Question 7-8

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Hey Guyzzzz hehe :) im back with another question from SoldiersAngel1999 for our favourite namkian Piccolo which is "Piccolo, how have you been able to handle Trunks and Goten without going insane? They can be so annoying sometimes and yet you mostly keep yourself under control. Also what do you think about Gohan's daughter, Pan?"  i totally agree those kids are so troublesome! gosh Trunks completely tee-peed my house AND pulled out my moms prized shrubs when he had offered to pull out the weeds then blamed it on me! just for revenge for what happened from question 1-4!!! 


Piccolo: What? WHAT! *winces and rubs ears* are you always so loud? i have enough trouble from Goten And Trunks but you! your 13 and you still louder than both of them combined!
Saph: you mean FUSED! into gotenks dummy! *laughs at her joke then stops at piccolos face looking expressionless*.... what that was a good one!! no?

Piccolo: *sighs and leans against wall* Why do you want me here?

Saph: oh right talking about Goten n Trunks you have  question based on them :) its from soldierangel1999-

Goten&Trunks: THERE'S A QUESTION ABOUT US! *looks at each other* AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Saph: Wait your telling me you both come when there's a question about you but when i  scream your name you dont? *smirks* oh and trunks your right revenge is sweet

Trunks: uhhh... w-what have you done now..

Piccolo: *rolls eyes and mutters* seriously shes 13 but acts like shes Trunks age what is up with humans these days...

Saph: I heard that! *turns to trunks and smirks evilly* Trunks you'll see when vegeta wakes up from his nap and brushes his teeth in 3......2.......1-


Trunks: *beads of sweat form on his forehead* s-s-saph w-w-what d-did you do!

Saph: Goten your quiet *looks around and sighs* GOTEN GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN AND GET YA BUTT HERE NOW!

Goten: *appears in doorway with a mouthful of food and food all over his face and smeared on his gi* (translation) Oh sorry i was just sooo hungry and i smelt food soo i had to eat some (actual word) oof smmry e wff soof hufry es e smelff foodf soof e haj tooth eas suff *food spraying everywhere*

Vegeta: ew how disgusting! go and get yourself cleaned kakarotts spawn!!

Saph,Trunks&Goten: *ROFTL*

Saph: *says between splutters* Ve-vege-vegeta... THAT! *starts laughing again*

Piccolo: *raises eyebrow finally amused*

Vegeta: *eye twitch* wah-what are you talking about *looks in the mirror and remebers the makeover saph gave him will sleeping* TRRUNKS!

Trunks: *stops laughing sharpish* dad! uh father it wasnt me!! i ssweaar it was saph

Goten: when did you get here vegeta?

Vegeta: *rubs of the make up with a towel* i came to get the boy *glares at trunks* YOU CAN PLAY YOUR LITTLE PRANKS BUT DONT YOU EVER! DO IT ON ME AGAIN!!!!!! *flys off*

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