Question 38

119 5 8

OKAI SO IM REAL BUSY WITH THIS THING SEEING AS I HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM MY LITTLE PONY AND SHIZZ :/ BUTTTTTTT 2daii we have another question from @gamezonejack for goku which is: "why didn't you kill super buu when you had the chance?" okai lets get this over and done with! :D


Goku: *materializes on the couch looking sleepy* oh... um *yawns* heyy.....saph *rubs eyes* what up?

Saph: yea sorry sleepy head you have a question to answer SO COME ON! GET UP!!!!!!

Goku: *yawns again* what?... now? *yawns again* yes, answer questions after a nap *tries to fall asleep on the couch but saph holds up his head*

Saph: NO! I SAY WE ANSWER QUESTIONS NOW!! THEN YOU CAN SLEEP! why are you tired anyway?

Goku: *half asleep already* late... night *yawns* if you don't mind imma just sleep here for a little while

Saph: WHAT?! BUT Y-

Goku: *pats saphs head like she's a dog* question time after okai... *falls asleep*

Saph: DAH FUK?!

Goku: *starts snoring*

Saph: okai then..... hes out of it *thinks hard* IDEA!! *looks at goku* brb! *flys off*


Saph: *flys in with goten and trunks*

Trunks: *lands with goten next to where goku was snoring* sooooo we just do.. anything to wake up gotens dad?

Saph: yes :) juss don't go to drastic

Goten: YAY! will.... will we get in trouble tho? because mom always says not to wake up dad because hes getting back strength from training so much :/

Saph: uhhh no 😄 don't worry! NOW WAKE HIM UP!!!

Trunks: nuh uh! you have to do something for us in return

Saph: WHAT?!?!

Trunks: you could just scream and wake up goku but instead you disturb us and get us to do your dirty work

Saph: YOU FU-

Goten: yea trunks is right. you need to do something for us because you interrupted our important work

Saph: *raises eyebrow* your 7 and what? 8..9 how- what " important work" is there for you to do huh?

Goten: play trunks' video games :) and win levels!

Saph: *raises eyebrows* really nigga?

Trunks: well, yea.. i bet its better than any crap you do :P

Saph: YOU FUCKING!- *reaches out arms to strangle trunks but hesitates, counts to 10 and breathes out* yes.. okkai whatever *pinches bridge of nose* can you please just WAKE GOKU UP!

Trunks: okaiii *flies off*

Saph: the heck?!! *turns to goten* WHERE'D HE GO?!!

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