Question 14

162 7 4

Okai 2daii we have a question from @xxAngel_Disneyxx for vegeta AGAIN! which is "was it you who chose trunks name or bulma?" thankfully its a easy one today cuz Vegeta is REALLY tiring me out... SIKE! *sighs* gonna go get him now...

Saph: VEGETA! WHERE ARE YOU!!!! VEGETA!!!! ... you know what now piccolo taught me how to fly why don't i just go there myself *fly's off*

                                                       10 mins l8er

*saph arrives at CC and fly's in through Vegetas open bedroom window where hes sleeping on the bed*

Saph: *hovers above his bed* GET UP VEGETA! VEGETA GET YOUR BACKSIDE OFF THE BED AND WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vegeta: *snuggles beneath the covers and grumbles crossly* shut up woman go make me breakfast

Saph: EXCUSE ME! on friezas ship servants might bring you breakfast in bed or whatever but I AM NO SERVANT ESPECIALLY TO YOU! *rips covers off vegetas body leaving him on the bed in his boxers* and EW! PUT. ON. SOME. CLOTHES!!!

Vegeta: *still half asleep and eyes still closed* bulma you blue-headed woman go check on your brat and LEAVE ME ALONE!

Saph: SERIOUSLY IF YOU OPEN UP YOUR EYES YOU WOULD SEE THAT I AM NOT BULMA! WE  HAVE A DIFFERENT KI, DIFFERENT VOICE AND SHES A WOMAN- IM A GIRL!!!! do your monkey ears stop working and you can no longer sense my ki when you go sleep? gosh its not Bulma its me SAPH! SAPPHIRE! SAPH!!!!!!!

Vegeta: *eyes snap open* wah-what are you doing here girl! *looks down* GET OUT! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE.. HOW DID YOU GET IN?! THE DOOR IS SUPPOSED TO BE LOCKED ONLY THAT BLASTED WOMAN CAN GET IN!

Saph: *eyes brighten* yea about that guess what.. I CAN FLY!!! I'M LIKE YOU NOW VEGETA!

Vegeta: *rolls eyes and sits up* perrrrleaase girl you can hardly hold SS form your no where near me now what do you want

Saph: *looks irritated at vegetas comment about being weak* YOU HAVE FAN QUESTIONS!

Vegeta: Argh! why is it always ME! *slips out of bed and goes into wardrobe to get his saiyan armour*

Saph: i was asking the same thing! your so arrogant, annoying, rude *goes on and on*

Vegeta: *heads into bathroom next door to take a shower and smirks* don't forget evil .. pure evil

Saph: *raises eyebrow* you can stop with the act Vegeta your not that Evil guy you was when you first arrived here!! you now have a family and a 13 year old as a best friend :) and-

Vegeta: *from in the shower* quit your nonsense earthling girl i don't have friends much less best friends and just because i have a.. just because i have a family does not mean i care for them and know matter what any of you idiots say i know i have evil in my heart *turns shower on and try's his best to ignore what her comeback will be*

Saph: *sighs and bulma comes in*

Bulma: *walks in with a cup of tea but stops when she sees saph* oh... hello? uh what are you doing here *looks around* wheres Vegeta?

Saph: oh Vegetas in the shower-

Bulma: did you come to Train with Trunks? hes in his room right now .. i never knew today was your day for training?

Saph: no no i came for Vegeta he has a question i need him to answer and i stopped training with Trunks and Goten cuz there not very good Teachers...

Bulma: oh well have fun :) call me if you need help dealing with prince Grumpiness oh and tell him his breakfast is on the table *walks downstairs*

Vegeta: *comes out of shower dressed* now what was it exactly you wanted to annoy me over again?

Saph: its not annoying its fu- its entertaining :)

Vegeta: *folds arms and looks away* i cant believe i actually allow this crap argh makes me want to throw up *goes downstairs and starts eating*

Saph: *mumbles to herself* I'm surprised you don't throw up with all that food you shovel down your throat!

                                                       5 mins l8rrrrr

Vegeta: *flys out of window and looks behind to see saph also flying then smirks* so you wasn't bluffing about you being capable of flying girl lets see if you can catch up with me*powers up a bit and fly's off leaving saph in the dust and a white trail behind him*

Saph: *pulls funny face into vegetas spot in the distance* WHATEVER SHOW OFF I CANT FLY THAT FAST!

Vegeta: *stops and fly's back* oh sorry earthling i didn't realize how weak and slow! you are *smirks* i forget sometimes that it is nearly impossible to so much as reach a level like mine

Saph: *throws a blast at him but he dodges* ill get stronger! *they both arrive in saphs house and she hops onto nimbus* OKAI! now the question from xxAngel_Disneyxx is "was it you who chose trunks name or bulma?"

Vegeta: *raises eyebrows at how simple and straightforward the question was* what kind of stupid question is that? do you truly believe i would name my only son after a pair of undergarment (A/N: True Vegeta quote) it was all that woman's idea! although i don't give a stuff about the kid i would of like to carry on the Trend  where the next heir to the throne is named Vegeta! but no! that wretched woman wouldn't shut up about how confusing it would be and how the name vegeta wouldn't suit the boy and yadder yadder yadder :/

Saph: huh well she does have a point didn't your mom have problems when she was calling you or your dad and you both came?

Vegeta: THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT! anyway i wouldn't be talking because we came to an Agreement that the brats legal name would be Vegeta-Trunks Vegeta-Briefs but he would be called Trunks Briefs

Saph: Trunks briefs has a more ring to it Vegeta-Trunks Vegeta-Briefs sounds like mouthful.....

Vegeta: as if your opinion matters! that was nearly 8 years ago now! humph i answered the question  now i need to get at least an hours worth of training in before going to grab a bite *fly's off*

Saph: well thats because you was SLEEPING HALF THE DAY! whatever I'm going to go train with piccolo before be blasts me with his eye beams for being late... *flys off in opposite direction*

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: hey thanks xxAngel_Disneyxx for your question if your wondering no i didnt make it up its a True Vegeta Quote bulma was the one who named Trunks but his legal name is Vegeta-Trunks Vegeta-Briefs cuz vegeta would never allow his only son to be named after underpants :) :) keep asking questions oh and sorry if Vegeta came a bit out of character i got carried away with the story :/ bye for noww see ya l8rrrr dont be a h88rrrrrrrrr

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