Question 24-25

134 5 15

How y'all doing :) we got another question for Goku from @saiyanx haha reminds me of Sonic X :) you know Sonic in Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic X...the show that used to be on 4 kids...never mind anyway the question is: what is your moms name and why do you wear your orange and blue gi all the time??? lets go and ask ma homie some quezzies :) :)


Goku: *I.T right behind saph* Hey :)

Saph: *hits goku with the pan on reflex* AH! oh sorry goku.. well YOU SHOULDN'T SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!

Goku: *starts munching on fried chicken* Mmph! sorry, whats up? :)

Saph: stop being a lazy ass and look! *sees gokus baffled face* what is it with you and being *raises eyebrow when seeing goku still looking 1000+ steps behind* why do i even bother! *sighs heavily* nothing goku.. nothing apart from the fact that you have some questions to answer...

Goku: *face lights up* REALLY?! AWESOME! I LOVE FAN QUESTIONS ;) who's it from this time :) :)

Saph: you say this time like you got loads asked....  sorry to bust your bubble saiyan Claus your not Vegeta :/

Goku: *face droops* no need to be mean sapphire, that wasnt really nice :(

Saph: yes well sometimes Honestys a Bitch.. along with Karma and female dogs :) :)

Goku: well... i guess your right...... *face light up again* well at least i got a question from.. whats the name?

Saph: its from saiyanx, now shouldn't we be getting on with it

Goku: ANOTHER SAIYAN! :) they just keep popping up!!  

Saph: once again.. hate to bust your bubble but just because its a name doesn't mean he is one..

Goku: um.. can you say that in english perhaps hehe... *puts hand behind head*

Saph: it was.........

#AwkwardSilence ............................................................................................

Saph: anyway i have an idea! why don't you ANSWER THE QUESTION!

Goku: but.. you haven't even told me what it is so how am i supposed to?!

Saph: *sighs and rolls eyes* the question is what is your moms name and why do you wear your orange and blue gi all the time???

Goku: ...........................................

Saph: goku.......

Goku: ............................................

Saph: goku?!

Goku: *stares at the floor but says nothing*


Goku: *pulls collar and says with a slight chuckle* ha well um.. i cant really answer that question im afraid..

Saph: and that's because..?

Goku: ive never met my mom let alone known her name..

Saph: then there's only 1 person that can help us...

Goku: *eyes widen* there is?!?!

Saph: yup gotta get ya old daddy broccoli :)

Goku: what? broccoli.. my dad? ohh you mean grandpa gohan.... hes um dead saph.. hes been dead for some years now :/

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