay the cost for what you did to my parents, me, my friends and the love of my life." He created his water blade in his hand and tightened his group.

"You have a big mouth for someone who's about to take a beating." Mewtwo chuckled softly. 

Both Pokemon stood in front of each other, looking furiously into each other's eyes and clenching their weapons in their hands. Braixen could feel their extremely powerful auras from the building she was hiding in alongside with their knocked-out companions. Her body stiffened, not knowing what was going to happen next.

And currently, it feels like they're the two most powerful Pokemon in the world.

"Since you're paying, Mewtwo." Greninja said sternly. "I'll be collecting your debt."

*Sorry for any grammatical errors, next chapter would be soon! The big fight!*

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